Application Programing Interface
- It doesn't expose application implementation to those who shouldn't have access to it. (controlled exposure of your application and data)
- The API provides a standar way of accessing the application.
- It makes it much easier to understand how to access the application's data.
API is intermediary/interface to deal with what client requests to deliver.
Here is the process listed out:
- Client sends a request to the API server
- The API server parses that request
- Assuming the request is formatted correctly, the server queries the database for the information or performs the action in the request
- The server formats the response and sends it back to the client
- The client renders the response according to its implementation
Internet Protocol (IP) is the protocol for sending data from one computer to another across the internet. Each computer must have a unique IP address that identifies it from all other computers connected to the internet.
There are many other internet protocols including:
- Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) which is used for data transmission
- HyperText Transmission Protocol (HTTP) which is used for transmitting text and hyperlinks
- File Transfer Protocol (FTP) which is used to transfer files between server and client
- Respresentational State Transfer
- Architectural style employed by RESTful APIs
- Introduced by Roy Fielding in his dissertation in 2000
- Defined by key principles
Uniform Interface Every rest architecture must have a standardized way of accessing and processing data resources. This include unique resource identifiers (i.e., unique URLs) and self-descriptive messages in the server response that describe how to process the representation (for instance JSON vs XML) of the data resource.
Stateless Every client request is self-contained in that the server doesn't need to store any application data in order to make subsequent requests
Client-Server There must be both a client and server in the architecture
Cacheable & Layered System Caching and layering increases networking efficiency
Hypertext Transfer Protocol(HTTP) is a protocol that provides a standardized way for computers to communicate with each other. It has been the foundation for data communication over the internet since 1990 and is integral to understanding how client-server communication functions.
- Uniform Resource Identifier(URIs)
- Messages : Requests and Responses
- Status Codes (e.g. 404 NOT Found)
- Connectionless: When a request is sent, the client opens the connection; once a response is received, the client closes the connection. The client and server only maintain a connection during the response and request. Future responses are made on a new connection.
- Stateless: There is no dependency between successive requests.
- Not Sessionless: Utilizing headers and cookies, sessions can be created to allow each HTTP request to share the same context.
- Media Independent: Any type of data can be sent over HTTP as long as both the client and server know how to handle the data format. In our case, we'll use JSON.
- Universal Resource Identifiers (URIs): An example URI is
. It has certain components:- Scheme: specifies the protocol used to access the resource, HTTP or HTTPS. In our example http.
- Host: specifies the host that holds the resources. In our example
- Path: specifies the specific resource being requested. In our example, /tasks.
- Query: an optional component, the query string provides information the resource can use for some purpose such as a search parameter. In our example, /term=homework.
Side Note: URI vs URL
The term URI can refer to any identifier for a resource—for example,
it could be either the name of a resource or the address of a resource (since both the name and address are identifiers of that resource).
In contrast, URL only refers to the location of a resource—in other words, it only ever refers to an address.
So, "URI" could refer to a name or an address, while "URL" only refers to an address.
Thus, URLs are a specific type of URI that is used to locate a resource on the internet when a client makes a request to a server.
- Method
- Path
- HTTP Version
Accept-Language: en
- Headers (optional)
- Body (optional)
- Method: Defines the operation to be performed, such as,
- Path: The URL of the resource to be fetched, excluding the scheme and host
- HTTP Version
- Headers: optional information, success as Accept-Language
- Body: optional information, usually for methods such as POST and PATCH, which contain the resource being sent to the serve
- HTTP Version
HTTP/2.0 200 OK
- Status Code
Date: Fri, 21 June 2019 16:17:18 GMT
- Headers(optional)
Content-Type: text/html
- Body(optional)
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Code Category:
- 1xx informational
- 2xx success
- 3xx redirection
- 4xx client error
- 5xx server error
- Status Code & Status Message
- HTTP Version
- Headers: similar to the request headers, provides information about the response and resource representation. Some common headers include:
- Date
- Content-Type: the media type of the body of the request
- Body: optional data containing the requested resource