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1033 lines (683 loc) · 107 KB

File metadata and controls

1033 lines (683 loc) · 107 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


[4.32.0] - 2025-01-22


  • Added the backend logic to move the electron app menu bar to the UI title instead of the electron one so that we can customize the electron menu, as the native electron menu API doesn't provide that. It allows us to build the menu in the UI in one small line with the main app title and typical window buttons (minimize, maximize, and close in the top corner). This is very useful as it saves overall space and at the same time constantly displays the menu and does not require the user to press the Alt key to display it (as practice has shown, because of the last one, many inexperienced users do not even know about the existence of menu functions). PRs: bfx-report-electron#478, bfx-facs-db-better-sqlite#11
  • Added a small typical _ button (in the top right corner) to minimize the loading window. PR: bfx-report-electron#479
  • Added the logout flow for web users and prevented the issue when logged-out users are still logged in after the page refreshing. PR: bfx-report-ui#889


  • Renamed Filter button to Generate and also disabled it during the initial synchronization to prevent Tax Report generation errors. Implemented corresponding notice for the users during the initial sync. PR: bfx-report-ui#888
  • Actualized app download link generation flow. PR: bfx-report-ui#890
  • Actualized Reports translations and extended coverage for newly added elements/features. PR: bfx-report-ui#891
  • Improved theme setting flow and fixed issues noted after the latest Electron version update. PR: bfx-report-ui#893


  • Fixed isAuthTokenGenerationError flag processing in query response for the 2FA re-login after token expiration. PR: bfx-report-ui#892

[4.31.0] - 2024-12-04


  • Added translation support to the export-db module. PR: bfx-report-electron#441
  • Added translation support to the import-db module. PR: bfx-report-electron#442
  • Added progress perc to the loading window for the export-db module as it can take significant time for large DB. PR: bfx-report-electron#445
  • Added progress perc to the loading window for the import-db module as it can take significant time for large DB. bfx-report-electron#449
  • Added translation support to the remove-db module. PR: bfx-report-electron#450
  • Added translation support to the manage-worker-messages module. Add translation support to the backup-db and migration-db modules. Fixed showing modal dialogs in sequence. PR: bfx-report-electron#456
  • Added translation support to the show-about-modal-dialog module. PR: bfx-report-electron#457


  • Optimized electron translation file data structure to prevent some common duplication and redundant nesting for easier support. PR: bfx-report-electron#468
  • Reworked and optimized the TimeRangePreservePref component in a more performant way and reduced redundant code. PR: bfx-report-ui#885
  • Extended data logging by showing public request params to simplify debugging BFX API issues. PR: bfx-report#414
  • Removed language schema param check and added en fallback language to prevent returning the translation key key.nestedKey.etc if a value is missing for a certain language and added the ability to try to take one from the default en translation file. PR: bfx-report#415


[4.30.0] - 2024-11-13



  • Improved the loading window workflow to bring more consistency in the sequence of showing windows. Added ability to send/listen events for the app-init layout via the context bridge between the main and renderer ipc to be secure. Fixed issue with focusing the main window on the launch. PR: bfx-report-electron#424
  • Prevented returning the translation key key.nestedKey.etc if a value is missing for a certain language and added the ability to try to take one from the default en translation file. PR: bfx-report-electron#426
  • Reworked sed commands to be able to run the build bash scripts on both OSs Ubuntu and MacOS as they have slightly different implementation. PR: bfx-report-electron#427



[4.29.0] - 2024-10-16



  • Reworked ColumnsSelectDialog in a more performant way and improved props linting. PR: bfx-report-ui#868
  • Moved Account Fees below other sections on the app Summary page. PR: bfx-report-ui#871
  • Reworked and optimized the Account Balance section in a more performant way and reduced redundant code. PR: bfx-report-ui#872
  • Actualized assets section title/subtitle on the Summary page, improved currencies formatting. PR: bfx-report-ui#875
  • Improved fetching opened positions for the ending point of the balance report. PR: bfx-reports-framework#421
  • Moved window modules into the common folder. This small refactoring is part of adding translation support into the electronjs wrapper. PR: bfx-report-electron#410



  • Bumped rollup from 2.79.1 to 2.79.2. PR: bfx-report-ui#870
  • Bumped express from 4.18.2 to 4.21.0, ws from 8.2.3 to 8.18.0, grenache-nodejs-http from 0.7.12 to 0.7.13, grenache-nodejs-link from 0.7.12 to 1.0.0. PR: bfx-report-express#42

[4.28.0] - 2024-09-25


  • Implemented dynamic height calculation for the Concentration Risk pie chart to prevent overflow issues possibility spotted in some cases. PR: bfx-report-ui#859
  • Implemented Last Sync time handling and representation (approximately in hours) for the Reports. PR: bfx-report-ui#863
  • Implemented Profits section (port of the Win/Loss chart with several predefined parameters) on the app Summary page. Removed charts smoothness for better precision. PR: bfx-report-ui#864
  • Added logic to have separated translations by language in JSON files using i18next lib for easier translation maintenance. PRs: bfx-report#402, bfx-reports-framework#417


  • Improved user notification and auth flow behavior for the cases when the user tries to re-add an existing account via email/password. PR: bfx-report-ui#860


  • Improved Docker/Terraform deployment, fixed html-pdf module usage under Docker container with using docker container based on the Debian image to make html-pdf module workable, fixed deprecation warnings. PR: bfx-reports-framework#415
  • Fixed an infrequent case for process.send() when the app is on its way to being closed and the child process channel is closed but the worker still sends a message to the main one. PR: bfx-reports-framework#416


  • Bumped path-to-regexp from 1.8.0 to 1.9.0, express from 4.19.2 to 4.21.0. PR: bfx-report-ui#858

