This directory contains Terraform configuration files showing how to create specific resources.
- The create-vpc is intended to demonstrate how to create a vpc along with Vswitch and security group rules.
- The launch-instance contains both the vpc configuration we used above and the instance provisioning configuration.
- For details on how to run these samples please refere to my blog post
Terraform for dummies part 6: Deploy a static website on Alibaba Cloud
Please run either one of them at a time (apply and destroy before runing the other) as the VPC attributes are the same .
Terraform Console:
Functions: Although terraform is a declarative language, there are still myriads of functions you can use to process strings/number/lists/mappings etc. you will find an excellent all in one script with examples of most terraform functions in
expressions: Same goes for expressions here is a simple shell script that creates a with multiples expressions and apply it for you No need to deploy anything in the cloud it's all local.
Credit : CloudaFFair