Below is an example of a somewhat typical repository interface you might see in a normal n-ttier interface. Below are some questions to consider when using this pattern for data access in the typical n-tier style.
public interface ITaskRepository
ListTask GetTask(string id);
List<ListTask> ListTasks();
Task AddTask(AddTaskCommand command);
Task SetDueDate(ChangeDueDateCommand command)
Task CompleteTask(CompleteTaskCommand command)
Given the scenario: "I want to add the ability to delete a task."
Q: How much of the existing code would have to change?
Q: What other components would this likely impact?
Q: How would source control be affected by multiple developers adding new capabilities to tasks?
Q: Would adding a new capability introduce the risk of breaking other existing actions like "complete task" or "Get Task"?
In typical vertical slices architecture you probably wouldn't have a repository but for the sake of comparison here is what it might look like. note: ListTask is a task on a Task List the name is used to not conflict with the System.Threading.Tasks.Task
public interface IGetTask
ListTask GetTask(string id);
Given the scenario: "I want to add the ability to delete a task."
Answer the following questions.
Q: How much of the existing code would have to change?
A: You would create a separate inteface for Deleting a task
Q: What other components would this likely impact?
A: Adding a Delete Task action wouldn't affect any existing components.
Q: How would source control be affected by multiple developers adding new capabilities to tasks?
A: There would just be files added when adding compoenents for Deleting a task.
Q: Would adding a new capability introduce the risk of breaking other existing actions like "complete task" or "Get Task"?
A: There would be zero risk, "Delete Task" components would not depend on existing components.