[4.27.0] - 2024-09-11



  • Improved the interruption flow of getting data from the BFX API for the tax report, provided event-driven flow after delay processing, speeded up interruption not to wait for timeout in case of a slow internet connection. PRs: bfx-report#399, bfx-reports-framework#411
  • Reworked DB model usage to use the new model interface implemented, speeded up the work by avoiding the usage of cloneDeep fn based on JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)) for the models. PR: bfx-reports-framework#412
  • Removed duplicate buttons with the same functionality, improved and unified reports refreshing flow. PR: bfx-report-ui#852
  • Reworked and enhanced navigation tabs positioning and representation to be more consistent all across the app. Adjusted app Summary section spacing. PR: bfx-report-ui#853


  • Fixed node-fetch timeout error processing for slow network connection. PR: bfx-report#398


  • Bumped webpack from 5.90.0 to 5.94.0, axios from 1.6.7 to 1.7.4. PR: bfx-report-ui#851

[4.26.0] - 2024-08-28


  • Added ability to send IPC messages when the sync is ready. PR: bfx-reports-framework#405
  • Added ability to show native notifications in case another screen is displayed and the app window is not hidden with multiple workspaces mode in Ubuntu/Mac. PR: bfx-report-electron#389
  • Added ability to show the native notification in the electron app in case the sync is being processed in the background with the hidden main window. There we check if the main window is invisible and show a notification otherwise don't. PR: bfx-report-electron#390


  • Enhanced and unified Logins and Change Logs reports column configuration getters and reduced redundant code. PR: bfx-report-ui#840
  • Reworked and optimized the TimeFrameSelector component in a more performant way and reduced redundant code. PR: bfx-report-ui#841
  • Reworked cell generation configurations more concisely and optimally for Wallets, Weighted Averages and Concentration Risk reports. PR: bfx-report-ui#842
  • Reworked and optimized LedgersCategorySelect in a more concise and performant way. PR: bfx-report-ui#843
  • Reworked and optimized Movements, Trades, Orders and Positions reports column configuration getters. Implemented unified getFeeCell and getActionCell helpers for better reusability. PR: bfx-report-ui#844
  • Reworked CandlesTimeframe in a more performant way and improved props linting. PR: bfx-report-ui#845
  • Enhanced and unified Snapshots sections column configuration getters and reduced redundant code. PR: bfx-report-ui#846
  • Removed deprecated methods and fields without breaking the logic and UI functionality. PRs: bfx-report#389, bfx-reports-framework#403
  • Improved DB file cleanups for test coverage hooks. PRs: bfx-report#390, bitfinexcom/lokue#3
  • Removed unused public colls conf accessor endpoints to use the common getAllPublicCollsConfs/editAllPublicCollsConfs ones without breaking the logic and UI functionality. PR: bfx-reports-framework#404
  • Implemented a class for DB models to typify and unify model objects. PR: bfx-reports-framework#406
  • Proxied ENet error tester for import in electron env. PR: bfx-reports-framework#407


[4.25.0] - 2024-07-31



  • Refactored DB models to be moved to separate files for easier supporting and readability. PR: bfx-reports-framework#393
  • Refactored sync schema to be moved to separate files for easier supporting and readability. PR: bfx-reports-framework#395
  • Refactored and optimizes CollapsedTable component. PR: bfx-report-ui#815
  • Reworked and optimized Spot report column configuration getters. PR: bfx-report-ui#817
  • Refactored and optimized the DateFormatSelector component. PR: bfx-report-ui#818
  • Reworked and optimized Funding Bids & Offers, Funding Loans (Unused) and Funding Credits (Used) reports column configuration getters. Extended unified cell getter customizability for the cases when the tooltip content should be formatted differently from the main cell content. PR: bfx-report-ui#819
  • Reworked and optimized the LangMenu component in a more performant way and reduces redundant code to avoid potential issues in the future. PR: bfx-report-ui#820
  • Enhanced and unified Ledgers, Funding Earnings, Staking Earnings and Affiliates Earnings reports configuration getters. PR: bfx-report-ui#821
  • Reworked and optimized the Export menu toggler component in a more performant way and reduces redundant code. PR: bfx-report-ui#822
  • Reworked and optimized Public Trades, Public Funding and Derivatives reports column configuration getters. Implemented unified formatType utility for better reusability. PR: bfx-report-ui#823
  • Reworked and optimized the NavSwitcher component and improved props linting. PR: bfx-report-ui#824
  • Reworked and optimized Invoices report columns configuration getters. Implemented unified getLinkCell and getJsonFormattedCell utilities for better reusability. PR: bfx-report-ui#827
  • Reworked and optimized the ShowMilliseconds component in a more performant way and reduces redundant code. PR: bfx-report-ui#828
  • Prevented the Tax Report loading state still active in cases when the emitTrxTaxReportGenerationInBackgroundToOne event returns an error during report generation. PR: bfx-report-ui#832


  • Strengthened consistency data for export. PR: bfx-report#372
  • Fixed pub-trade price lookup for the trx tax report. PR: bfx-reports-framework#390
  • Fixed the tax report if bfx-api pub-trades endpoint does not return array. PR: bfx-reports-framework#396
  • Prevented requests duplication on Tax Report refreshing in some cases. PR: bfx-report-ui#833
  • Fixed issue with showing the sync state in some cases when the scheduler launches the synchronization. PR: bfx-report-ui#835
  • Fixed disabling the Authenticate button during the 2FA login flow to prevent the possibility of requests with the same token duplication and related errors. PR: bfx-report-ui#838


