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Transcriptome assembly in the Palumbi Lab


  • Scripts are formatted for Stanford internal use. We use SLURM to send jobs to Stanford's Sherlock cluster.

How to create a Sherlock account

  • to get access and support, ask PI to e-mail and give you permission research-computing-support[at]
  • [Sherlock Wiki] (
  • create project directory in $PI_SCRATCH/ (20TB space available)
    • more space and accessible to other users in the lab
    • files are deleted from both your and PI scratch every 6 month. Regular backups (use "gdrive" or "rclone") are necessary.
  • your personal directory $HOME is 15GB
    • you can also use this space for your research, but it is not easily accessible to other lab members
  • more info on Sherlock storage

Downloading & storing data from Gnomex

  • go to the directory where you want your raw sequence files
  • use command line from Gnomex to download files to Sherlock
    • remember to install .jar file in the same directory you want your files to go
  • back up raw files to Palumbi Team Drive

Sherlock basics

  • to log in:

     ssh [email protected] #& type in pw to gain permission & access
  • to move around: cd $HOME is your personal directory

    • limited to 15GB storage
    • not accessible to other users
  • all common use scripts: cd $PI_HOME/scripts

  • all common use programs: cd $PI_HOME/programs

  • to add a program to Sherlock

     cd $PI_HOME/programs
     wget <linktofiledownload>
     gzip <file.gz> 
  • modifying your path to include scripts & programs:

    • this allows you to access these directories from any directory without having to hardcode the path
     cd ~  #move to your account's home folder
     ls -a #list hidden items
     nano .bashrc  #open this hidden file in the nano text editor
     #paste the following into the end of your .bashrc file
     export PATH="$PI_HOME/programs:$PATH"
     export PATH="$PI_HOME/scripts:$PATH"
     #ctrl O to overwrite, control X to exit
  • ways to submit jobs:

    • login_node this is the default, it's not for running jobs, just for moving around the cluster
    • sdev is for running small test jobs straight from the command line
      • one hour time limit
      • use sdev -t 2:00:00 to get max 2 hrs
    • bash is for use for small jobs in terminal
    • sbatch submits the job generated by your script to the cluster
  • to run your job on different nodes, in your batch script, add:

    • #SBATCH -p owners access to 600 nodes only available to owners. You will be kicked off an owner node if that owner logs on. Always check your slurm file to see if your job was aborted
    • #SBATCH -p spalumbi 256GB memory node
    • #SBATCH -p hns a series of nodes just for Humanities & Sciences users
    • #SBATCH -p spalumbi,hns #will submit your job to whatever node is available first
  • to check on status of job

    • squeue -u username
    • squeue | grep 'spalumbi #to see our spalumbi node's usage
  • to cancel a job

    • scancel <jobID> to cancel 1 job
    • scancel -u <username> will cancel all jobs
  • to see how much memory your job has used so far

    • sstat --format JobID,NTasks,nodelist,MaxRSS,MaxVMSize,AveRSS,AveVMSize $JOBNUMBER

Best practices:

Back up your scratch directory!

  • You can use the Sherlock data transfer node to move large datasets onto a backup hard drive
kinit [email protected]
rsync -avz --progress --stats -e 'ssh -o GSSAPIAuthentication=yes' [email protected]:/<sherlock directory> <backup location>
  • Use the script mentioned above to backup intermediate files

  • Check to see how much space you're taking up in the shared SCRATCH directory

    • du -sh * | sort -h
  • chmod 775 * to change permissions for programs, scripts, some files that you create so others can use them; i.e. this is important in the shared scripts and programs folders

  • chmod 444 files you don’t want to accidentally write over, chmod -R ### flag needed for changing directories

  • before downloading a progrma, check to see if it's already an installed module on Sherlock

  • if downloading a program for the first time, move the executable of the program to the programs folder; this can make it easier to call the program if your bashrc profile is linked to the programs directory mv <program> $PI_HOME/programs

  • if downloading a new version of a program, rename with version to not override any executables in that directory

  • try to create scripts that are not hard-coded so that others can easily reuse them

  • comment your scripts!

