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135 lines (110 loc) · 2.99 KB

HyperLogLog library for C language

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 * File: examples/rnd.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "../src/hll.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	long i;
	struct HLL hll;

	if(hll_init(&hll, 16) == -1) {

	for(i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) {
		long r = random() % 1000000;

		hll_add(&hll, &r, sizeof(r));

	printf("Estimate: %f\n", hll_count(&hll));


	return 0;
% cc -O2 -L lib -l hyperloglog examples/rnd.c -o examples/rnd
% time examples/rnd
Estimate: 994154.464585
examples/rnd  2,86s user 0,01s system 99% cpu 2,875 total


bits size (bytes) standard error
4 16 26.00%
5 32 18.38%
6 64 13.00%
7 128 9.19%
8 256 6.50%
9 512 4.60%
10 1024 3.25%
11 2048 2.30%
12 4096 1.62%
13 8192 1.15%
14 16384 0.81%
15 32768 0.57%
16 65536 0.41%
17 131072 0.29%
18 262144 0.20%
19 524288 0.14%
20 1048576 0.10%
struct HLL {
	uint8_t bits;

	/* registers buffer */
	uint8_t *registers;

	/* registers buffer size */
	size_t size;

Initialize a storage

int hll_init(struct HLL *hll, uint8_t bits);

Add key to set

void hll_add(struct HLL *hll, const void *buf, size_t size);

Get estimated set size

double hll_count(const struct HLL *hll);

Merge storages

int hll_merge(struct HLL *dst, const struct HLL *src);


void hll_destroy(struct HLL *hll);


оптимизировать размер хранилища: при bits >= 4 && bits <= 16 достаточно 5 бит на регистр, вместо нынешних 8, получим экономию в 1.5+ раза. Для bits >= 17 && bits <= 20 достаточно всего 4 бит на регистр, то есть экономия в 2 раза.

bits regs count bpr bytes saving error
4 16 5 10 37.50% 26.00%
5 32 5 20 37.50% 18.38%
6 64 5 40 37.50% 13.00%
7 128 5 80 37.50% 9.19%
8 256 5 160 37.50% 6.50%
9 512 5 320 37.50% 4.60%
10 1024 5 640 37.50% 3.25%
11 2048 5 1280 37.50% 2.30%
12 4096 5 2560 37.50% 1.62%
13 8192 5 5120 37.50% 1.15%
14 16384 5 10240 37.50% 0.81%
15 32768 5 20480 37.50% 0.57%
16 65536 5 40960 37.50% 0.41%
17 131072 4 65536 50.00% 0.29%
18 262144 4 131072 50.00% 0.20%
19 524288 4 262144 50.00% 0.14%
20 1048576 4 524288 50.00% 0.10%