[4.24.0] - 2024-05-08



  • Disabled the Changelog menu option if the description of the current version is not available. PR: bfx-report-electron#373
  • Enhanced sub-account ledger balance recalc to prevent setting non-recalced balances. Prevented funding trades sync issue when end less than start. Related to this issue: bfx-report-electron#375. PR: bfx-reports-framework#375
  • Enhanced default column widths calculation flow using dynamic calculated average and widths multipliers based on the column types. PR: bfx-report-ui#810


  • Resolved dependabot dependency updates, bumped ejs from 3.1.9 to 3.1.10. PR: bfx-report-ui#813

[4.23.0] - 2024-04-17


  • Implemented isStagingBfxApi flag handling and shows Staging prefix for the corresponding keys stored in the DB to improve the manual testing process convenience. PR: bfx-report-ui#800
  • Implemented the possibility of manually adjusting columns width and persisting these between sessions. Added the ability to set the auto-calculated dynamic defaults via the context menu. Improved charts responsiveness. PR: bfx-report-ui#805



[4.22.0] - 2024-04-03



  • Improved export type selection, added Export Format selector (similar to Date Format) with 2 options: 1-export as CSV (should be selected by default), 2-export as PDF. PR: bfx-report-ui#795
  • Extended error logs for sync proc, the idea is to add serializedError field to the error object with a serialized error string that contains composed error metadata for easier debugging of the user's error reports. This field will be used for logging in case catching error occurs during sync in the framework mode. PRs: bfx-report#360, bfx-reports-framework#366


  • Resolved dependabot dependency updates, bumped follow-redirects from 1.15.5 to 1.15.6, webpack-dev-middleware from 5.3.3 to 5.3.4, express from 4.18.2 to 4.19.2. PRs: bfx-report-ui#792, bfx-report-ui#797

[4.21.0] - 2024-03-20



  • Updated GH Actions to use Nodejs v20 to prevent breaking changes in workflow. PRs: bfx-report#355, bfx-reports-framework#361, bfx-report-electron#344, bfx-facs-db-better-sqlite#9
  • Migrated from the deprecated reports generation methods usage to the actual ones according to the latest backend changes. PR: bfx-report-ui#784
  • Allowed all pairs removal at the Market History / Spot section according to the latest UX improvement proposals: We should allow the user to remove the current pair and display an empty table that says No history to display. PR: bfx-report-ui#786
  • Improved print PDF under Electronjs. Turned off ipc log transport between render and main process as unused, it prevents ipc transport error from electron-log lib. Suppressed error modal window if pdf gen failed: the idea here is to inform the user if something goes wrong using WS event for better UX instead of showing a modal window error as it is annoying in most cases. Improved pdf generation performance for big html templates, uses loadFile method of electron api instead of base64 encoding. Bumped up Electronjs minor version to have the last fixes. PR: bfx-report-electron#342


  • Prevented duplication possibility for items in the selectors of the UI. PR: bfx-report-ui#785

[4.20.0] - 2024-03-06



  • Reworked navigation for the Movements report according to the latest UX improvement proposals: remove tabs from wallets & movements, make movements a separate navigation item under My History. PR: bfx-report-ui#771
  • Reworked navigation for the My History section according to the latest UX improvement proposals. PR: bfx-report-ui#778
  • Enhanced loading and no data states representation for reports with tables. PR: bfx-report-ui#779
  • Set 90sec timeout for grc requests to have the same timeout as for api requests. PR: bfx-report#351
  • Set 90sec timeout for html-pdf lib. PR: bfx-reports-framework#355
  • Optimized GitHub Actions Workflow for release build. PR: bfx-report-electron#322
  • Updated Actions to use Nodejs v20. PR: bfx-report-electron#323


  • Updated UI engines configuration to prevent issues. PR: bfx-report-ui#772
  • Fixed 2FA authorization flow according to: After the first push of the auth button, we should lock the button (till we get any response from this endpoint) to prevent sending several of the same requests. PR: bfx-report-ui#776
  • Fixed the potential possibility of duplicated sending for correct OTP: it should keep btn disabled until the successful auth will be completed. PR: bfx-report-ui#780
  • Fixed 11 auto-update-toast:width listeners added. PR: bfx-report-electron#330

[4.19.0] - 2024-02-14


  • Added ability to close the drawer on mobile when clicking on a item of the menu. PR: bfx-report-ui#764
  • Added environment configuration during the Google Tag Manager initialization. PR: bfx-report-ui#767
  • Added an option to skip Mac build notarizing and signing when running manually. PR: bfx-report-electron#314


  • Enhanced representation of the app Summary sections loading states according to the latest design updates. Added showing loading states for them during initial sync. PR: bfx-report-ui#768

[4.18.0] - 2024-01-31





  • Resolved dependabot dependency updates, bumped follow-redirects from 1.15.3 to 1.15.4. PR: bfx-report-ui#755
  • Replaced Lodash _isObject helper usage with the corresponding one from the internal library for security reasons. PR: bfx-report-ui#761

[4.17.0] - 2024-01-10


  • Added ability to define what kind of API keys are stored prod/staging. The prod/staging is detected by existing the staging string in the restUrl config option: And isStagingBfxApi flag is set or updated on signUp/signIn to the user table. Than, getUsers endpoint will return the isStagingBfxApi flag to be shown in the UI for each user on the login stage. PR: bfx-reports-framework#347
  • Added automated testing for electron app binaries. The flow: build release on GitHub Actions, use unpacked builds for E2E tests, launch E2E test on Linux and Mac and Win OSs independently, provide E2E test reports for every OS launch. PR: bfx-report-electron#276



