Back to
- Testing User Stories
- Code validation
- HTML validation
- Home page validation
- Home page paginated validation
- Home page filtered validation
- Home page filtered paginated validation
- Home page filtered with no results validation
- Search page validation
- Search page with no results
- Search page with paginated link validation
- Signup: known issue
- Signin validation
- Signout validation
- Confirm email validation
- Community validation
- Profile detail validation
- CSS validation
- JavaScript validation
- Python validation
- Project-level Python validation
- HTML validation
- Manual feature testing
- Accessibility testing
- Automated testing
- Bugs
Table of contents generated with readme-toc
At the end of the development process, a final check was made on the list of initially planned User Stories to document which ones have been completed.
The results are summarized in the following table (click here for the original Sheet):
As the table shows, all User Stories marked as part of the MVP (priority must have
) have been completed, along with a significant number of User Stories that were outside the scope of the MVP.
The Epic Manage own About info and its User Stories were marked as duplicates of the ones relating to User Profiles.
The Epics Manage own ingredient quantities and Manage own recipes have been implemented in the Admin panel by restricting the objects that Staff users have access to. As this functionality was not part of the MVP, and the allotted time did not allow for completion of all User Stories, implementing the same functionality in the UI was deemed outside the scope of the current version.
Work items that were not part of the initial planning phase and were adding during the course of development as requirements became clarified are as follows:
- The Epic Manage own ingredients (Collaborators) and its User Stories
- The Epic Recipe attributes and its User Stories
- the color theme selection functionality
- restricted Staff access to the Admin panel
Validation found no errors or warnings.
Validation found no errors or warnings.
Validation found no errors or warnings.
Validation found no errors or warnings.
Validation found no errors or warnings.
Validation found no errors or warnings.
Validation found no errors or warnings.
Validation found no errors or warnings.
The Allauth template for Signup.html
has a known issue that produces validation errors. Since this is a problem with the framework code, and not the custom code written for this project, and it does not affect the functionality of the app, this was not corrected.
Validation found no errors or warnings.
Validation found no errors or warnings.
Validation found no errors or warnings.
Validation found no errors or warnings.
Validation found no errors or warnings.
was validated with Jigsaw and passed without errors or warnings.
All self-written JavaScript files were validated with JSHint. No errors were found apart from the known issue below.
The file comments.js
(which is identical to the one used in the walkthrough project) produces the following error during JS validation:
1 undefined variable
Validation found no issues.
Validation found no issues.
All self-written or modified Python files in the project were validated with the Code Institute PEP8 Linter. No errors were found.
Validation found no issues.
Validation found no issues.
Validation found no issues.
Validation found no issues.
Validation found no issues.
Validation found no issues.
Validation found no issues.
Validation found no issues.
Validation found no issues.
Validation found no issues.
Validation found no issues.
Validation found no issues.
Validation found no issues.
Action | Expected result | Result |
page loads | hamburger icon not visible logo and brand name visible brand text visible nav links visible Search bar visible color selector visible |
✅ |
color selector changed | page color scheme changes persistently | ✅ |
Community link clicked | Community page loaded | ✅ |
Recipes link clicked | Home page loaded | ✅ |
Search button clicked | Search page loaded | ✅ |
logo and brand name clicked | home page loaded | ✅ |
Click to play video
Action | Expected result | Result |
page loads | hamburger icon visible logo and brand name visible brand text not visible nav links not visible Search bar not visible color selector not visible |
✅ |
hamburger icon clicked | Search bar and color selector revealed | ✅ |
hamburger icon clicked again | Search bar and color selector hidden | ✅ |
Click to play video
Action | Expected result | Result |
page loads | "Welcome, user !" visible"You are not logged in" not visible Signout link visible |
✅ |
Signout link clicked | Signout page loaded | ✅ |