  • Tips for checking outputs along the way:

    • always look at your slurm files for errors
      • cat slurm*
    • when making scripts that split up data into TEMP files for parallel processing, add a line that states your input file in the slurm output, to do this:
      • echo $1 if $1 is your input file
    • to count lines in a file
      • wc - l <filename>
    • to count contigs in a file
      • grep -c “>” <filename>


1) Trim & Clip (Trimmomatic)

  • this program removes adapters, low quality seqs, etc.
  • webpage
  • for paired end reads:
    • bash *_1.txt
    • outputs 4 files: 1_paired.fq, 2_paired.fq, 1_unpaired.fq, 2_unpaired.fq
  • for single end reads:

2) Quality check (FastQC)

  • this step is useful for picking samples to use in your Trinity assembly

  • this step is also helpful for PE data, where you use the length of your sequences for merging reads (i.e. FLASH)

  • usage: bash *.fastq

  • to move html files from the cluster to your computer

    • open a terminal that is not logged into cluster
    • rsync [email protected]:<path on sherlock>*.html <directory path on your computer>
    • rsync -a will recursively transfer an entire directory

3) Merge paired end reads (FLASH)

  • This step is necessary for PE data to merge your two reads (_1 and _2) that you will use in transcriptome assembly, but is not necessary for SE data
  • usage: bash *_1_paired.fastq
  • webpage
  • get lengths of your trimmed seqs above and use in FLASH script

4) Pick what samples to assemble into a transcriptome 

  • pick samples relevant to your biological question
  • restrict sample # for computational capacity (i.e. 3)
    • examples:
      • Balanus natural cline: 3 trinity transcriptomes, one for each population that includes 3 individuals
      • Coral stress physiology: 1 trinity transcriptome with 2 experimental individuals and 1 control individual

5a) De novo assembly (Trinity)

  • You need to hardcode this script for yourself
    • an example: example_Trinity_mkm.sbatch
  • [Trinity wiki] (
  • to see insides of Trinity:
    • .Trinity --show_full_usage_info
    • you need to update this example for your assembly
  • Trinity computing requirements
    • 1GB RAM for 1M reads
    • Example: 3 Balanus samples: 11649437 + 11728787 + 11556893
    • total pairs of reads = 34,835,117 is 35GB RAM and 35 hours of time

5b)Check out the quality of your assembly

  • to get median contig length:

    samtools faidx Bg_2assembliesof3.fa
    module load R
    index<-read.delim(‘<file.fa.fai>’, header=F)
    table(cut(index[,2],30)) #bins into groups of 30
    table(index[,2]>300) #how many contigs are greater than 30bp
  • to get basic statistics, including N50

    • perl <assembly.fa>

6a)Take the longest Isoform from each contig

  • perl <input.fasta> <output.fasta>
  • this reduces computational load

6b)If meta-assembling Trinity assemblies

  • rename contigs in each Trinity file by adding a unique letter to the end of each contig name, for ex: "TRINITYa_####"
  • separate Trinity runs will have overlapping names that are not the same contig
  • if assembling multiple Trinity assemblies in CAP3 you will have duplicate names
  • Then combine all Trinitiy assemblies into one file:
    • cat Trinityrun1.fa Trinityrun2.fa > all_assemblies.fasta

7a) Meta-Assembly if you made multiple population-specific assemblies using CAP3

  • paper
  • manual
  • CAP3 is an overlap consensus assembler that will merge reads that would not assemble in Trinity due to high heterozygosity
  • usage:sbatch all_assemblies.fasta

after running:

  • merge your contigs and singlets files into one assembly file

    • cat file.fasta.cap.contigs file.fasta.cap.singlets > newfile.fasta
    • contigs are what CAP3 merged, singlets did not merge and still contain the Trinity output name
  • to look at contig #s after CAP3: 

    • grep -c '>' file.fasta
  • to check for contig name duplicates: 

    • grep ">" <assembly_file.fa> | perl | head -n

7b) Reduce redundancy and remove small contigs in your transcriptome with CDHIT

  • sbatch input.fa outfilename

8)Annotate (BLAST)

8a)Downloading a genome of interest to blast against

  • if you don't have this resource; move to 8b
  • download cDNA files for blasting your nucleotides against real transcripts
  • use the makeblastdb tool from ncbi to make a database:
    • to filter a transcriptome, start by blasting to full genome scaffolds
    • make a nucleotide database:
      • makeblastdb -in <infile.fasta> -dbtype nucl -out <outfile>
    • blast to scaffold database with blastn:
    • example scripts: (to split your assembly up for parallel processing),
    • take only the top hit from your blast output: awk '!x[$1]++' file.blast.out > tophits.blast.out
    • for annotation purposes, you could try blasting to the protein genomic resources:
    • make a protein database: makeblastdb -in <infile> -dbtype prot -out <outfile>
    • use blastx, example scripts where you will need to change the database to your genome:,

