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Power BI Documentation

Data Flowchart

Circle nodes denote a user-facing endpoint. Cylinder nodes denote a type of data storage container. Hexagon nodes specify a data processing machanism where we have complete, fine-grained control over all steps in the procedure. Rhombus nodes indicate a data processing mechanism over which we do not have complete control. Dotted arrows represent data transfers occurring through a RESTful web API. The exception to this rule is Quickbooks Desktop which exposes data through an SDK. However, it is our intention to migrate to Quickbooks Online eventually, which does include a RESTful web API.

flowchart LR
  powerbi((Power BI\nReports))
  reg_script{{Batch File\nScript}}
  qq_database[(SQL Anywhere\nDatabase)]
  qq_dataflows{{Power BI\nDataflows}}
  qq_script{{Java Application\nScripts}}
  cradle_script{{Python Script}}
  bid_upload{{Batch File\nScript}}
  excel---->sharepoint---->powerbi-->validate>Data Validation]
  regfox((RegFox))-->reg_email{Scheduled\nEmail}-->reg_azure{{Azure Logic\nApp}}-->sharepoint
  verizon((Verizon\nConnect)) & synchrony((Synchrony))-->ver_email{Scheduled\nEmail}-->ver_azure{{Azure Logic\nApp}}-->sharepoint2-->ver_script{{Batch File\nScript}}-->postgresql
  synchrony-..->sync_java_scripts{{Java Application\nScripts}}-->postgresql
  zendesk & pipedrive & ga & mc & asana-..->stitch---->postgresql
  postgresql<==>trigger{{PL/pgSQL Trigger\nFunctions}} & process{{Java Application\nScripts}}
Data Source Description
Sharepoint Cloud storage for Excel spreadsheets which require manual data entry
Synchrony HR services, payroll, timecard, and insurance management
Quickbooks Accounting software for company financial data
Asana Task organization and planning software
Bidtracer Sales software to track bids and proposals
Zendesk Software to track tickets submitted by customers and technicians
Pipedrive Sales software to track potential upcoming projects
RegFox Software to manage customer training event registration
Cradlepoint Network routing devices which create a VPN between remote sites and ACES
Verizon Connect GPS tracking software to monitor ACES vehicle location and usage.
Mailchimp Marketing software platform
Google Analytics Analytics service which records usage statistics and web traffic on the ACES website


These languages are listed in approximate order of their importance. You should have a decent understanding of every language listed here if you hope to maintain and/or update the existing architecture we use for Power BI. You should also be familiar with GitHub.

Language Primary Usage
PostgreSQL PL/pgSQL General database queries
Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) Power BI measures
Java Desktop applications to gather, process, and organize data
Power Query M Formula Simple data manipulation in Power BI
Batch Files Scripts to process and move around data
Regular Expressions Parses data from text fields
PowerShell Scripts for operations that batch files do not support
SQL Anywhere Financial database queries
Python Script to extract API data
Markdown Documentation


All scripts and power BI automation are based out of the ACES-PowerBI server. When connected to the ACES network, you can RDP into the server. Most scripts on the server are triggered using scheduled tasks.

When errors occur, scripts are typically configured to send email notifications. There are multiple places required to change the recipients of these notifications. The first place is the error_email variable in the ./env_vars.bat script located at the root of this repository. The second place is in all the Power Automate cloud flows (Power BI notifications forwarding and Bidtracer Trigger). The third place is in all the Power Automate desktop flows on ACES-PowerBI (Bidtracer).

Recently, I created an email group, [email protected], and set all locations to point to this. So you are better off just changing the members of this group to add/remove PBI notification recipients.

Most data is sent to a PostgreSQL database for processing and historical storage before Power BI reports ever touch it. I would suggest inspecting this database with Azure Data Studio to get familiar with its structure.

For accessing the database via command line or batch scripts, I suggest using PSQL, which can be downloaded as a stand-alone command line tool using the PostgreSQL installer. For accessing the database with a Java application, I suggest using the latest JDBC connector.

