These tools aid the development of gfapi and help fixing bugs.
This small tool loads the graph specified in the passed .vol
file, and
destroys it again.
When running this with a debug build (./configure --enable-debug
) of
GlusterFS, memory leaks for selected xlators can be found. The debug builds are
needed to disable the memory pool functionality, otherwise valgrind
will get
(more) confused and is unable to track the memory allocations.
To build debug packages for CentOS-7, this command can be used:
$ make distclean ; rm -rf autom4te.cache *.gz *.rpm ; ./ && \
./configure --enable-debug && make dist && \
rpmbuild -ts --define "_srcrpmdir $PWD" *.gz && \
mock -r epel-7-x86_64 --rebuild --with=debug *.rpm
To build the test program, just run make
There are different .vol
files for testing in this directory, they all have
the *.vol
filename extension. Some xlators need a few configuration options
set, the details are mentioned in the comments in each of the .vol
The execution then looks like:
$ ./gfapi-load-volfile sink.vol
The log for this gfapi application can be found in gfapi-load-volfile.log
For further debugging with Valgrind, a command like this is useful:
$ valgrind --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all ./gfapi-load-volfile sink.vol