Click to play video
Action | Expected result | Result |
page loads | "Welcome, user !" not visible"You are not logged in" visible Signin link visible |
✅ |
Signin link clicked | Signin page loaded | ✅ |
Signup link clicked | Signup page loaded | ✅ |
Click to play video
Action | Expected result | Result |
page loads | copyright info visible GitHub icon visible LinkedIn icon visible |
✅ |
GitHub icon clicked | GitHub profile opens in new tab | ✅ |
LinkedIn icon clicked | LinkedIn profile opens in new tab | ✅ |
Click to play video
Displays the list of recipes
Action | Expected result | Result |
home page loads | filters visible recipe cards visible pagination visible |
✅ |
filter changed | result count visible recipe list is filtered |
✅ |
result count > 6 | pagination visible | ✅ |
any recipe card clicked | corresponding recipe detail page loads | ✅ |
Click to play video
Action | Expected result | Result |
recipe detail page loads | title visible author visible attributes visible (if any) ingredients visible (if any) image visible total time, prep time & cook time visible instructions visible comments visible (if any) |
✅ |
user not logged in | "Sign in to leave a comment" | ✅ |
user logged in | comment field visible comment field & button visible own pending comments visible |
✅ |
user logged in user has comments |
Edit & Delete button visible for each comment |
✅ |
comment button clicked comment field empty |
"Please fill in this field" | ✅ |
comment button clicked comment field not empty |
comment appears as unapproved edit & delete buttons appear |
✅ |
Edit button clicked | comment text filled into comment field Submit button changes to Update |
✅ |
Update button clicked | comment text updated comment set to unapproved |
✅ |
Delete button clicked | delete modal pops up | ✅ |
Close button clicked on delete modal | delete modal closes comment remains |
✅ |
Delete button clicked on delete modal | comment is deleted confirmation message appears |
✅ |
Click to play video
Click to play video
Action | Expected result | Result |
Search page loaded | result count visible recipe list is filtered |
✅ |
result count > 6 | pagination visible | ✅ |
Click to play video
Action | Expected result | Result |
more recipes/results exist | Next button visible | ✅ |
previous results exist | Prev button visible | ✅ |
Next button clicked | next page of results is loaded | ✅ |
Prev button clicked | previous page of results is loaded | ✅ |
Click to play video
Displays the list of profiles
Action | Expected result | Result |
Community page loads | profile cards visible | ✅ |
any profile card clicked | corresponding profile detail page loads | ✅ |
Action | Expected result | Result |
Profile detail page loads | name or username visible status visible pronouns visible (if any) neurodiversity visible (if any) about text visible (if any) |
✅ |
Click to play video
Action | Expected result | Result |
Signin page loads | Signin text visible Signup link visible username field visible password field visible Signup button visible password reset link visible |
✅ |
Signup link clicked | Signup page loaded | ✅ |
password reset link clicked | password reset page loaded | ✅ |
Signin button clicked any field empty |
"Please fill in this field" | ✅ |
Signin button clicked noth fields filled credentials not correct |
"The username and/or password you specified are not correct." | ✅ |
Signin button clicked both fields filled credentials correct email not confirmed |
user is signed in Email sent page loads confirmation email sent |
✅ |
Signin button clicked both fields filled credentials correct email confirmed |
user is signed in home page loads |
✅ |
Click to play video
Action | Expected result | Result |
Signout page loads | Signout text visible Signout button visible |
✅ |
Signout button clicked | user signed out home page loads |
✅ |
Click to play video
Action | Expected result | Result |
Signup page loads | Signup text visible Signin link visible email field visible username field visible password field visible password rules visible password (again) field visible Signup button visible password reset link visible |
✅ |
Signin link clicked | Signin page loaded | ✅ |
password reset link clicked | password reset page loaded | ✅ |
Signup button clicked any field empty |
"Please fill in this field" | ✅ |
Signup button clicked email field has no @ |
"Please include an @ ..." |
✅ |
Signup button clicked password fields don't match OR password does not conform to rules |
password fields get emptied | ✅ |
Signup button clicked email already registered |
"A user with that username already exists" | ✅ |
Signup button clicked all fields filled correctly |
