The Asset Cost Averaging Bot aims to implement the Dollar Cost Averaging investment strategy, with the difference that it supports all available trading pairs that Kraken offers.
A simple description of Dollar Cost Averaging is:
Dollar cost averaging is the practice of investing a fixed dollar amount on a regular basis, regardless of the share price.
The bot has a core functionality, an optional functionality and can be used in two modes. The core functionality is to buy an asset according to the Dollar Cost Averaging strategy. This can be done in finite and infinite mode. In finite mode the bot stops after a certain number of buy actions. The infinit mode is an extension and allows the bot to run and perform buy actions as long as you stop it.
The bot uses node-cron to schedule the buy actions. Have a look here to configure your schedule easily. To buy the asset in a short period of time, the bot uses the market type when placing the order and the current ask price to calculate the volume. This lets the price amount vary a bit, so that i.e. an investment of $100 may result in an investment of $100.10 or $99.90.
The second, optional functionality is to withdraw the purchased asset to store it in a cold wallet. Even though Kraken is (imho) one of the safest exchanges out there, you should follow the golden rule in the crypto world: "Not your keys, not your cryptos". If you enable withdrawal in finite mode, the bot will withdraw your asset after the last buy action. To withdraw your asset in infinite mode, a withdrawal schedule is used, which can also be configured with a cron schedule expression.
There are three ways to get the bot running. Each way requires you to have an API key pair created. Have a look at the How to to get support. For buying assets you need to give permission to query funds and to create and modify orders. For withdrawing assets you also need to give permission to withdraw funds.
The easiest way to get started is to adapt the ./docker/docker-compose.yml
file and to start it with the following command:
you can stop it with:
# stop
# stop and destroy
You need to have docker and docker-compose installed. The checked in docker-compose file contains the minimum required configuration. For a full set of available settings have a look into the settings.env
To use docker-compose with your own created image, first build the image with the following command:
you do not need to have Node installed on your machine. After your image is created, switch to the local image as described in the ./docker/docker-compose.yml
file and follow the steps described in the Docker Compose Section.
To start the bot with Node, first install the dependencies with:
yarn install
and build the javascript files with:
yarn build
You need to have your configuration available via environment variables before starting the bot. The easiest way to achieve this is to store your config in a .env
file. Use the following step to get a .env
file including the full set of available settings and configure it according to your preferences:
cp settings.env .env
The last step is to start the bot with:
yarn start
To start development, you must have Node.js and the Yarn package manager installed. You also need a valid .env
file. Follow the steps described in the Plain Section to create one.
# start in watch mode
yarn dev
# lint
yarn lint
# autofix lint errors
yarn lint:fix
# test
yarn test
# build production
yarn build
# start in production mode
yarn start