There is a secondary SQL Anywhere database which is only used for Quickbooks financial data. QQube synchronizes data daily from the desktop version of Quickbooks (located on ACES-PowerBI). This database can only be directly accessed from ACES-PowerBI, so you'll have to RDP into it and use dsn=QQubeFinancials or dsn=QQubeUser. If prompted for a password, it is Financials and User, respectively for each DSN.

For convenience, there exists a Java application which synchronizes one job table in the QQube database to PostgreSQL. There are also a few dataflows which gather and preprocess particular piecees of data from the QQube database. Both of these options allow bits of the QQube database to be accessible from outside of ACES-PowerBI.

Note that there is a bug in Power BI when querying dataflows. The data will appear to refresh perfectly in PBI desktop, but then it will mysteriously fail when refreshed from the PBI service. The cause of this bug is a version tag which is automatically generated by the PBI desktop editor. This tag must be manually removed when collecting data from dataflows. See the following screenshots.

A few Azure logic apps are used to capture email attachments and upload them to Sharepoint. At which point, scheduled scripts on ACES-PowerBI grab the downloaded attachments with RClone and upload them to the PostgreSQL database. Some Excel spreadsheets are directly referenced in Power BI for data that must be manually entered. These spreadsheets typically live in Sharepoint.

After publishing new Power BI reports, you will want to attempt to manually refresh them on the service. If any errors occur, you should go into settings to make sure the service is mapping all the data sources appropriately. Sometimes, credentials from PBI desktop do not seemlessly transfer to the service when published. Typically, you will setup all reports to have a daily scheduled refresh.

The PostgreSQL database lives on an AWS EC2 Ubuntu instance. Since Power BI does not support client certificate authentication, all PostgreSQL queries are funneled through an on-premises data gateway located on ACES-PowerBI.


Stitch Integration Schedules

Stitch is used to pull data from various RESTful web APIs into the PostgreSQL database. Stitch API requests are scheduled to occur at specific times for each data source.

Data Source Integration Schedule
Asana Every 24 hours
Zendesk Every 12 hours
Pipedrive Every 12 hours
Mailchimp Every 12 hours
Google Analytics Disabled

There are a few problems with the Stitch integrations. Since the Asana integration takes a long time to synchronize everything, it is on my TODO list to create a Java application which replaces this functionality. When nodes are deleted from the source, Stitch will not delete them from the database. Stitch only updates existing nodes or creates new nodes. This is most problematic for Asana, which is why I created a Java application to delete these ghost nodes from the Asana database.

Script Timing Summary

The events shown in this table all affect ACES-PowerBI.

Schedule Script
12:00AM Daily bidtracer
12:30AM Daily asana-ghost-clean
1:00AM Wednesdays qqube-validate
1:00AM Fridays zendesk-validate
2:00AM Daily qqube-sync
3:00AM Daily timeworksplus
4:00AM Daily postgresql-backup
4:30AM Daily cradlepoint-backup
5:00AM Daily cradlepoint
5:30AM Daily qqube-checker
6:00AM Daily synchrony
7:00AM Daily regfox
7:30AM Daily verizon
8:00AM Daily rclone-monitor
12:00PM Daily qqube-sync

The purpose of this script is to delete ghost projects and tasks from the Asana schema in the PostgreSQL database.

  1. A scheduled task (daily at 12:30AM) on ACES-PowerBI with name script-asana-ghost-clean executes a batch script: ./asana-ghost-clean/exec.bat.
  2. The batch script executes a Java application ./asana-ghost-clean/asana-ghost-clean.jar.
  3. The Java application deletes projects and tasks from the PostgreSQL database when they do not exist in Asana (usually indicates these items existed at one time but have since been deleted).

If an error occurs at any step in the process, the batch script is configured to send email notifications. Detailed error information can be found in ./asana-ghost-clean/log.txt.

The purpose of this script is to backup a few important tables from the PostgreSQL database.

  1. A scheduled task (daily at 4:00AM) on ACES-PowerBI with name script-postgresql-backup executes a batch script: ./postgresql-backup/backup.bat.
  2. The script exports a few tables from the PostgreSQL database as CSV files. A maximum of 5 distinct backups can be saved at the same time.

