- Update to latest Lima
- Switch to deepud-based Lima
- Switch to Qt 6.5.2
- Update to latest Lima
- Correct ud languages init
- Update to latest Lima
- More unit tests with several analyzers
- Unit tests with coverage at 100% for main API
- New API inspired by spaCy Most important parts of Lima (equivalent to Language), Doc, Span and Token are implemented.
- Complete model management API
- API documentation on readthedocs (https://lima-python.readthedocs.io/en/port-to-qt6/)
- Unit tests with coverage (currently 80%)
- abi3-based wheel usable on all python >= 3.7, < 4
- Switch to MIT license
- Make Lima class a callable which returns a PyCoNLL object
- analyzeText now returns a string to allow the use of dumpers other than the CoNLL one
- version number now centralized in a file
- Add meta parameter to API
- Named entities features in output
- Export and use user configuration
- Improve packaging process
- Named entities in UD languages
- Change API to allow separated config and resources user dirs
- First working C++ binding