[4.16.0] - 2023-12-13


  • Added the start param to the Summary by Asset to be able to select a period more than 30d. PR: bfx-reports-framework#342
  • Added exchange volume and trading fee values to the the Summary by Asset. PR: bfx-reports-framework/pull/344
  • Added exceptions for the error modal window. It should cover the follow cases: database is locked and network timeout. PR: bfx-report-electron#285
  • Implemented ETH2P (ETH2Pending), ETH2R (ETH2Rewards) and ETH2U (ETH2Unstaking) availability in the Symbol selector. PR: bfx-report-ui#740
  • Implemented dynamic selectable date range support for the Summary by Asset section. PR: bfx-report-ui#741
  • Implemented representation of Volume (eligible for fee tier calculation) in the last 30 days in the Account Fees table of the Summary page. PR: bfx-report-ui#743
  • Implemented displaying the selected period as a subtitle in the Summary by Asset section. PR: bfx-report-ui#745


  • Considered the requested start time point instead of the existing one in the ledgers for the Account Balance. The idea is to show users the Account Balance started from the wallet snapshot of the start time point. PR: bfx-reports-framework#341
  • Removed the Profits column from the Summary by Asset table temporally. PR: bfx-report-ui#744
  • Actualized columns for the Summary by Asset section. PR: bfx-report-ui#746


  • Fixed Account Balance unrealized profit. The issue is in passing the correct timestamp for currency conversion of PL values of daily positions snapshot. PR: bfx-reports-framework#340
  • Fixed initialization requests order for all reports according to the proposals to prevent received data inconsistency in some cases. PR: bfx-report-ui#742


[4.15.0] - 2023-11-29


  • Added Summary by Asset section for the last 30 days on the new Summary for the Reports app. Added refreshing for all Summary sections on the Filter button click. PR: bfx-report-ui#726
  • Added ability to sync daily candles once per day to reduce the number of sync requests to BFX API and as a result improve the situation with the Rate Limit restriction. PR: bfx-reports-framework#334
  • Added ability to reference specific user currencies when candles sync. The aim is to reduce the amount of requests to the BFX API candles endpoint and speed up the sync essentially. Also for better UX, added approximate candles sync time estimation considering the amount of syncing currencies. And set candles limit 20 reqs/min instead of 30 to go through the Rate Limit. PR: bfx-reports-framework#335


  • Set 10 reqs/min for BFX API trades endpoint to help big users go through Rate Limit for the Tax Report. PR: bfx-reports-framework#337
  • Temporarily hidden Unrealized Profit selectors from the new app Summary and Account Balance reports. PR: bfx-report-ui#730
  • Updated TW Translations. PR: bfx-report-ui#734
  • Improved Balance Change representation in the Summary by Asset section. PR: bfx-report-ui#736


  • Prevented throwing error when GitHub server can't respond to auto-update requests. It fixed the following issues: bfx-report-electron#239, bfx-report-electron#264. PR: bfx-report-electron#265
  • Fixed double requests while syncing candles. The issue is: when we sync data in the framework mode, candles request can give only one item, in this case, we shouldn't process the part of logic with handling of containing the same timestamps in all items. PR: bfx-report#343
  • Fixed getting data from BFX API with undefined args. PRs: bfx-report#344, lib-js-util-base#15
  • Fixed BFX auth token refreshing. PR: bfx-reports-framework#336
  • Fixed initial synchronization flow, improved data handling for Summary sections. PR: bfx-report-ui#731
  • Fixed candles/trades requests duplication on Candles report refreshing. PR: bfx-report-ui#732
  • Fixed synchronization state checking flow and fixed a couple of potential issues that have been spotted in some syncing scenarios. PR: bfx-report-ui#735


  • Replaced Lodash _get helper usage all across the app with the corresponding one from the internal library for security reasons. PR: bfx-report-ui#727

[4.14.0] - 2023-11-01


  • Added test runner and report to the GitHub Actions of the bfx-facs-db-better-sqlite repo. PR: bfx-facs-db-better-sqlite#8
  • Added an endpoint to get the summary by asset (for 30 day period) for the new summary page of the framework mode. PR: bfx-reports-framework#330
  • Implemented currency name representation depending on the transport layer used for the Tether transactions in the Movements report. PR: bfx-report-ui#721
  • Implemented the possibility of submitting username/password and OTP via the Enter button during the 2FA sign-up flow. PR: bfx-report-ui#722


  • Bumped Electronjs version up to v27 to have under hood Nodejs v18.17.1, to have Nodejs version similar to UI build requirements. PR: bfx-report-electron#263
  • Bumped better-sqlite3 up to 9.0.0 to have the ability to launch the DB driver on Nodejs v18.17.1 under electron env at least v27. PR: bfx-facs-db-better-sqlite#7
  • Set the dependabot against the stagin branch to not trigger test-runner workflow


  • Fixed the candles sync for the currency converter, to convert the first ledgers to USD it needs to provide some overlap of candles (5 days). PR: bfx-reports-framework#329
  • Fixed deep clone of arguments with lib-js-util-base, the issue is the following: when calling generateToken/invalidateAuthToken methods pass whole session object with setInterval id, and that id cannot be serialized with JSON.stringify, it should be omitted. PR: bfx-reports-framework#331
  • Fixed the dependabot config path for the bfx-report-ui repo. PR: bfx-report-ui#720


[4.13.0] - 2023-10-18



[4.12.0] - 2023-10-04



  • Actualized synchronization progress handling flow according to the latest backend updates. PR: bfx-report-ui#710


  • Fixed MaxListenersExceededWarning for complicated csv reports using the transform csv stream waiting for writing to complete one by one instead of pipelining all csv streams simultaneously. And it also fixed MaxListenersExceededWarning for the process message manager. PRs: bfx-report#333, bfx-reports-framework#322
  • Fixed Movements extra info representation for fiat transfers. PR: bfx-report-ui#707