If an error occurs at any step in the process, the batch script is configured to send email notifications. Detailed error information can be found in ./postgresql-backup/log.txt.

The purpose of this pipeline is to gather data from Synchrony and upload it to the PostgreSQL database. Collected data includes payroll, employee compensation, and timecards. There are two mechanisms for retrieving data from Synchrony. The first mechanism documented here encapsulates data sent to us with scheduled emails. The second mechanism is documented in the timeworksplus section.

Reports: Benefits Billing Detail, Time Sheet, Scheduled Payments

  1. [email protected] typically receives three emails from Synchrony ([email protected]) for a few days every week between 4:00AM and 6:00AM. The precise schedule is related to when a payroll has been finalized, so emails could come across any day. Each email contains one report in CSV format.
  2. The synchrony-email-capture logic app on Azure Portal captures emails from Synchrony with subject containing the phrase: Scheduled Report.
  3. Attachments from captured emails are uploaded to Sharepoint.
  4. Captured emails are moved to the deleted mailbox.
  5. A scheduled task (daily at 6:00AM) ON ACES-PowerBI with name script-synchrony executes a batch script: ./synchrony/import.bat.
  6. The batch script retrieves each attachment from Sharepoint using RClone and uploads them to the appropriate table in the PostgreSQL database: payroll.benefits or payroll.compensation. Duplicate entries are overwritten when necessary.

If an error occurs at any step in the process, the batch script is configured to send email notifications. Detailed error information can be found in ./synchrony/log.txt.

The purpose of this Java application script is to retrieve Synchrony timecard and PTO request data from the TimeWorksPlus API and upload it to the PostgreSQL database.

  1. A scheduled task (daily at 3:00AM) on ACES-PowerBI with name script-timeworksplus executes a batch script: ./timeworksplus/exec.bat.
  2. The batch script executes a Java application ./timeworksplus/timeworksplus.jar.
  3. The Java application queries the TimeWorksPlus API and uploads the resulting data into the PostgreSQL database.

If an error occurs at any step in the process, the batch script is configured to send email notifications. Detailed error information can be found in ./timeworksplus/log.txt.

The purpose of this script is to synchronize a Quickbooks job table from the SQL Anywhere database to the PostgreSQL database.

  1. QQube synchronizes data from Quickbooks into the SQL Anywhere database at 2:00AM every day.
  2. A scheduled task (everyday at 12:00PM) on ACES-PowerBI with name script-qqube-sync executes a batch script: ./qqube-sync/exec.bat.
  3. The batch script executes a Java application ./qqube-sync/qqube-sync.jar.
  4. The Java application copies data from QQubeUser.vd_Job in the SQL Anywhere database to in the PostgreSQL database using last-modified timestamps to determine what needs updating.

If an error occurs at any step in the process, the batch script is configured to send email notifications. Detailed error information can be found in ./qqube-sync/log.txt.

The purpose of this script is to send an email notification when QQube fails to synchronize Quickbooks to the SQL Anywhere database.

  1. QQube is supposed to synchronize data from Quickbooks into the SQL Anywhere database at 2:00AM every day.
  2. A scheduled task (everyday at 5:30AM) on ACES-PowerBI with name script-qqube-checker executes a batch script: ./qqube-checker/exec.bat.
  3. The batch script executes a Java application ./qqube-checker/qqube-checker.jar.
  4. The Java application checks whether a successful QQube sync has occurred in the last 9.5 hours, corresponding to 8:00PM of the previous night.
  5. If a successful sync has not occurred, the batch script sends out an email notification alerting IT that a manual sync needs to be initiated.

If an error occurs at any step in the process, the batch script is configured to send email notifications. Detailed error information can be found in ./qqube-checker/log.txt.

The purpose of this script is to verify job numbers and custom fields are typed into Quickbooks correctly.

