type: class
- t00084.m
- .
File tests/t00084/t00084.h
#include <Foundation/Foundation.h>
/// \uml{note[top] Somehow it's ok to have a C struct and an ObjC
/// interface with the same name.}
struct CULogger { };
@protocol PAdd
- (void)add;
@protocol PSub
- (void)subtract;
@class CULogger;
@interface CUArithmetic : NSObject <PAdd, PSub> {
CULogger *logger;
struct Result {
int result;
struct Serializer { };
@interface CUIntArithmetic : CUArithmetic {
int a;
int b;
struct Result result;
struct Serializer *s18n;
+ create;
@property (nonatomic) int a, b;
- (int)get;
#define ROWS 4
#define COLUMNS 4
struct Value {
int value;
@interface CUMatrixArithmetic : CUArithmetic {
struct Value data[ROWS][COLUMNS];
@interface CULogger : NSObject {
@interface CUMatrixArithmetic ()
- (void)destroy;
@interface CUMatrixArithmetic (MatrixOps)
- (void)transpose;
- (NSInteger)trace;
File tests/t00084/t00084.m
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