[4.11.0] - 2023-09-20


  • Added ability to show success dialog for CSV exporting only after the emitCsvGenerationCompletedToOne event was sent by the backend for better understanding by users when the exporting process actually completed. PR: bfx-report-ui#698
  • Added the possibility of tweaking the ability to auto-start sync after the auto-update of the electron app via the Preferences menu: shouldNotSyncOnStartupAfterUpdate flag received on sign in. PR: bfx-report-ui#699
  • Implemented extra information handling and representation for the Movements report. PR: bfx-report-ui#702
  • Implemented LNX (LN-BTC) availability in the Symbol selector. PR: bfx-report-ui#703


  • Decreased candles request limit to 30 reqs/min to prevent Rate Limit restriction. PR: bfx-reports-framework#316
  • Improved server availability error message to be persistent. PR: bfx-reports-framework#317
  • Updated Nodejs to v18 in Docker containers and fixes UI dependencies installation under container. PR: bfx-reports-framework#318
  • Bumped Electron version up to v25 to have under hood Nodejs v18. PRs: bfx-report-electron#251, bfx-report-ui#701
  • Prevented showing error modal dialog due to inet issue. When the sync starts we send a ping request to BFX API to check that API is available. The idea is to not show error modal dialog for issues, just show error toast via UI when fetching the corresponding error with progress event via WS. PR: bfx-report-electron#252
  • Reworked and enhanced Columns filter to display the actual selected filters quantity for better clearance to the users. Reworked refresh button representation according to the design updates. PR: bfx-report-ui#697
  • Improved user notification when data should be synced. Implemented synchronization auto-initiation if not syncing at the moment. PR: bfx-report-ui#700
  • Updated translations for UI. PR: bfx-report-ui#704


[4.10.0] - 2023-08-23




  • Fixed the error message of the json rpc response. The idea is to have extra data in case we catch an error from BFX API side and on the UI use a transparent error message which can contain BFX API error reasons. PRs: bfx-report#327, bfx-report-ui#692
  • Fixed notifications positioning on page scrolling: When setting Table Scroll is turned off, the results of using Sum can appear below or above the part of the table that's currently visible. Fixed to be anchored to a specific part of the currently visible screen rather than a specific point in the table. PR: bfx-report-ui#686
  • Fixed redundant getUsers calls for the hosted version. PR: bfx-report-ui#689
  • Fixed issue with crashing Change Logs report when users remove the 2FA option from their account. PR: bfx-report-ui#690

[4.9.3] - 2023-08-09


  • Fixed start timestamp of BFX API queries to be at least Date.UTC(2013) = 1356998400000 ms. The issue is the following: some restrictions of the BFX API are changed for the Funding Credits History, if we set start: 0 throws Internal Server Error from the API side. It's an issue for the sync mode (as we start syncing with 0) and setting the default value for requests. PRs: bfx-report#324, bfx-reports-framework#307

[4.9.2] - 2023-08-02


  • Removed the Cumulative Weighted Price column and corresponding logic from the Weighted Averages report according to the latest requirements. Added Cost and Sale columns to the Weighted Averages report. PRs: bfx-report#319, bfx-reports-framework#302, bfx-report-ui#681
  • Improved sync time estimation flow as follows: in addition to existing emitting WS events when the next collection is syncing to not hold the previous time value (some collections can sync very long) adds an ability to emit the progress event every 1sec with new values spentTime and leftTime for better UX (so that the user does not think that sync has stalled). PR: bfx-reports-framework#303
  • Changed Rate Limits for public endpoints: trades to 15 req/min, candles to 60 req/min. PR: bfx-reports-framework#304


  • Fixed issues with the incorrect synchronization estimation time conversion and representation. PR: bfx-report-ui#680
  • Fixed handling bfx api ERR_AUTH_API: ERR_INVALID_CREDENTIALS error to prevent showing 500 Internal Server Error and error modal dialog in the electron app. PR: bfx-report#318
  • Fixed the issue #215 related to MaxListenersExceededWarning warning for the electron windows. PR: bfx-report-electron#229

[4.9.1] - 2023-07-12



  • Added Rate Limit router to control BFX API requests bandwidth to resolve the long timeout issue and help users to go through the data sync. Bumped API call timeout to 90s. Reduced redundant positionsAudit calls to facilitate sync. Fixed stuck event loop to fix WS timeout on big data. PRs: bfx-report#314, bfx-reports-framework#298

[4.9.0] - 2023-07-05




  • Fixed the issue with the active state losing in the Wallets section when switching to the Movements tab. PR: bfx-report-ui#669
  • Fixed issues with the incorrect accounts registration type detection. PR: bfx-report-ui#670
  • Fixed the Export option unavailability in the top navigation menu and showing Start Sync only in the framework mode. PR: bfx-report-ui#672

[4.8.1] - 2023-06-22


[4.8.0] - 2023-06-21



  • Prevented proxying all HTML of the BFX API error. PR: bfx-report#299
  • Enhanced Reports tables representation according to the latest design updates. PR: bfx-report-ui#664


[4.7.1] - 2023-06-07


  • Added a note to the electron app that BFX API Staging is used. PR: bfx-report-electron#207
  • Added app download section available for the web users and corresponding logic where they can get the latest Reports App version for their OS. PR: bfx-report-ui#657
  • Implemented displaying accounts group name (if available) for multiple accounts instead of the primary account email on the main Sign In screen for better clearance to the users. Implemented the possibility of changing existing accounts groups names for multiple accounts. PR: bfx-report-ui#659


  • Increased getAccountSummary request timeout to 30s, the rest requests will use 20s timeout for the bfx-api-node-rest lib. PR: bfx-report#293
  • Added 3 retries instead of 2 when catching Rate Limit error to help users to go through sync in the electron app. PR: bfx-report#294
  • Implemented navigation via tabs between Balances and Movements reports in the Wallets sub-section. Expanded My Account and My History sections by default for better UX. Actualized several sub-sections naming. PR: bfx-report-ui#658


