How and why encode your participation to event inside
Hi folks! We are proud to announce that you can now have access to the events section on
To indicate that you participated in events like hackathons, code initiation for kids, hosted a workshop, went to a conference ... during your training at BeCode. They will appear on your personal file at FOREM/VDAB/ACTIRIS. They will also appear on your personal profile on (in preparation).
Make sure to also mention each Watch and/or workshop you animated in front of your startup! #publicspeaking #ftw
For example: "Meaningful Code by Yann Lemin" was a conference animated on 23rd august 2018. You, as learners, may have attend to this conference so it will be register as a Conference Participation.
About the different type:
- Code Initiation
- CoderDojo => A code initiation but under the brand Coder Dojo
- Information Session: You are a BeCode ambassador, spreading the word
- Hackathon
- Job Interview
- if you attend a conference => conference particiapation
- if you ANIMATE the conference => conference animation
- if you attend a workshop => workshop participation.
- if YOU ANIMATE the workshop => workshop animation.
Happy eventing !