The following folder contains the RTL description of the board desing.
- ip - generated IP cores used in the design
- rtl_lib - 3rd party RTL codes. The list of all library files is shown here
- rtl - this folder contains my HDL files
- All constraints (which are not embedded in HDL file as ALTERA_ATTRIBUTE) are situated in
The design was created in Quartus 19.1.0. For the CYC1000 which is a good starting board for newcomers.
The project preparation is done via the TCL script which generates and translates the project. We are supporting following targets:
make project
- creates the Quartus projectmake compile
- compiles the project (DEFAULT RULE)make clean
- cleans the project foldermake run
- compile and program the device. The device id is passed in the DEVICE variable and .sof file in SOF parameter. Default values are DEVICE=1 and SOF=./output-files/brainfuck.sof
Makefile also contains some configuration of the project - name and output folder file. The configuration of the quartus project is situated in following files:
- TCL file which creates the projectproject-settings.tcl
- TCL file wit source files and PIN placementbcpu-sources.tcl
- TCL file with Bluespec sources
Simulations of internal components are situated in the rtl
Each simulation folder contains the TCL script which translates the design and
start the simulation in Modelsim.
You can run the simulation from the command line using the following command:
vsim -do sim.tcl
The configuration of UART (baudrate,etc.) is described here. Address space is described here
Input/Output | Purpose | PIN |
USER_BTN | Reset of the desgign | PIN_N6 |
LED0 | Reset done | PIN_M6 |
LED1 | UART RX activity | PIN_T4 |
LED2 | UART TX activity | PIN_T3 |
LED3 | BCPU Read Running | PIN_R3 |
LED4 | BCPU Enabled | PIN_T2 |
UART_TXD | UART TXD channel | PIN_T7 |
UART_RXD | UART_RXD channel | PIN_R7 |
CLK | Reference clock 20 MHz | PIN_M2 |
Clock in the design:
- CLK_REF - refernce clock signal, 12 MHz
- CLK_C0 - clocks from the PLL, 112 MHz
Each clock domain has a stand-alone reset signal which is hold for several clock cycles.