  • Fixed issue with reloading UI page via the menu bar options. In the electron env need to trigger-electron-load event after running Force Reload and Reload menu commands with express api port. PR: bfx-report-electron#206

[4.7.0] - 2023-05-24


  • Added the localUsername field to the getUsers method response to be able to modify the local username on sign-in for sub-accounts. PR: bfx-reports-framework#281
  • Added the possibility of optional naming for multiple accounts during creating or updating, implemented displaying optional localUsername (if available) instead of the account email. PR: bfx-report-ui#650


  • Prevented selected dates range preserving by default between login sessions, the default range Last 2 Weeks will be set from the start until the Preserve Timeframe option won't be turned on in the Preferences menu. PR: bfx-report-ui#651
  • Reworked and improved the Manage Accounts section according to the latest design updates to enhance users experience. Implemented the possibility of picking the Use API key option in the registered accounts selector and adding a sub-account via API key/secret in this case. Prefills the optional group name field with the master account name by default. Actualizes related elements styling and fields descriptions. Improves sub-accounts section scroll representation. PR: bfx-report-ui#652
  • Improved Weighted Averages web version limit note representation according to the latest design updates. PR: bfx-report-ui#654


  • Fixed issues with auth token invalidate intervals. The issue is at this moment UI flow intends to remove sub-account without login using email, it means we have to handle the absence of a user session on deletion. PR: bfx-reports-framework#282
  • Fixed columns filter elements overflowing issues. PR: bfx-report-ui#649
  • Fixed the issue with the Password input availability on the main registered users list screen in some specific cases. PR: bfx-report-ui#653

[4.6.0] - 2023-05-10


  • Added symbol field to the currencies model in order to have the same payload as from the bfx-report. PR: bfx-reports-framework#278


  • Bumped ElectronJS version up to v21.3.3 to have NodeJS v16 under the hood to resolve the ability to build UI and ElectronJS releases using the same NodeJS version. PRs: bfx-report-electron#201, bfx-report-ui#640, bfx-facs-db-better-sqlite#5
  • Resolved deprecation warning fs.rmdir for the bfx-reports-framework due to migration NodeJS to v16. PR: bfx-reports-framework#276
  • Improved selected dates range representation for better clearance to the users. PR: bfx-report-ui#643
  • Reworked and improved Sign In and Add Accounts sections according to the latest design updates to enhance users experienc. Reworked and unifies several related sub-sections for better composition and reusability. Implemented new flow for adding sub-accounts to the users registered via API keys. Actualizes related elements styling and fields descriptions. PR: bfx-report-ui#644
  • Updated pt-BR, ru and tr translations for the UI. PR: bfx-report-ui#646


  • Fixed Test pairs/symbols handling to prevent pairs duplication/overlapping and fixed incorrect request symbol params providing in some cases. PR: bfx-report-ui#641
  • Fixed a display issue on Test pairs/symbols in production. PR: bfx-report-ui#642

[4.5.2] - 2023-04-28


  • Fixed the auto-update issue to turn on by default. The issue is in the parsing of the environment variable IS_AUTO_UPDATE_DISABLED from string to boolean. PR: bfx-report-electron#198

[4.5.1] - 2023-04-26


  • Added ability to name multiple accounts on sign-up to the backend. For example, if a user has some sub-accounts where run Bitcoin strategies, the user can call them The BTC group. For older created accounts, it will not be there. PR: bfx-reports-framework#271
  • Added a dedicated flag to recognize an account registering type: via API keys or without for the UI porpuses to cover new user login flow. PR: bfx-reports-framework#273


  • Reworked and improved Add Account authorization section according to the latest design updates to enhance users experience. Made Remember Me feature always active and removes unused corresponding checkboxes from all auth sections. Reworked and unifies several related sub-sections for better composition and reusability. Actualizes elements styling and fields descriptions. PR: bfx-report-ui#635
  • Improved Forgot Password authorization section according to the latest design updates to enhance users experience. Reworked and unified several related sub-sections for better composition and reusability. Actualized elements styling and descriptions. Added Bitfinex logo. PR: bfx-report-ui#637


  • Fixed emitBfxUnamePwdAuthRequired WebSocket event handling on which the user should be logged out and re-login via username/password and Two-Factor Authentication to receive a new auth token. PR: bfx-report-ui#634
  • Fixed issues with the availability to the selection of restricted users with isRestrictedToBeAddedToSubAccount flag for Multiple Accounts in some specific cases. PR: bfx-report-ui#636

[4.5.0] - 2023-04-12



  • Added the temporarily_unavailable BFX error handler, it's related to issues when the main platform is under maintenance. Instead showing an error modal dialog under the electron app would show the network issue message. And also it added some retries for fetching data as it was done earlier for the common isENetError checker. PR: bfx-report#290


  • Disallowed user removal when sync going to prevent unexpected behavior. PR: bfx-reports-framework#267
  • Fixed issues with incorrect pairs formatting and providing a symbol param for the getPublicTrades request in some cases. Adjusted Symbol Filter width to fit better for all available pairs. PR: bfx-report-ui#626
  • Fixed issues with incorrect TEST symbols/pairs mapping. Fixed selector width to fit better for all available pairs. PR: bfx-report-ui#628

[4.4.0] - 2023-03-29


  • Implemented username/password auth support with Two-Factor Authentication for simple users in a framework mode and corresponding logic to handle various Reports authorization flow-related specifics. Improved Reports login modal styling according to the actual theme. PR: bfx-report-ui#622
  • Added ability to auto-start sync after the auto-update of the electron app. The idea is to have a configurable option (by default turned on) to force sync after the auto-update or DB migration due to changes in the DB schema, the aim is to bring data consistency after significant updates. PRs: bfx-report-electron#190, bfx-reports-framework#261
  • Added isAuthTokenGenerationError: true flag into the Unauthorized 401 response in cases when token is expired for better UX of 2FA. PRs: bfx-report#285, bfx-reports-framework#262
  • Added login/verify proxy endpoints to resolve the CORS issue for the BFX username/password auth for /v2/login and /v2/login/verify links. PRs: bfx-reports-framework#263, bfx-report#286


