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djintegration - Continuous integration reports for python


Django continuous integration is a tool for running and displaying tests for the python language. Although python and Django are used, this tools is meant to be used with any python project that has tests.

Django continuous integration currently support Git, Subversion and Mercurial.

How does it work

You need to create a repository within the admin by providing a repository URL and add a test command (the default being "python test").

For every test this software create a virtual python environnement (virtualenv) and try to setup your python application by checking out your code and installing the necesseray dependencies. It's nececessary that your package list all the needed dependencies in It's possible that you will have to install some distribution dependencies by hand (like the developement headers for lxml).

Then you can generate a test report for all your repositories using the djintegration.commands.make_test_reports commands or by using the manage command:

$ cd testproj/
$ python maketestreports

This command will checkout your repositories in "/tmp/" and try to execute the command you provided. The result will be stored in the test report model.

The success or failure of the test is determined by the return code of the test command.

Using buildout

If you use builout with your project, you will not need any virtual environnement. Choose "No virtual environnement" in the admin options. Then you can execute your builout commands within the install textarea:

python <your-project>/ --distribute
./bin/buildout -v

Coverage support

If you support coverage in your tests, Django continuous will search for the coverage HTML directory. The name of the directory has to be covhtml or htmlcov. You can override this setting:

DJANGO_INTEGRATION_COV_CANDIDATES = ['htmlcov', 'covhtml', '...']

If found, the coverage HTML directory will be served via the web interface.



Default value: []

A list of emails where the failing tests are sent. You can override this value within the administration.


Default value: "[email protected]"

"From" field for report emails.


Default value: "%s latest tests didn't passed"

"Title" field for report emails, %s is the repository URL.


Default value: "/tmp/"

Directory where the virtualenv will be created and test runned.

What it doesn't do (yet)

This package is not a client/server architecture yet. All the tests are run on the server.

Make it run automaticaly

As you could have multiple repositories in different locations, I think polling is a realisitic approch. For that ou could use a cron job to make it run every 10 minutes:

*/10 *   *   *   *    cd /project/directory/;python maketestreports >> reports.log

Get started

Like all Django application you need to syncdb:

$ cd testproj/
$ python syncdb
$ python runserver

Then go the administration interface and add your repositories.