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File metadata and controls

63 lines (58 loc) · 6.07 KB

Plugin for usage of Craftbeerpi3 with the Speidel Braumeister

***Update (01.01.2021)

  • Added Pause/Resume Button to BM_MashStep
  • This allows for interuption of process to stir for instance the malt during the mash or rotate the malt pipe
    • Button does only work when timer is running -> Notification is displayed
    • When button is pushed, auto mode is stopped and timestamp recorded
    • Pump and heater stops, but timer is still running.
    • When Button is pushed again to resume, time between Pause and resume is added to the timer
    • If Pause is still active when step is finished, 'Next Step' needs to be pushed to move to next mash step
  • The 5 minute button which has been added in the previous update does now also only wirk if timer is running
    • Notification is displayed

***Update (30.12.2020)

  • Added button to mash- and boilstep that allows to add 5 minutes to the step (can be pressed several times)
    • Can be used in case gravity is not where it should be and mash step should be extended

Hardware requirements

Software requirements (READ FIRST)

  • You need an installation of craftbeerpi3 with some additional plugins.
  • I have already modified the beerxml and Kleiner Brauhelfer recipe plugin on my forked craftbeerpi3 repo to handle recipe import for the Braumeister
  • You can download it here:
  • You will need the PT100X plugin to read the temeprature values from the PT1000 and configure it to PT1000.
  • You can download it here:
  • And you will need the cbpi Braumeister steps plugin which you can find here:
    • This plugin adds a parameter bm_recipe_creation to the Craftbeerpi3 Paramaters.
    • If you import a beerxml file or a recipe from the Kleiner Brauhelfer 2 application and want craftbeerpi to create steps for the Braumeister, you need to set this parameter to 'YES'
    • The plugin contains a slighlty modified version of the PIDSmartBoilwithPump (
    • It's called BM_PIDSmartBoilWithPump and you need to select this as logic for your Braumeister as it switches off your pump at 88°C (not yet tested for F)
    • PID settings have to be optimized for your kettle with the PIDAutotune plugin
    • PID control switches off at 88°C and boiling will be done with reduced heater power which can be defined as in the original plugin (default is 70%)
  • I do recommend to install and use also the Pushover Plugin to recieve push notifications when you need to add or remove the malt pipe or add hops.
  • The BM_... steps switch auto mode on and off automatically (e.g. to add or remove the malt pipe) This functionionality has been copied from the cbpi-SimpleUtilitySteps (

Step creation from a beer.xml file or Kleiner Brauhelfer 2 databse file

  • For beer.xml recipes upload a beerxml file (e.g. from Beersmith - tested on my side)
  • For Kleiner Brauhelfer 2, upload the databse to craftbeerpi
  • Import the recipe to craftbeerpi with (bm_recipe_creation must be set to YES)
  • The software now adds a mashin step that switches to automode once you start the process flow.
    • Once mashin temperature is reached, it switches off Auto mode and asks you to add the malt pipe and malt.
    • This step asks you to press the next button to move to the next step. Be carefull, as the auto mode starts again and Pump/Heater is switching bakc on
  • The next steps that will be automatically created are the mash steps (can be more then one depending on your recipe)
  • After the mash out step is completed, the recipe import adds a step that reminds you to remove the malt pipe and to sparge.
    • This step also stops the auto mode (pump and heater)
    • The next step is triggered once you click next step.
  • If the recipe has first wort hops, the import adds a first wort step that reminds you to add hops at this point. No waiting implemented to start boiling.
  • The boiling step is also added automatically and starts right after first wort hops if included in the recipe.Otherwise it starts right after removal of the malt pipe and confirmation.
  • Hop and misc alarms are automatically added.
  • last step that is automatically addad is the Whirlpool for 15 minutes.