user is signed up Email sent page loads verification email sent to user |
✅ |
user clicks link in verification email | Confirm email page loads |
Click to play video
Action | Expected result | Result |
Email sent page loads | confirmation email sent to user | ✅ |
Signup confirmation email
Action | Expected result | Result |
Confirm email page loads | confirm text visible confirm button visible |
✅ |
confirm button clicked | registration confirmed Signin page loads |
✅ |
Click to play video
Action | Expected result | Result |
password reset page loads | reset text visible email field visible reset button visible |
✅ |
reset button clicked email not valid |
"email not valid" | |
reset button clicked email valid email not in database |
reset confirmation page loads "we have no record of you" email sent |
✅ |
reset button clicked email valid email in database |
reset confirmation page loads password reset email sent |
✅ |
reset link in email clicked | change password page shown | ✅ |
Click to play video
Password reset email sent to unregistered user
Password reset email sent to registered user
Action | Expected result | Result |
change password loads | change password text visible new password field visible new password again field visible change password button visible |
✅ |
change password button clicked only 1 password field filled |
"Please fill out this field" | ✅ |
change password button clicked passwords don't match |
"You must type the same password each time" | ✅ |
change password button clicked passwords match |
"Your password is now changed" | ✅ |
Click to play video
The following pages have been tested with Lighthouse emulating both a mobile and a desktop use case:
- home / recipe list
- home / recipe list with paginated link
- home / recipe list filtered
- home / recipe list filtered with no results
- home / recipe list filtered with paginated link
- search
- search with no results
- search with paginated link
- register /
- signout
confirm confirm-email
(when an unvalidated user tries to log in)- community / profile list
- profile detail
The accessibility audits uncovered some minor issues with color contrasts and heading precedence. These were all corrected (see the commits of the corresponding Issue), so that the final accessibility audit result for all pages tested is 100%.
All accessibility reports can be found in this folder. Reports starting with 100
are the final ones, while those with lower numbers are earlier reports whose issues have been corrected.
In addition to Lighthouse, color contrasts were also tested with the WebAIM Contrast Checker. This was especially important given that the project has multiple color schemes.
color name | HEX code |
very-dark-orange | #531D04 |
dark-orange | #D7410F |
med-orange | #FD7E14 |
light-orange | #f7ddcf |
color name | HEX code |
very-dark-blue | #08374F |
dark-blue | #0F6895 |
med-blue | #20A6E9 |
light-blue | #BFE6F7 |
color name | HEX code |
very-dark-green | #084f37 |
dark-green | #1b871d |
med-green | #7ef075 |
light-green | #ceedcc |
color name | HEX code |
light-neutral | #F9FAFC |
white | #FFFFFF |
color 1 | color 2 | contrast | WCAG AA/AAA | Comment |
very-dark-orange | white | 13.58:1 | AAA | |
very-dark-orange | light-orange | 10.48:1 | AAA | |
very-dark-orange | med-orange | 5.28:1 | AA | Only used for large text |
very-dark-orange | light-neutral | 13:01:1 | AAA | |
dark-orange | white | 4.51:1 | AA | |
dark-orange | light-orange | 3.48:1 | AA | Only used for large text |
color 1 | color 2 | contrast | WCAG AA/AAA | Comment |
very-dark-blue | white | 12.57:1 | AAA | |
very-dark-blue | light-blue | 10.48:1 | AAA | |
very-dark-blue | med-blue | 4.6:1 | AAA | Only used for large text |
very-dark-blue | light-neutral | 12.04:1 | AAA | |
dark-blue | white | 6.11:1 | AA | |
dark-blue | light-blue | 4.62:1 | AAA | Only used for large text |
color 1 | color 2 | contrast | WCAG AA/AAA | Comment |
very-dark-green | white | 9.61:1 | AAA | |
very-dark-green | light-green | 7.6:1 | AAA | |
very-dark-green | med-green | 6.68:1 | AAA | Only used for large text |
very-dark-green | light-neutral | 9.2:1 | AAA | |
dark-green | white | 4.63:1 | AA | |
dark-green | light-green | 3.66 :1 | AAA | Only used for large text |
Automated tests were written for the following test cases:
- comment form is valid
- comment form is invalid
- render recipe detail page with comment form
- successful comment submission
- successful comment editing
- unsuccessful comment editing
- successful comment deletion
- unsuccessful comment deletion
All automated tests pass without issues.
All bugs are tracked in GitHub Issues.
Known bugs are listed in GitHub Issues.
Solved bugs are listed in GitHub Issues.