Follow instructions to install the latest version of python for your platform in the python docs
We recommend working within a virtual environment whenever using Python for projects. This keeps your dependencies for each project separate and organaized. Instructions for setting up a virual enviornment for your platform can be found in the python docs
Once you have your virtual environment setup and running, install dependencies by naviging to the /backend
directory and running:
pip install -r requirements.txt
This will install all of the required packages we selected within the requirements.txt
Flask is a lightweight backend microservices framework. Flask is required to handle requests and responses.
SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and ORM we'll use handle the lightweight sqlite database. You'll primarily work in and can reference
Flask-CORS is the extension we'll use to handle cross origin requests from our frontend server.
With Postgres running, restore a database using the trivia.psql file provided. From the backend folder in terminal run:
psql trivia < trivia.psql
From within the backend
directory first ensure you are working using your created virtual environment.
To run the server, execute:
export FLASK_APP=flaskr
export FLASK_ENV=development
flask run
Setting the FLASK_ENV
variable to development
will detect file changes and restart the server automatically.
Setting the FLASK_APP
variable to flaskr
directs flask to use the flaskr
directory and the
file to find the application.
One note before you delve into your tasks: for each endpoint you are expected to define the endpoint and response data. The frontend will be a plentiful resource because it is set up to expect certain endpoints and response data formats already. You should feel free to specify endpoints in your own way; if you do so, make sure to update the frontend or you will get some unexpected behavior.
- Use Flask-CORS to enable cross-domain requests and set response headers.
- Create an endpoint to handle GET requests for questions, including pagination (every 10 questions). This endpoint should return a list of questions, number of total questions, current category, categories.
- Create an endpoint to handle GET requests for all available categories.
- Create an endpoint to DELETE question using a question ID.
- Create an endpoint to POST a new question, which will require the question and answer text, category, and difficulty score.
- Create a POST endpoint to get questions based on category.
- Create a POST endpoint to get questions based on a search term. It should return any questions for whom the search term is a substring of the question.
- Create a POST endpoint to get questions to play the quiz. This endpoint should take category and previous question parameters and return a random questions within the given category, if provided, and that is not one of the previous questions.
- Create error handlers for all expected errors including 400, 404, 422 and 500.
service endpoint
It's currently only available locally. run the backend server with flask.
GET '/categories'
curl -X
- Fetches a dictionary of categories in which the keys are the ids and the value is the corresponding string of the category
- Request Arguments: None
- Returns: An object with a single key, categories, that contains a object of id: category_string key:value pairs.
The Category Object
{'1' : "Science",
'2' : "Art",
'3' : "Geography",
'4' : "History",
'5' : "Entertainment",
'6' : "Sports"}
GET '/questions'
curl -X
- Fetches a dictionary of categories in which the keys are the ids, a list of the category ids of the current questions, a list of questions and the total number of the questions.
- Returns 10 questions per page.
- Returns each question in which the object consists with the actual question, the id, the level of difficulty, the category and the answer.
- Returns
404 error
if there is no questions in the database
DELETE '/questions/<int:question_id>'
curl -X DELETE
- Deletes a question with the id upon success.
- Returns
404 error
if the question with the id doesn't exist. - Returns
500 error
upon server error.
POST '/questions'
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d { "question": "sample questions?", "answer": "sample answer", "difficulty": 1, "category": "2" }
parameter | option | description |
id | optional | generated by postgreSQL automatically. It is a unique identifier for each question |
question | required | creates an actual question |
answer | required | defines the answer for the question |
category | required | specifies which category the question belongs to |
difficulty | required | specifies the level of the difficulty of the question |
- Creates a question object on success.
- Returns
500 error
upon server error.
POST '/questions/search'
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d {"searchTerm": "the"}
- Returns all the question objects includes the search term.
- Returns
404 error
if there is no matching question with the search term.
GET '/categories/<int:category_id>/questions'
curl -X
- Returns the name of the current category as a value with the key 'current_category', the list of the key 'questions' belongs to the current category and the total number of the questions.
- Returns
404 error
if the results doesn't exist
POST '/play'
curl -X POST "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"previous_questions": [5, 7], "quiz_category": {"type": "Art", "id": "3"}}'
parameter | option | description |
previous_questions | required | creates a list which consists of the ids of the questions users took part of, initially it would be an empty list |
quiz_category | required | specifies which category the user choose |
- Returns a random question from the chosen category
To run the tests, run
dropdb trivia_test
createdb trivia_test
psql trivia_test < trivia.psql
The backend, frontend templates were given by Udacity.
Go-Un aka Emilie has worked on
for the backend and modified the endpoints for frontend.