- fix issue where element is mounted as virtual in hook.
- fix multiselect binding.
- fix issue where valid form still tiggers invalid after blur of previously invalid field.
- add prerender for full page post back to ensure defaults repaint.
- fix SSR latency render and sync issues.
- more render fixes.
- fix issue where render was called on unmounted component, for example on Modals.
- favor stopPropagation over preventDefault on keypress for textareas.
- Fix issue where defaults may not bind.
- Talked me into it, default checkboxes to on change binding vs on blur as the default.
- Fix issue where values passed to .reset() aren't updated.
- Whoops .reset() can't have default val, check instead.
- Add unregister method to field hook.
- Flag element names that have been unregistered.
- Remove from unregistered if/when element is reregistered.
- Suppress warning of unmounted element by using flag when unregistered.
- Add .reset() helper in field hook to reset individual field, clear errors, dirty & touched.
- Add additional native validator support.
- Add convenience callback for "onValidated".
- Improve useField typings for errors.
- Improve input file, FileList support.
- Improve error normalization, flag with error when incorrect type.
- Fix infinite loop when setting defaults in some scenarios.
- For user validationSchema pass generated Ast Schema so user can build error messages.
- Watch for defaults change, then reinit.
- Bug, fix issue where checkboxes do not init correctly in some cases.
- Don't warn in console of missing element for virtual hook fields.
- Fix issue where some inputs allow enter key to submit form which causes issues for onBlur or onChange handlers.
- Should also pass vanity element names (not bound in model) to user validation script.
const validate = (model, fields, vanities) => errors
- Pass bound fields in Set.
const validate = (model, fields) => errors
. - Allow binding to inner element in custom registrations e.g.
<input ref={register({ bindTo: 'input' })}/>
- Favor new defaults over current model when reinitializing.
- Reinit should allow partials.
- Add ".update()" method to allow for model updates with synchronization and validation like hooks but from root hook.
- Expose "reinit" so that defaults can be set from useEffect and allow all data to resync before render.
- Reinit should force and allow resync even if mounted.
- Fix issue where registrations in custom components may not bind.
- Fix issue where missing model value throws error but does bubble due to missing element.
- Enable option to clean vanity properties not part of original model.
- update setModel for exposed api to cause render.
- ensure new state for renderer.