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Azure ML Model Deployment and Sustainment SI 2018


GitHub project for an information system which demonstrate DevOps concepts for Machine Learning in combination with a Microservices Architecture and Public Cloud service.

Deployment Instructions

Acquire an Azure subscription on the commercial or gov't cluster with permissions to generate/access Storage and CosmosDB

Clone project directory

Clone the project from GitHub with the command git clone and navigate to the project root directory in the terminal/CLI

Azure Shell Setup

Install Azure Shell according to Microsoft instructions, in this case for Ubuntu azure-cli If using Azure Gov't, reset the shell cloud az cloud set --name AzureUSGovernment

Docker setup

Install docker locally using sudo apt install docker (for Ubuntu) or as appropriate for your OS

Setup K8s Configs For Deployment

If you do not want to use the defaults for the blob storage and database, manually edit the two ConfigMap services at the top of the cluster-deployment.yml file for the deployed Database and Blob Storage

Execute Cluster Deployment Shell Script

Run the cluster deployment script with ./

Build And Push Images

  sudo docker login
  sudo docker build -t ./InputService/
  sudo docker build -t ./VisualizationService/
  sudo docker push
  sudo docker push
  az acr repository list --name mycontainerregistry

While logged in Azure with powershell navigate to the OrchestrationDriver subfolder of the project Github (), generate a Azure File Storage Instance with the following in structions and arguments storage-powershell-guide

Local Kubernetes Instructions

Use Minikube for local development and testing, noting the following gotchas

  1. Install local Azure Powershell Instance (required on Gov't) to installing-powershell-core-on-linux
  2. Setup a Service Principal to allow the Orchestration Driver to create and manipulate processing resources howto-create-service-principal-portal note ClientId, ClientSecret and TenantId for use in configuration later
  3. Generate a Azure File Storage Instance (If using pre-generated test data)
  4. Generate a CosmoDB Cassanda Instance
    1. Generate CosmoDB Cassandra API instance for the Python driver using the following instructions create-cassandra-python, providing and noting a custom service name and endpoint url (which will be used for configuration later)*
    2. Navigate to the generated CosmoDB Cassandra resource on the portal and go to quickstart, then note the CosmoDB secret (which will also be used for configuration)

Local Setup

  1. Ensure that the local environment has Internet access and can reach the domain via browser
  2. Ensure that the local environment has a CLI accessible Docker, Git, Python 3.x and compatible pip instance sudo apt install docker-compose, git, python3, pip3 for Ubuntu
  3. Ensure that the entire GitHub project repository is cloned locally git clone
  4. From the root directory of the project, install the dependencies of the Orchestration Driver pip3 install -r ./OrchestrationDriver/requirements.txt
  5. Copy and rename the OrchestrationDriverConfigTemplate.json to OrchestrationDriverConfig.json then populate with the Azure Storage and Azure CosmoDB Cassandra information noted in the Azure setup instructions
  6. Execute with Python 3 python3 ./OrchestrationDriver/, This should
    1. Generate remaining required services in Azure including the VLAN, ContainerRegistry and CognitiveServices
    2. Configure and build the other services in the repository, register them with the Azure ContainerRegistry, and launch them

Key Concepts

Programmatic Cloud Deployment

A key tenant of DevOps philosophy is the movement towards automation in development, testing, building and deployment of systems. By providing the ability to create and destroy virtually every key resource via API, public cloud services like Azure allow entire systems to be described and deployed by software with little to no human involvement.

Programmatic deployment exists on the opposite extreme of manual deployment using a GUI and requires a compatible DSL/Library and API

Programmatic deployment helps make complex systems more agile by making it easier to test the impact of changes at any level of the system

Service Oriented Architecture

In this case services are simplified to mean REST services, meaning software systems which can only be interacted with via formally defined network interfaces (in this case HTTP based)

The advantage of the service approach is that it simplifies and formalizes communication between system components. This has wide ranging effects including the ability to break systems up into simple, easy to configure, easy to modify pieces. This, in turn, helps make otherwise complex undertakings like scaling, migrating, configuration change easier to execute.

Service architectures go in hand with Docker based containerization, as REST interfaces and ports are often the default means of communication in and out of a container, and a lot of products built atop docker address the complexities of orchestrating those communications across large numbers of both heterogeneous and homogenous services.

Dynamic ML Retrain and Deployment Cloud Storage as a Service

One of the truths of cloud architecture is that data is the lowest common denominator of most information systems. By this I mean that architecture should be dictated by the position and movement of data, not the other way round. (and should be) more persistent then infrastructure. This means that it is usually advisable to separate data and storage from other types of less persistent.

This is represented in most Public Cloud architectures where multiple forms of long and middle term storage (ex. Amazon S3, Glacier) exist and typically become the

Due in part to its relatively simple, linear key design the hardware footprint of Columnar NoSQL is relatively easy to extrapolate from its data volume (rows, indices, datatypes). This allows storage to be priced predictively based on data volume and access rates, rather then dynamic hardware based metrics like

Demonstration System Services

The demonstration cluster consists of three Python web services which are built and distributed in Docker containers and deployed to an Azure cluster and the Orchestration Driver which builds the Azure cluster and builds/deploys the service containers. These services are scalable and can be replicated at will due to their reliance on Azure CosmosDB for storage.

Orchestration Driver

The orchestration driver is a Python script which can be run on any Internet connected host which can reach the Azure API. Its two primary tasks are to:

  • Build and deploy the service containers
  • Requisition and configure the shared services.

More information can be found in the inside its subfolder.

Input Service Container

The input service is a Python web app which is run in a docker container which

  • Ingests prospective persona images into the CosmoDB to be processed by the TrainerClassifier service and presented by the Visualization Services.
  • Enriches these images with extracted faces using Cognitive Data Services prior to insertion into CosmoDB

Currently this data originates from the test data on Azure storage but may be replaced by a real time web crawler in the future.

More information can be found in the inside its subfolder.

Trainer Classifier Service Container

The Trainer Classifier Service Container is a Python web app which is run in a docker container which

  • Trains new versions of the facial classifier from training data stored in CosmoDB and generated through the Visualization Service
  • Launches these new versions of the classifier via the AzureML API into containerized services
  • Extracts unlabeled extracted faces and re-classifies them to determine their persona association then updates their status in CosmoDB

More information can be found in the inside its subfolder.

Visualization Service Container

The Visualization Service Container is a Python web app which is run in a docker container which

  • Visualizes the personas current enumerated in CosmoDB
  • Visualizes the raw images and extracted faces labeled to belong to each persona
  • Visualizes the raw images and extracted faces predicted by the classifier to belong to each persona
  • Labels predicted extracted faces as belonging or not belonging to a persona
  • Inserting new personas into the CosmoDB database

More information can be found in the inside its subfolder

Azure Provided Components

CosmoDB With Cassandra API

This DBaaS solution provides all of the storage and inter-service communication for the app.

It stores the personas, raw images, extracted faces and associations used by the various parts of the system(table structure and fields are describe in greater detail in the Orchestration Driver

It also stores certain types of events (ex. labeling of images and addition personas) which allow
services to monitor each others behavior and trigger behaviors in response (in this case retraining and deploying the classifier).

Cognitive Services Facial Extractor

This is an out-of-the-box service provided by Azure, initialized by the Orchestration Driver and interacted with by the Input Service to extract faces from potential persona related images in order to be classified.

The details of this system are discussed further in the of the Input Service in its subfolder.