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BIOSCAN Datasets for PyTorch

Latest Release Latest PyPI release
License MIT License
Documentation Documentation
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In this package, we provide PyTorch/torchvision style dataset classes to load the BIOSCAN-1M and BIOSCAN-5M datasets.

BIOSCAN-1M and 5M are large multimodal datasets for insect biodiversity monitoring, containing over 1 million and 5 million specimens, respectively. The datasets are comprised of RGB microscopy images, DNA barcodes, and fine-grained, hierarchical taxonomic labels. Every sample has both an image and a DNA barcode, but the taxonomic labels are incomplete and only extend all the way to the species level for around 9% of the specimens.

Documentation, including the full API details, is available online at readthedocs.


The bioscan-dataset package is available on PyPI, and the latest version can be installed into your current environment using pip.

To install the package, run:

pip install bioscan-dataset


The datasets can be used in the same way as PyTorch's torchvision datasets. For example, to load the BIOSCAN-1M dataset:

from bioscan_dataset import BIOSCAN1M

dataset = BIOSCAN1M(root="~/Datasets/bioscan/bioscan-1m/")

for image, dna_barcode, label in dataset:
    # Do something with the image, dna_barcode, and label

To load the BIOSCAN-5M dataset:

from bioscan_dataset import BIOSCAN5M

dataset = BIOSCAN5M(root="~/Datasets/bioscan/bioscan-5m/")

for image, dna_barcode, label in dataset:
    # Do something with the image, dna_barcode, and label

Note that although BIOSCAN-5M is a superset of BIOSCAN-1M, the repeated data samples are not identical between the two due to data cleaning and processing differences. Additionally, note that the splits are incompatible between the two datasets. For details, see the BIOSCAN-5M paper.

For these reasons, we recommend new projects use the BIOSCAN-5M dataset over BIOSCAN-1M.

Dataset download

For BIOSCAN-5M, the dataset class supports automatically downloading the cropped_256 image package (which is the default package). This can be performed by setting the argument download=True:

dataset = BIOSCAN5M(root="~/Datasets/bioscan/bioscan-5m/", download=True)

To use a different image package, follow the download instructions given in the BIOSCAN-5M repository, then set the argument image_package to the desired package name, e.g.

# Manually download original_full from
# and unzip the 5 zip files into ~/Datasets/bioscan/bioscan-5m/bioscan5m/images/original_full/
# Then load the dataset as follows:
dataset = BIOSCAN5M(
    root="~/Datasets/bioscan/bioscan-5m/", image_package="original_full"

For BIOSCAN-1M, automatic dataset download is not supported and so the dataset must be manually downloaded. See the BIOSCAN-1M repository for download instructions.

Partition/split selection

The dataset class can be used to load different dataset splits. By default, the dataset class will load the training split (train).

For example, to load the validation split:

dataset = BIOSCAN5M(root="~/Datasets/bioscan/bioscan-5m/", split="val")

In the BIOSCAN-5M dataset, the dataset is partitioned so there are train, val, and test splits to use for closed-world tasks (seen species), and key_unseen, val_unseen, and test_unseen splits to use for open-world tasks (unseen species). These partitions only use samples labelled to species-level.

The pretrain split, which contains 90% of the data, is available for self- and semi-supervised training. Note that these samples may include species in the unseen partition, since we don't know what species these specimens are.

Additionally, there is an other_heldout split, which contains more unseen species with either too few samples to use for testing, or a genus label which does not appear in the seen set. This partition can be used for training a novelty detector, without exposing the detector to the species in the unseen species set.

Species set Split Purpose # Samples # Barcodes # Species
unknown pretrain self- and semi-sup. training 4,677,756 2,284,232
seen train supervision; retrieval keys 289,203 118,051 11,846
val model dev; retrieval queries 14,757 6,588 3,378
test final eval; retrieval queries 39,373 18,362 3,483
unseen key_unseen retrieval keys 36,465 12,166 914
val_unseen model dev; retrieval queries 8,819 2,442 903
test_unseen final eval; retrieval queries 7,887 3,401 880
heldout other_heldout novelty detector training 76,590 41,250 9,862

For more details about the BIOSCAN-5M partitioning, please see the BIOSCAN-5M paper.