  • Changed the Sign Up section title and button to Add Account for better clearance to the users of how auth flow works in the Reports app. Hid the Remove Account button in the Preferences menu during syncing to avoid causing related errors. Prevented the Remember Me from being prefilled by default. Updated passwords titles. PR: bfx-report-ui#623
  • Fixed the getUsers endpoint response, isRestrictedToBeAddedToSubAccount flag doesn't show the correct state, it should be true in a case when the user signed in with the BFX auth token (using BFX username/password). PR: bfx-reports-framework#260

[4.3.1] - 2023-03-15



  • Fixed issues with some symbols representation in the Symbol Filter dropdown list. PR: bfx-report-ui#617

[4.3.0] - 2023-03-01


  • Added BFX auth token support to the backend of the framework mode. PRs: bfx-report#281, bfx-reports-framework#256
  • Added ability to send emitCsvGenerationCompletedToOne event by the WS when CSV reports generation is finished in the background queue, only for the framework mode. In the UI we will show a spinner on the export btn and the corresponding popup at an appropriate time after finishing generation (in some cases it can take a lot of time). PRs: bfx-report#282, bfx-reports-framework#257


  • Restructures Reports main navigation using navigation item -> sub item -> tabs approach. Reworks and unifies sub-sections switching flow for better reusability across various reports and cleans redundant duplicated logic. Moves Logins History, Sub Accounts and Change Logs reports to the account dropdown menu. PR: bfx-report-ui#612
  • Reworks mobile navigation as a drawer according to the latest design updates. Implements dynamic chevrons for the navigation menus collapsible sections. Removes duplicated time frame selector from the header. Minor fixes and redundant code cleanup. PR: bfx-report-ui#613
  • Reworks the main layout as cards according to the latest design updates. Actualizes navigation menu collapsible sections icons. Updates colors and various styling improvements. PR: bfx-report-ui#614

[4.2.0] - 2023-02-01



[4.1.0] - 2023-01-18



  • Fixed error handling, added an option to not throw ENET error in the case when there are going to make retries to resume the internet connection. API requests should not be logged to std error stream when making an internal call and can have some attempts due to an internet connection issue. It's important for sync to avoid showing redundant error modal dialogs in the electron app. PR: bfx-report#278

[4.0.0] - 2022-12-09


  • Added ENET errors for reconnection when fetching data from the BFX api_v2. PR: bfx-report#273
  • Added ability to use the inner max request limit to the BFX api_v2 to seed up syncing data. PR: bfx-report#274
  • Added ability to display minimum derivative fees between sub-accounts. PR: bfx-reports-framework#241
  • Added ability to turn off the auto-update while building releases using the env var IS_AUTO_UPDATE_DISABLED=1 or the popup of GitHub Actions for beta releases bfx-report-electron#170
  • Added reports for Turkey. PR: bfx-report-ui#561
  • Implemented selected auth type persisting if the Remember Me option is selected for improving UX during page/app reloading. PR: bfx-report-ui#568
  • Implemented sub-accounts handling progress indicator, to improve UX for the cases when creation/updating requests can take some time due to slow network connection, etc. PR: bfx-report-ui#573


  • Provided a new Sync Core to use temp tables during sync processing. PR: bfx-reports-framework#240. The main idea is to put data fetched from the BFX api_v2 to temp tables to have consistent data in the main tables and allow users to request reports from all sections any time even sync is going on, except the first sync when the DB is empty. When the sync is finished and temp tables are filled all data will be moved to the main tables in one atomic transaction thus users don't have to experience transitional processes. Basic changes:
    • Implemened new Sync Core to use temp tables
    • Improved transaction flow to fix the database is locked issue
    • Improved handling ENET errors from the BFX api_v2, added fetching data retries. Related to PR: bfx-report#275
    • Added DB migration v31
    • Added create and update timestamps to service tables for easier debugging
    • Significantly reduced the number of requests to the BFX api_v2, which increases the speed of the sync
    • Fixed WebSocket timeout connection issue
    • Reduced pragma analysis_limit to 400 for performance
    • Used inner max request limit to BFX api_v2 for syncing data to speed up
  • Actualized Spanish translations PR: bfx-report-ui#562
  • Improved invoices for not merchant users. PR: bfx-report-ui#565
  • Increased Fee Perc precision in the Trades report to 3 decimals for better representation. PR: bfx-report-ui#570


  • Fixed WebSocket GRENACHE_WS_IS_CLOCED error. PR: bfx-reports-framework#239
  • Fixed URL to get API keys when sign-in. PRs: bfx-report-electron#172, bfx-report-ui#582
  • Fixed incorrect rate filter param type and value passing from Public Funding report. PR: bfx-report-ui#553
  • Fixed reports exporting. PR: bfx-report-ui#558
  • Fixed wrong auth via WebSockets for sub-accounts. PR: bfx-report-ui#566
  • Prevented redirection to the Sign In screen after the successful adding a sub-account for improving UX if the user wants to add several sub-accounts in a row. PR: bfx-report-ui#571
  • Fixed the possibility of creating several sub-accounts with one request in the Multiple Accounts sign up modal same way as we have in the main Sub Accounts section. PR: bfx-report-ui#572
  • Fixed missed time frame start/end params provided during exporting in CSV for Average Win/Loss, Traded Volume, Account Balance, Loan and Fees reports. PR: bfx-report-ui#575
  • Prevented the possibility for already created sub-accounts to being selected for the creation of new one. PR: bfx-report-ui#576
  • Fixed issue with the staled Master Account still selected after the dropping database, restarting the backend and reloading the app. PR: bfx-report-ui#577
  • Prevented the possibility of Sub Account creation submission if the Master Account hadn't been selected or registered, fixed Sign Up modal overlay styling. PR: bfx-report-ui#578
  • Fixed issue with stuck sync progress percentage when the main worker is restarted while the synchronization is in progress and UI performs a successful reconnection via WebSockets. PR: bfx-report-ui#579
  • Fixed USDt symbols and pairs parsing. PR: bfx-report-ui#580
  • Fixed sign-out issue by providing token. PR: bfx-report-ui#583
  • Fixed issues with unavailability for selection registered users while creating Sub Accounts in some cases. PR: bfx-report-ui#584


