- Add error handling to find file path @bjk7119 (#84)
- Fix to get OSS info from pkg info @bjk7119 (#83)
- Add error handling to analyze jar file @bjk7119 (#82)
- Update package name for ARM Mac @soimkim (#81)
- Change package to get release package @bjk7119 (#80)
- Update version of packages for actions @bjk7119 (#79)
- Use allowlist_externals instead of whitelist_externals @soimkim (#78)
- Modify not to generate binary.txt if no binaries @dd-jy (#76)
- Print license text through notice parameter @dd-jy (#75)
- Modify OSS name from OWASP Result @bjk7119 (#74)
- Change yaml output file name @soimkim (#73)
- Change the output file name @soimkim (#72)
- Fix memory bug when checking file type @soimkim (#71)
- Fix bug without -p option @bjk7119 (#70)
- Modify output file name for opossum @bjk7119 (#69)
- Remove unnecessary code - print type @bjk7119 (#67)
- Separate the function that checks binary @soimkim (#66)
- Modify help msg if invalid input @bjk7119 (#64)
- Remove the required option from the help message @soimkim (#63)
- Analyze the current path if path is null @soimkim (#62)
- If the result file is not created, do not output it to the log. @soimkim (#61)
- Add progress bar @bjk7119 (#60)
- Modify not to generate .jar analysis file @bjk7119 (#59)
- Fix memory bug when checking file type on windows @soimkim (#58)
- update the minimum version of fosslight_util @dd-jy (#57)
- Fix a bug where the current ar archive file is not considered binary. @soimkim (#56)
- Add yaml format for FOSSLight Report @dd-jy (#54)
- Let the binary filter be used externally @soimkim (#55)
- Add a commit message checker @soimkim (#53)
- Add error exception handling when checking file type @soimkim (#51)
- If fetching the binary list fails, exit the program. @soimkim (#52)
- Fix the bug where results could not be generated due to OWASP error @soimkim (#49)
- Remove the fixed python version when running tox @soimkim (#48)
- Apply f-string format @bjk7119 (#47)
- Add error handle for dependency-check running @bjk7119 (#45)
- Modify LicenseRef-3rd_party_licenses.txt @bjk7119 (#46)
- Set CVE valid time to 24 hours @bjk7119 (#44)
- Fix to make executable file including 'dependency-check' package @bjk7119 (#43)
- Change the log level related to the output file @soimkim (#39)
- Modify to print output file name @bjk7119 (#37)
- Return a list of successes and results @soimkim (#36)
- Fix to make executable file with latest version @bjk7119 (#35)
- Fix to local variable assignment issue - extended header @bjk7119 (#33)
- Add vulnerability column for jar file analysis result @bjk7119 (#30)
- Do not print comment if there is no information from OWASP @bjk7119 (#29)
- Print the extension to the output file of the result log @soimkim (#27)
- Fix the bug where there is no start time @bjk7119 (#25)
- Remove remained code related to -a option @bjk7119 (#26)
- Add the -v option to print version @soimkim
- Delete -a option @bjk7119 (#22)
- Apply OWASP dependency-check to analyze jar file @bjk7119 (#24)
- Add format('-f') option and modify output('-o') option @dd-jy (#20)
- Add format('-f') option and modify output('-o') option @dd-jy (#20)
- Fix a bug related to printing empty column @soimkim (#19)
- Update documentation @soimkim (#17)
- Add badges to README @soimkim (#16)