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Databricks/Alluxio Integration Demo


Expedia has integrated Alluxio support into our datalakes and into our query tools to allow efficient cached cross-region querying of data stored in AWS S3 buckets. For this demo, we will be showing how our Analytics datalake and platform can access data in the datalake in a different region. We do this transparently to the query engine, in this case Databricks, with the following methodology:

  1. Databricks is in AWS region us-east-1. datalake is in us-west-2.
  2. Create an Alluxio cluster in AWS region us-east-1. This cluster is configured with a list of S3 buckets in us-west-2 that it should mount.
  3. Install the Alluxio client JAR into the classpath of all Databricks clusters so that the URI scheme alluxio:// is supported by the query engine.
  4. Set the Hive Metastore URI for Databricks to our Hive federation process Waggledance. Waggledance is an Hive/Thrift API-compatible proxy that can federate multiple Hive metastores into one logical metastore.
  5. Waggledance is configured with the same list of S3 buckets. When Waggledance get an HMS response where a table or partition path contains one of those buckets, it will replace the location with a corresponding alluxio:// URI pointing to our Alluxio cluster.
  6. When Databricks makes a call to the Hive metastore, any tables that reference those buckets will be processed with the returned alluxio:// URI, and the Alluxio client jar will be used to read that data from the Alluxio cluster.

Technology Involved

Note - all ExpediaGroup internal source code urls have been removed

  • Apiary: Expedia Groups's open source collection of Terraform, Docker, and Java to create a federated cloud data lake with Ranger authorization.
  • Waggledance: Open-source Hive Metastore Federation Proxy
    • Responsible for presenting a federated view of various Expedia datalakes into one logical datalake, allowing cross-datalake queries, joins, etc.
    • This is the piece of code doing the actual S3 to Alluxio path translations on Hive tables and partitions
  • Apiary Hive Metastore Filter: Open-source Hive metastore filter that can do arbitrary path replacements.
    • We install this into the container running Waggledance.
    • It is configured to replace s3:// paths of our target bucket list with the corresponding alluxio:// URI.
  • Apiary Waggledance Docker: Open-source Docker image to configure Waggledance to run in Expedia's Apiary datalake.
    • Hive filter is configured here.
  • Apiary Federation: Open-source Terraform module to configure Waggledance via our Docker image.
    • Alluxio replacements are configured here.
  • eg-tf-mod-alluxio: Inner-source Terraform module to deploy an Alluxio cluster
    • List of S3 buckets for path replacement set in Terraform and mounted using AWS State Manager (Ansible playbook):
  - name: script to mount s3 buckets
      dest: /tmp/
      mode: 0755
      owner: hdfs
      group: hdfs
      content: |
        for s3_bucket in $$s3_mounts_ro
          /opt/alluxio/bin/alluxio fs mount --shared --readonly /$$s3_bucket s3://$$s3_bucket
  - name: mount s3 buckets
    command: /tmp/
    become: yes
    become_user: hdfs
    ignore_errors: yes
  • egdp-tf-app-egap-apiary Federation component: Inner-source Terraform application used to configure Waggledance, Alluxio, and the federation layer for our Analytics Platform Data Lake.
    • List of cross-region S3 buckets to access via Alluxio specified as a Terraform variable.
    • Alluxio created/configured by using the eg-tf-mod-alluxio Terraform module and configuring it with the above list of buckets.
    • Waggledance instance created by using the apiary-federation Terraform module, which also configures the PathConversion Hive filter in Waggledance to use the same list of buckets.
  • egdp-tf-app-egap-databricks: Inner-source Terraform application to deploy Databricks to the EG Analytics Platform.
    • Alluxio client jar configured in each Databricks cluster using code similar to:
# alluxio client
aws s3 cp "${TFVAR_ALLUXIO_CLIENT_PACKAGE}" "/databricks/jars/alluxio-${TFVAR_ALLUXIO_VERSION}-client.jar"