Releases: brentvollebregt/auto-py-to-exe
General UI Improvements
This release contains general improvements to the interface.
- Allow section headers to be click-able to open/close a section (no longer highlight-able)
- Fixed header alignment
- Made header elements links to the GitHub repo (shine effect)
Added Support for Python 3.7
Support for Python 3.7 has been added now that PyInstaller 3.4 has been released.
+ Uses the new debug argument
+ Added --bootloader-ignore-signals and --key
Handle errors more gracefully
Handle errors more gracefully and route them straight to the interface. Users no longer need to focus on the console as errors will hopefully be output straight to the textarea in the interface.
Don't Check Arguments When Imported
If imported, do not check arguments when run() is called.
Support for Systems Without Chrome
I shouldn't force you to use chrome, so here is a solution.
- If chrome is not found, the default browser will open
- Chromes app mode can be ignored using --no-chrome; the default browser will be used
- argparse now handles arguments
- Values in --exclude-module and --hidden-import can be passed values that are separated by commas. Each item will be assigned to a flag of it's own.
e.g. Input for --hidden-import: PyQt5, sip, my-module -> --hidden-import PyQt5 --hidden-import sip --hidden-import my-module - Added some notes
Call PyInstaller Internally
Instead of calling pyinstaller in another process, we now call it internally using
~ Modified output passing
+ Added handler for sys.stderr
+ Filter using regular expressions in custom sys.stderr handler
+ Check if all modules needed are installed (incl. tkinter)
Support for Python 2 and Tested on Linux
Tested on Python 2 and Linux. Modifications complete and now working as expected.
Use Ephemeral Ports and Call From Outside Project
+ Add a note regarding how to put additional files in the projects root directory
~ Empty ports are now obtained by the OS
~ Fixed calling outside project root
~ When passing a file as an argument convert it to an absolute path
+ Added support for non-utf-8 characters being transferred to the interface
~ Updated requirements.txt
New Method to Add Additional Files
This release is based of the improvement from issue #9 which revised how additional files are added. There are now three methods to add files.
First Stable Release
Now that bugs have been found and fixed, this release should be ready to go.