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Petanque (pronounced "petanque") is a gymnasium-like environment for the Coq Proof Assistant.

Petanque is geared towards use cases where interacting at the document-level (like Flèche provides) in not enough, usually because we want to work on purely proof-search level vs the document level one.

Petanque follows the methodology developed in SerAPI, thus we specify an OCaml API (agent.mli) which is then exposed via some form of RPC.


  • Guilaume Baudart (Inria)
  • Emilio J. Gallego Arias (Inria)
  • Marc Lelarge (Inria)
  • Laetitia Teodorescu (Inria)


  • Andrei Kozyrev
  • Alex Sánchez-Stern

Install instructions

Please see the regular coq-lsp install instructions for more details.

In general, you want to install coq-lsp first, the pytanque, the Python companion. You have three options to install coq-lsp, in order of easiness:

  • use a released version from Opam:
$ opam install coq-lsp
  • install a development version using Opam:
$ git clone ... coq-lsp && cd coq-lsp
$ make opam-update-and-reinstall
$ opam install coq-mathcomp-ssreflect # etc...
  • use a development version directly from the tree (expert-mode)

See the contributing guide for instructions on how to do the last.

Installing in Google Collab

As of Feb 2025, the following will get you a working petanque for Coq 8.20 in Google Colab:

# Copyright 2024 Drengskapur
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# @title {display-mode:"form"}
# @markdown <br/><br/><center><img src="" height="150"><img src="" height="150"></center><br/>
# @markdown <center><h1>Docker in Colab</h1></center><center><br/><br/><br/><b>udocker("run hello-world")</b></center><br/>
def udocker_init():
    import os
    if not os.path.exists("/home/user"):
        !pip install udocker > /dev/null
        !udocker --allow-root install > /dev/null
        !useradd -m user > /dev/null
    print(f'Docker-in-Colab 1.1.0\n')
    print(f'Usage:     udocker("--help")')

    def execute(command: str):
        user_prompt = "\033[1;32muser@pc\033[0m"
        print(f"{user_prompt}$ udocker {command}")
        !su - user -c "udocker $command"

    return execute

udocker = udocker_init()

Then do:

  • udocker("pull coqorg/coq:8.18.0")
  • udocker("run coqorg/coq:8.18.0 opam install -y logs lwt coq-lsp")
  • udocker("run coqorg/coq:8.18.0 pet-server --help")

Note that images containing Coq 8.19.2 and upwards will unfortunately rebuild Coq, this is being addressed here This makes us resort to 8.18 as there are no 8.19 images for 8.19.1 and 8.19.2 .

See issue #910 for our plans to generate a complete Docker image for petanque.

Running petanque JSON shell

You can use petanque in 3 different ways:

  • call the API using JSON-RPC directly in coq-lsp, over the LSP protocol
  • use the provided pet and pet-server JSON-RPC shells, usually with a library such as Pytanque
  • call the API directly from your OCaml program

See agent.mli for an overview of the API. The petanque/setWorkspace method is only available in the pet and pet-server shells; when petanque is used from LSP, the workspace needs to be set using LSP in the usual way.

To execute the pet JSON-RPC shell do:

dune exec -- rlwrap %{bin:pet} --http_headers=no

rlwrap is just a convenience, if your dune version is too old and don't recognize the %{bin:pet} form, you can just do dune exec -- pet.

Petanque options

Petanque can be initalized from the command line by passing the --root parameter to it:

dune exec -- rlwrap %{bin:pet} --root=/absolute/path/to/my/project

NOTE: If you use this option, you should not call Init!

A first example:

pet speaks JSON-RPC, and is usable interactively (tho not designed for it):

{ method: "petanque/setWorkspace", id: 1, params: { debug: false, root: "file:///home/egallego/research/coq-lsp/examples" } }
 > {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":null}

{ method: "petanque/start", id: 2, params: { uri: "file:///home/egallego/research/coq-lsp/examples/ex0.v", thm: "addnC" } }
 > {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"$/logTrace","params":{"message":"[check] resuming [v: 0], from: 0 l: 0"}}
 > ...
 > {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":2,"result":1}

{ method: "petanque/run", id: 3, params: { "st": 1, "tac": "induction n."} }
 > {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":3,"result":["Current_state",2]}

{ method: "petanque/goals", id: 4, params: { "st": 2 } }
 > {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":4,"result":{"goals":[{"info":{"evar":["Ser_Evar",51],"name":null},"hyps":[{"names":["m"],"def":null,"ty":"nat"}],"ty":"0 + m = m + 0"},{"info":{"evar":["Ser_Evar",55],"name":null},"hyps":[{"names":["n","m"],"def":null,"ty":"nat"},{"names":["IHn"],"def":null,"ty":"n + m = m + n"}],"ty":"S n + m = m + S n"}],"stack":[],"bullet":null,"shelf":[],"given_up":[]}}


Seems to work! (TM) (Famous last words)

Running pet-server

After building Petanque, you can launch a TCP server with:

dune exec -- pet-server

Default address is and default port is 8765.

❯ dune exec -- pet-server --help
PET(1)                            Pet Manual                            PET(1)

       pet - Petanque Server

       pet [--address=ADDRESS] [--backlog=BACKLOG] [--port=PORT] [OPTION]…

       Launch a petanque server to interact with Coq

       See the documentation on the project's webpage for more information

       -a ADDRESS, --address=ADDRESS (absent=
           address to listen to

       -b BACKLOG, --backlog=BACKLOG (absent=10)
           socket backlog

       -p PORT, --port=PORT (absent=8765)
           port to listen to

       --help[=FMT] (default=auto)
           Show this help in format FMT. The value FMT must be one of auto,
           pager, groff or plain. With auto, the format is pager or plain
           whenever the TERM env var is dumb or undefined.

           Show version information.