Welcome to the Cambridge Makerere Summer School 2024! This is the second year of the summer school and we are excited to have you join us. The summer school is a collaboration between the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, the Uganda Cancer Institute and Makere University. The summer school was kindly funded by Cambridge Africa, the Alborada Trust and Cancer Research UK.
The programme will include lectures and practical sessions on:
- Cancer Biology
- Cancer Immunology
- Laboratory Techniques for Cancer Research
- Bioinformatics
- Career Guidance
- CV Writing
In Uganda:
- Ashley Sawle (Bioinformatics)
- Maike de la Roche (Cancer Immunology)
- Adelyne Chan (Cancer Biology and techniques)
Online lectures:
- Greg Hannon (Metastasis, spatial analysis, vascular mimicry)
- Florian Markowetz (Computational tumour biology)
- Amid Roshan (circulating tumour DNA)
- Sarah Bohndiek (cancer imaging)
- James Brenton (ovarian cancer)
- 11-12:00am - Lecture: "Introduction into bioinformatics" (Ash) slides
- 12-1pm - lunch
- 1-3pm - Applied Bioinformatics training: Introduction into R (Ash)
- 1-3pm Practical (+ lecture);qRT-PCR (Maike and Adelyne)
- 3-4pm "Metastasis and vascular mimicry" (Prof Greg Hannon)
- 4-5pm - Applied Bioinformatics training: Introduction into R (Ash)
- 4-5pm - Practical (+ lecture): qRT-PCR (Maike and Adelyne) slides
- 11am-12:30pm - Lecture: "Introduction into cancer biology" (Adelyne) slides
- 1-2pm - lunch
- 2-3pm - Computational tumour biology: "All models are wrong and yours are useless" (Prof Florian Markowetz)
- 3-6pm - Applied Bioinformatics training: Introduction into R (Ash)
- 3-6pm - Practical (+ lecture): Flow cytometry (Maike) slides
- 11am-12:30pm - Lecture: "Introduction to cancer immunology" (Maike) slides
- 1-2pm - lunch
- 2-3pm - "Circulating tumour DNA" (Dr Amid Roshan)
- 3-6pm - Applied Bioinformatics training: Introduction into R (Ash)
- 6-7pm - Career advice session: CVs, applications, interviews slides
- 7-8pm - Personal insights: Angellina, Florence, Gideon, Peter, Segun
- 11am-12:30pm - Lecture: "Cancer Biology Techniques: WB & ELISA" (Adelyne) slides
- 1-2pm - lunch
- 2-3pm - "Multispectral imaging in early cancer detection" (Prof Sarah Bohndiek)
- 3-6pm - Applied Bioinformatics training: Differential Gene expression analysis with bulk RNASeq data in R" (Ash)
- 3-6pm - Practical: Western blot part 1 (Maike)
- 11-12:30 - Lecture: "Cancer immunotherapy” (Maike)
- 1-2pm - lunch
- 2-3pm - "Ovarian cancer" (Prof James Brenton)
- 3-6pm - Applied Bioinformatics training: Differential Gene expression analysis with bulk RNASeq data in R (Ash)
- 3-6pm Practical: Western blot part 2 (Maike)