  1. A scheduled task (every Wednesday at 1:00AM) on ACES-PowerBI with name script-qqube-validate executes a batch script: ./qqube-validate/exec.bat.
  2. The batch script executes a Java application ./qqube-validate/qqube-validate.jar.
  3. The Java application inspects the SQL Anywhere database for any jobs that do not meet validation requirements. These bad jobs are printed to the standard output stream. Afterwards, control is returned to the batch script.
  4. The batch script redirects the standard output stream from the Java application to ./qqube-validate/log.txt. If any bad jobs exist or any errors occur, the batch script sends email notifications with ./qqube-validate/log.txt as an attachment.

The purpose of this script is to ensure job numbers are typed into Zendesk tickets correctly. Zendesk ticket numbers are cross-validated against data from Quickbooks.

  1. A scheduled task (every Friday at 1:00AM) on ACES-PowerBI with name script-zendesk-validate executes a batch script: ./zendesk-validate/exec.bat.
  2. The batch script executes a Java application ./zendesk-validate/zendesk-validate.jar.
  3. The Java application queries a list of Quickbooks jobs and Zendesk tickets from the PostgreSQL database. A list of bad tickets (if any exist) is emailed to [email protected] and [email protected].

If an error occurs at any step in the process, the batch script is configured to send email notifications. Detailed error information can be found in ./zendesk-validate/log.txt.

Eventually, the intention is that bad tickets will be emailed to their creators. Emailing the entire list to Desiree and Zach is a temporary configuration to verify that all expectations are met.

The purpose of this script is to gather data from Bidtracer and upload it to the PostgreSQL database. Collected data includes a list of awarded bids with contract prices and estimated hours separated by category.

  1. A Power Automate cloud flow (Bidtracer Trigger) initiates a power automate desktop flow (Bidtracer) daily at 12:00AM.
  2. The desktop flow navigates to and downloads XLSX report files.
  3. The desktop flow initiates a batch script: ./bidtracer/import.bat.
  4. The batch script converts the XLSX files to the CSV format and uploads them to the PostgreSQL database.
  5. PostgreSQL triggers are invoked on insertion to delete duplicate rows: ./bidtracer/trigger.sql.

If an error occurs at any step in the process, the batch script is configured to send email notifications. Detailed error information can be found in ./bidtracer/log.txt.

The purpose of this script is to gather data from Verizon Connect and upload it to the PostgreSQL database. Collected data includes GPS ping locations on ACES vehicles (taken every 30 seconds). Additionally, safety violations such as speeding and hard-braking are recorded.

  1. [email protected] receives four emails from Verizon ([email protected]) everyday between 4:00AM and 6:00AM. Each email contains one report in CSV format. Each report corresponds to one table in the PostgreSQL database: movements, speeding, incidents, and services.
  2. The verizon-email-capture logic app on Azure Portal captures emails from Verizon with subject containing the phrase: Scheduled Report.
  3. Attachments from captured emails are uploaded to Sharepoint.
  4. Captured emails are moved to the deleted mailbox.
  5. A scheduled task (daily at 7:30AM) ON ACES-PowerBI with name script-verizon executes a batch script: ./verizon/import.bat.
  6. The batch script retrieves the attachments from Sharepoint using RClone and uploads them to the appropriate table in the PostgreSQL database.
  7. PostgreSQL triggers are invoked to delete duplicate rows: ./verizon/trigger.sql.

If an error occurs at any step in the process, the batch script is configured to send email notifications. Detailed error information can be found in ./verizon/log.txt.

RegFox is software used to manage customer training event registration. The data we get from here is essentially a list of customers and employees with the classes they are registered to attend.

  1. [email protected] receives an email from RegFox ([email protected]) every day a little after 6:00AM.
  2. The regfox-email-capture logic app on Azure Portal captures emails from RegFox with subject: Your RegFox Report Is Ready For Download.
  3. The body of the email is uploaded to Sharepoint.
  4. The captured email is moved to the deleted mailbox.
  5. A scheduled task (daily at 7:00AM) on ACES-PowerBI with name script-regfox executes a batch script: ./regfox/import.bat.
  6. The script retrieves the email body from Sharepoint using RClone.
  7. The script uses PowerShell (./regfox/parse.ps1) to retrieve a download URL from ./regfox/body.html.
  8. The script uses Curl 7.84.0 to download a CSV document from the URL.
  9. The CSV document is uploaded to Sharepoint using RClone.
  10. The script deletes ./regfox/body.html.