Input modality selection

By default, the dataset class will load both the image and DNA barcode as inputs for each sample.

This can be changed by setting the argument input_modality to either "image":

dataset = BIOSCAN5M(root="~/Datasets/bioscan/bioscan-5m/", modality="image")

or "dna":

dataset = BIOSCAN5M(root="~/Datasets/bioscan/bioscan-5m/", modality="dna")

Target selection

The target label can be selected by setting the argument target to be either a taxonomic label or dna_bin. The DNA BIN is similar in granularity to subspecies, but was generated by clustering the DNA barcodes instead of morphology. The default target is "family" for BIOSCAN1M and "species" for BIOSCAN5M.

The target can be a single label, e.g.

dataset = BIOSCAN5M(root="~/Datasets/bioscan/bioscan-5m/", target_type="genus")

or a list of labels, e.g.

dataset = BIOSCAN5M(
    root="~/Datasets/bioscan/bioscan-5m/", target_type=["genus", "species", "dna_bin"]

The value of the target yielded for a data sample is an integer corresponding to the index of its label.

Data transforms

The dataset class supports the use of data transforms for the image and DNA barcode inputs.

import torch
from torchvision.transforms import v2 as transforms
from bioscan_dataset import BIOSCAN5M
from bioscan_dataset.bioscan5m import RGB_MEAN, RGB_STDEV

# Create an image transform, standardizing image size and normalizing pixel values
image_transform = transforms.Compose(
        transforms.ToDtype(torch.float32, scale=True),
        transforms.Normalize(mean=RGB_MEAN, std=RGB_STDEV),
# Create a DNA transform, mapping from characters to integers and padding to a fixed length
charmap = {"P": 0, "A": 1, "C": 2, "G": 3, "T": 4, "N": 5}
dna_transform = lambda seq: torch.tensor(
    [charmap[char] for char in seq] + [0] * (660 - len(seq)), dtype=torch.long
# Load the dataset with the transforms applied for each sample
ds_train = BIOSCAN5M(

Size and geolocation metadata

The BIOSCAN-5M dataset also contains insect size and geolocation metadata. Loading this metadata is not yet supported by the BIOSCAN5M pytorch dataset class. In the meantime, users of the dataset are welcome to explore this metadata themselves.

Other resources


If you make use of the BIOSCAN-1M or BIOSCAN-5M datasets in your research, please cite the following papers as appropriate.


   title={{BIOSCAN-5M}: A Multimodal Dataset for Insect Biodiversity},
   booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
   author={Zahra Gharaee and Scott C. Lowe and ZeMing Gong and Pablo Millan Arias
      and Nicholas Pellegrino and Austin T. Wang and Joakim Bruslund Haurum
      and Iuliia Zarubiieva and Lila Kari and Dirk Steinke and Graham W. Taylor
      and Paul Fieguth and Angel X. Chang
   editor={A. Globerson and L. Mackey and D. Belgrave and A. Fan and U. Paquet and J. Tomczak and C. Zhang},
   publisher={Curran Associates, Inc.},


   title={A Step Towards Worldwide Biodiversity Assessment: The {BIOSCAN-1M} Insect Dataset},
   booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
   author={Gharaee, Z. and Gong, Z. and Pellegrino, N. and Zarubiieva, I.
      and Haurum, J. B. and Lowe, S. C. and McKeown, J. T. A. and Ho, C. Y.
      and McLeod, J. and Wei, Y. C. and Agda, J. and Ratnasingham, S.
      and Steinke, D. and Chang, A. X. and Taylor, G. W. and Fieguth, P.
   editor={A. Oh and T. Neumann and A. Globerson and K. Saenko and M. Hardt and S. Levine},
   publisher={Curran Associates, Inc.},