Heron v0.4.3 Release Notes
Added components
Added OgrInfo for vector file info similar to GdalInfo for raster data.
Added Import Topo Lite, a minimal version of Import Topo that works in a headless environment.
Added Import OSM Lite, a version of Import OSM that works in a headless environment.
Added Slippy Raster Custom to allow use of custom slippy map service URLs.
Updated components
Added Bake Preview to raster component menus to allow direct bake of mapped preview mesh with new rhino material.
ImportLAZ: Allow HTTP input for LAS/LAZ source.
ImportLAZ: Added colored point cloud preview, replacing the default point preview.
ImportLAZ: Added run toggle.
OSMREST: Allow async download and added custom Timeout menu item.
ImportOSM: Added ability to build roof from levels instead of just height.
ExportVector: Added ability to tag fields with a field type.
ExportVector: Added an export closed polyline as polygon menu option.
SetSRS: Changed to boolean parameter input instead of component UI button.
RESTTopo: Added optional input for a custom URL topo source.
Fixed bugs
ImportLAZ: Read LAZ v1.4 files with extended parameters.
ImportTopo: Boundary input is no longer required if the clip option is unchecked.
Added error checking for Folder Path inputs. Allows transferability of components for different users and the default tempt folder.
RESTTopo: Fixed TopoURL sticky bug.
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