###Filter Assembly without available genome

8b)Annotate with Uniprot database

  • Uniprot is a more curated database and is recommended over NCBI-nr

How to download & create the Uniprot/Trembl database for the first time:

  • download Swiss-Prot & Trembl databases

     wget <link>
     gunzip <file>.gz
     # merge two database files into one database
     cat uniprot_sprot.fasta uniprot_trembl.fasta > unitprot_db.fasta
     # make your new fasta into a database
         makeblastdb -in uniprot_db.fasta -dbtype prot -out uniprot_db

Run uniprot blast

  • usage: bash <infile>
    • the script above splits your assembly into smaller files and calls the blastx on your uniprot database
  • after running, check if you get an error during your blasts
    • cat slurm*
    • most often, your blast may time out
  • if you get an error:
    • grep -B 1 error slurm*.out
    • for any file with error, take line before (the tempfile)
    • cat <TEMPwerror.fa> <TEMPwerror.fa> > <didnotfinish.fa>
      • this concatenates all TEMP files that contain an error into a new file
    • you may want to reduce the # of contigs the script generates for each TEMP file
    • bash <didnotfinish.fa>

8c)Annotate with NCBI-protein database

How to download & create the ncbi-protein database for the first time

  • Make sure local database on sherlock is up to date

    • link to ncbi databases:
    • nt = nucleotide, nr = protein
    • for ex: wget*.tar.gz
  • to open .tar files downloaded from genbank:

    • for i in *.tar ; do tar -xvf $i ; done &
    • ncbi files are already databases, no need to use makedb script
  • To run blast script:

    • bash input.fasta
    • this script splits your assembly into TEMP files for parallel processing
  • after running, check if you get an error during your blasts

    • cat slurm*
    • your blast search may time out if it runs too long on the cluster
  • if you get an error:

    • grep -B 1 error slurm*.out
    • for any file with error, take line before (the tempfile)
    • cat <TEMPwerror.fa> <TEMPwerror.fa> > <didnotfinish.fa>
      • this concatenates all TEMP files that contain an error into a new file
    • you may want to reduce the # of contigs the script generates for each TEMP file
    • bash <didnotfinish.fa>

9)Parse XML blast files

  • Both the uniprot and nr batch scripts above output XML formatted results
  • XML files are difficult to work with, pick what information you want and parse to a tab delimited format
  • XML files currently hold the most information about each blast result
    • i.e. gene name, taxonomy
  • to parse uniprot results:
    • bash
    • this script calls on your many temp files
  • to parse ncbi-protein results:
  • bash TEMP*.fa.blast.out

10) Use blast results to remove contamination

  • If you BLAST to a general database and not to a specific genome, this step is necessary to filter out any contamination

  • remove blasts that are likely environmental contamination, i.e. bacteria, fungi, viruses, alveolata, viridiplantae, haptophyceae, etc.

  • For uniprot results:

    • first, merge all of your parsed blast results into one file
      • cat *_parsed.txt > all_parsed.txt
    • second, create a file of only 'good contigs', i.e. metazoans:
      • bash all_parsed.txt assembly.fa
    • third, if you only want to use uniprot results, pull only good contigs from your assembly fasta file
      • sbatch assembly.fa goodcontigs.txt
    • to check how filtering went, count how many contigs you have before and after filtering:
      • grep -c “>” filteredassembly.fa
  • For ncbi-protein results:

    • first, merge all of your parsed blast results into one file
      • cat *_parsed.txt > all_parsed.txt
    • second, create a taxonomic tree to use for filtering
      • make a tab delimited file with contigs names and their associated GI numbers
        • i.e., import parsed file into excel and keep only those to columns, export as txt file
      • use this GI list to get taxonomic tree
      • sbatch type('n' or 'p') GIlist output
    • third, grep good contigs from uniprot
      • bash uniprot_goodcontigs.txt
  • combine results from uniprot & ncbi-protein databases:

    • cat uniprot_goodcontigs ncbi_goodcongits > combined_goodcontigs_duplicates.txt -then take only the uniq contigs from the combined file
    • cat combined_goodcontigs_duplicates.txt | sort | uniq > combined_goodcontigs_uniq.txt
    • you can check the # contigs remaining after this to see how filtering went
    • finally, pull only good contigs from your assembly
    • sbatch assembly.fa combined_goodcontigs_uniq.txt

