Use these tools to develop and test your code against a complementary SMART Web Messaging capable component!

There is now a free, open source, SMART Web Messaging client library available here to make it easy to incorporate SMART Web Messaging into your EHR or App implementation!
Consult the client library User Guide for more details!

Please consult the Demo App User Guide for instructions on how to embed the provided demo app into your EHR and initiate app messages for your EHR to respond to.
The provided app allows you to insert any valid SMART Web Messaging message and displays the received response from your EHR.
Help prepare your EHR by offering support for SMART Web Messaging. Use this demo app to get it done quicker!

Please consult the Mock EHR User Guide for instructions on how to connect your app to the demo EHR and simulate EHR events with it.
Not all commercial EHRs support SMART Web Messaging yet, but the provided Mock EHR should serve as a suitable test environment in the meantime!