If an error occurs at any step in the process, the batch script is configured to send email notifications. Detailed error information can be found in ./regfox/log.txt.

The purpose of this script is to move data from the Cradlepoint API into the PostgreSQL database.

  1. A scheduled task (daily at 5:00AM) on ACES-PowerBI with name script-cradlepoint executes a batch script: ./cradlepoint/exec.bat.
  2. The batch script executes a Python script: ./cradlepoint/
  3. The Python script queries data from the Cradlepoint API and inserts it into the PostgreSQL database.

If an error occurs at any step in the process, the batch script is configured to send email notifications. Detailed error information can be found in ./cradlepoint/log.txt. In the past, this script has failed when Cradlepoint adds new columns to their API. The solution for this type of error is to add the missing columns to the appropriate tables in the PostgreSQL database.

The purpose of this script is to backup active Cradlepoint router and group configurations.

  1. A scheduled task (daily at 4:30AM) on ACES-PowerBI with name script-cradlepoint-backup executes a batch script: ./cradlepoint-backup/exec.bat.
  2. The batch script executes a PowerShell script, ./cradlepoint-backup/backup.ps1, which downloads router and group configurations from the Cradlepoint API using Curl.
  3. A Java utility, jar.exe, is used to compress the JSON configurations into a ZIP file.
  4. RClone is used to upload the ZIP file to Dropbox with 365 day backup retention.

If an error occurs at any step in the process, the batch script is configured to send email notifications. Detailed error information can be found in ./cradlepoint-backup/log.txt.

The purpose of this script is to ensure rclone backups continue to function as expected.

  1. A scheduled task (daily at 8:00AM) on ACES-PowerBI with name script-rclone-monitor executes a batch script: ./rclone-monitor/exec.bat.
  2. The batch script checks a number of Dropbox folders using RClone to see if any zip files exist with a last-modified date sometime in the previous 2 days.
  3. If recent zip file backups do not exist, then an email notification is sent.

The purpose of this script is to continuously monitor webservers for uptime, and send email notifications when a webservers goes online or offline. This is primarily used to monitor WebCTRL servers, but a few other websites are tracked as well. A scheduled task named script-webctrl-monitor starts this script on system startup on ACES-PowerBI. Events are logged to ./webctrl-monitor/log.txt.


This section describes a few prerequisites for getting the scripts in this repository to function correctly. Some scripts may not work outside of ACES-PowerBI at all, but others could have partial functionality. The location of this repository on ACES-PowerBI is C:\ACES\scripts.

  1. Clone this repository to your computer.
  2. Install the latest JDK, PSQL, Curl, RClone, Python, and PowerShell.
  3. Ensure the ./bin folder of each installation is added to your PATH environment variable. Also set the JAVA_HOME environment variable.
  4. Install the Python requests and psycopg2 packages with pip.
  5. Create a batch file ./env_vars.bat in the root of this repository. Populate it with the required credentials. An example is shown below.
set "lib=%~dp0lib"
set "attempts=3"
set "pbi_email=[email protected]"
set "pbi_password=12345678"
set "error_email=[email protected];[email protected]"
set ""
set "postgresql_port=5432"
set "postgresql_database=postgres"
set "postgresql_user=username"
set "postgresql_pass=12345678"
set "asana_token=1/1111111111:ffffffffffffff"
set "twp_api_secret=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012346789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
set "twp_site_id=000000"
set "X_CP_API_ID=234dg58723"
set "X_CP_API_KEY=b724bvsnfdcxy7y473e84c3bt68bw6ntfr34"
set "X_ECM_API_ID=n7c34ybbc-3chsgtbuytgfrvbeuy-4v5hr75hvjdf"
set "X_ECM_API_KEY=nbghregbuyfgebu43c8745ynt8nf85t43y8nf654"
  1. Execute ./collect.bat to download required dependencies.
  2. After making changes to source code, run the build script for each Java application script as necessary.
Build Script