10) Assess transcriptome completeness (BUSCO)

  • BUSCO provides quantitative measures for the assessment of genome assembly, gene set, and transcriptome completeness, based on evolutionarily-informed expectations of gene content from near-universal single-copy orthologs

#Install and configure (this has to be done for each individual's Sherlock account)

  • Edit busco's config.ini file to include paths to necessary dependencies on Sherlock
	cd ~/.config/
	mkdir busco
	nano config.ini #copy this file from busco's github directory
	#update the following paths in the config.ini file:
# path to tblastn
path = /share/software/user/open/ncbi-blast+/2.7.1/bin

# path to makeblastdb
path = /share/software/user/open/ncbi-blast+/2.7.1/bin
# path to augustus
path = /share/software/user/open/augustus/3.3.2/bin/

# path to augustus etraining
path = /share/software/user/open/augustus/3.3.2/bin/

# path to augustus perl scripts, redeclare it for each new script
path = /share/software/user/open/augustus/3.3.2/scripts/
path = /share/software/user/open/augustus/3.3.2/scripts/
path = /share/software/user/open/augustus/3.3.2/scripts/

# path to HMMsearch executable
path = /home/groups/spalumbi/programs/busco-master/hmmer-3.2.1/src/


  • sbatch input.fa output transcriptome


Map reads to assembly with Hisat2 (current)

#create an hisat index hisat-2 build assembly.fa <output-hisat2-index>

#call the program through a batch script bash hisat2-index chunksize *_1.txt.gz

  • chunksize is how many samples to run per one Sherlock job submitted, for example 2
  • for single end reads,
  • for mapping to RNAseq data to a genome (i.e. takes splice variants into account),


SNP Calling (BCFtools)

  • step 1: go to a directory with all of your bam files in it
  • step 2: mkdir vcfout #make a directory for all split/parallelized files to be placed into
  • to call: bash assembly.fa vcfout #cpus *.bam
  • number of cpus can be something like 24

Filter SNPs (vcflib)

  • vcflib website

  • vcflib scripts

  • can filter for: read depth, read mapping quality, base quality, minor allele frequency, min number of reads mapped, etc.

  • First, combine all of your VCF outputs from the parallel processing into one file called combined bash combined *.vcf

  • Next, use VCF tools to filter your SNPS: sbatch combined.vcf

  • this script removes indels, takes only biallelic SNPS, requires 7 mapped reads per allele at each SNP, and sets your min/max allele frequencies

  • you can also allow some missing data with this script using --max-missing (1 means no missing data allowed, 0 means allow all missing data)

Create 0,1,2 genotype SNP matrix (vcftools)

  • bash <combined_filtered_file.vcf> <outfile>
  • this is a simple format used by many downsteams applications

How to subsample a vcf with a list of SNPs names

# create a list of SNP names
# here, we call file of SNPs we have goodsnps.txt, it's formatted: contig_name \t SNP_location_in_contig
awk -v OFS="\t" '{print $1,$2-1,$2}' goodsnps.txt > goodsnps.bed #reformats above into a bed file
bedtools intersect -b goodsnps.bed -a allsnps.vcf > goodsnps.vcf

Protein changes

	#get open reading frame predictions for your assembly
	#usage without blastx info:
	sbatch assembly.fa empytyfile outfile
	#get ORF headers
	grep ">" orf.pep | sed 's/>//g' | sed 's/+//g' > orfpredictor_headers.txt
	#get snp protein changes vcf ref.fa orfpredictor_headers.txt OUT
  • this will output a file with
    • the contig and snp position
    • the reference allele and alternate allele
    • the reference and alternate protein
    • if the protein change was synonymous (S), nonsynonymous (NS), or in a UTR region
    • the position of the change in the codon (CPOS)

Detect SNP outliers (Bayescan)

  • download program
  • make a .bsc file, see R script: Bayescan_generate_input_file.R
  • rsync .bsc file to sherlock
  • on Sherlock cluster, run Bayescan
    • sbatch input.bsc
  • can take SNPs from three separate Bayescan runs
  • rsync FST file back to your computer and analyze with R scripts: Bayescan_plot_R.r and Bayescan_plot_results_sample.R


bash *.bam

  • see for more analyses