[3.8.1] - 2022-09-29


  • Enhanced the fees report for the UI. Changed the Report Type selector to have Trading fees (by default) and Funding fees and Funding + Trading fees options. Added cumulative result to the chart as on Loan Report, PR: bfx-report-ui#549. Removed deprecated fees report methods form the backend, PR: bfx-reports-framework#237

[3.8.0] - 2022-09-20


  • Added a zipped AppImage release of the app to the electron build flow as a simple way to avoid users adding executable permission manually after downloading binary artifact. Also, leaves unzipped AppImage release for auto-update. PR: bfx-report-electron#162
  • Added win/loss vs previous day balance results. PR: bfx-reports-framework#233
  • Added one more option to Select Report Type selection of thewin/loss chart: Percentage Gains (gains/deposits) and Percentage Gains (gains/balance) options. PR: bfx-report-ui#545
  • Added Sum option to the columns context menu and related logic to show a quick total for numeric values. PR: bfx-report-ui#538
  • Implemented copying columns sum up values to the clipboard along with displaying the result. Allowed quick total displaying if sum up value equals 0. PR: bfx-report-ui#540
  • Implemented dynamic payload fetching on Candles chart scrolling for better representation and UX improvement. PR: bfx-report-ui#547


  • Enhanced the fees report. Added an additional selector with Trading fees (by default) and Funding fees and Funding + Trading fees options. Added cumulative result to the chart as on Loan Report. PR: bfx-reports-framework#234
  • Improved properties validation in Affiliates Earnings, Funding, Staking Payments and Ledgers reports by defining types/defaults inside the related components for better linting. PR: bfx-report-ui#541
  • Improved candles fetching logic to speed up Go to specific date feature for Candles chart in the Trades report. PR: bfx-report-ui#542
  • Improved properties validation in Account Balance, Candles, Derivatives, Candlestick, and several Auth sub-components. PR: bfx-report-ui#544


  • Fixed auto-update toast window styles. PR: bfx-report-electron#161
  • Fixed win/loss vs account balance report, fixed percentage calculation for sub-account transfers and for all movements. PR: bfx-reports-framework#233
  • Fixed issues with selected Unrealized Profits and Report Type params dropping to defaults on Average Win/Loss report refresh. PR: bfx-report-ui#545
  • Fixed win/loss vs account balance export to CSV. PR: bfx-report-ui#546


[3.7.4] - 2022-08-10



  • Rounded Account Summary displayed values for better representation bfx-report-ui#534
  • Updated columns filter configuration to show trades id column by default in Trades report. PR: bfx-report-ui#536
  • Allowed continuing work with the app when reporting errors. This request was got from issue: #149


  • Added auth refreshing on re-login via WebSockets and fixed issues with broken HTTP requests due to the staled token from the previous authorization bfx-report-ui#532
  • Fixed issue on win/loss results. PR: bfx-reports-framework#228
  • Prevented redundant force-syncing on startup when movements are empty. PR: bfx-reports-framework#229
  • Fixed layout styles of the modal dialogs
  • Fixed error window width in order to not has the width as a display screen by default


[3.7.3] - 2022-07-08




[3.7.2] - 2022-06-01



  • Adds logic for merging similar trades, with the same orderId and execPrice, to the one dot on the Candles chart for better representation and readability in the UI. PR: bfx-report-ui#515
  • Removes Input Timezone picker from Preferences and related logic for setting and using manually selected timezone for inputs. PR: bfx-report-ui#521
  • Adds sub accounts selection persistence in Multiple Accounts login mode in the UI. PR: bfx-report-ui#518


[3.7.1] - 2022-04-28


  • Added option to quickly clear filters in the UI. PR: bfx-report-ui#501
  • Added a link to affiliates dashboard on Affiliates Earnings page for better conversion and convenience in the UI. PR: bfx-report-ui#512



[3.7.0] - 2022-04-12





  • Updated/Hardcoded dependencies versions

[3.6.3] - 2022-01-12


  • Added usd equivalents columns to ledgers csv export. This request was got from issue: #114


  • Fixed data consistency error message, while DB is being synced, we should display the message that: This particular endpoints are not available for the selected time frame while DB is being synced
  • Fixed Logins metadata duplicated data preview on mobiles

[3.6.2] - 2021-12-17


  • Added ability to backup/restore DB
  • Added ability to track server worker errors
  • Added changelog file and flow to show one in the modal dialog after the app was updated


  • Fixed snapshots tickers. The issue is the following: when taking a snapshot of wallets it's not showing the correspondent tickers as to represent crypto in fiat equivalent
  • Fixed error manager


  • Updated electron version up to 13.6.3

[3.6.1] - 2021-11-03


  • Fixed account summary response for sub-account
  • Fixed issue with app crashing on Start Snapshot and related React errors


  • Added win/loss vs account balance report
  • Added Show Unrealized Profits selectors to Average Win/Loss and Account Balance sections