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base repository: andreberg/gitx
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base: master
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head repository: brotherbard/gitx
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compare: experimental
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Commits on Sep 17, 2009

  1. Update Sparkle Framework

    pieter committed Sep 17, 2009
    Copy the full SHA
    7747361 View commit details
  2. Add update key

    pieter committed Sep 17, 2009
    Copy the full SHA
    7bfcf9a View commit details
  3. CommitView: edit the xib a bit

    This thing crashed when switching to the commit view in a WebKit private method.
    After resaving, it worked again. Not very confidence inspiring :(
    pieter committed Sep 17, 2009
    Copy the full SHA
    63f6144 View commit details
  4. Merge branch 'pu/pb/newSparkle' into stable

    * pu/pb/newSparkle:
      Add update key
      Update Sparkle Framework
    pieter committed Sep 17, 2009
    Copy the full SHA
    1ba804d View commit details
  5. Add release notes for 0.7.1

    pieter committed Sep 17, 2009
    Copy the full SHA
    9b20e51 View commit details
  6. Info.plist: No longer use the LONG_VERSION hack

    Since 0b81911 we have a nicer Git version we can use, so we no longer
    require this hack. It also interferes with Sparkle's updating system,
    so just remove it and use the same versioning system as we use for
    the short string.
    pieter committed Sep 17, 2009
    Copy the full SHA
    ca20965 View commit details
  7. Remove Sparkle feed url changer

    Apparently the setFeedURL: method is persistent, so if someone ever used
    a nightly, it would keep the debug URL. That's not what I intended (I wanted
    to use a different URL for debugging purposes), so let's just remove it.
    pieter committed Sep 17, 2009
    Copy the full SHA
    4bc43db View commit details

Commits on Sep 21, 2009

  1. Copy the full SHA
    acfa464 View commit details
  2. Copy the full SHA
    e901894 View commit details

Commits on Sep 25, 2009

  1. Unescape the filename to ensure that filenames containing '&' are dis…

    …played correctly
    leachbj authored and pieter committed Sep 25, 2009
    Copy the full SHA
    6c2675c View commit details

Commits on Mar 13, 2010

  1. Copy the full SHA
    16e0ca2 View commit details

Commits on Mar 16, 2010

  1. Resize the text in the toolbar search field.

    The default text size of 13 causes highlighting to be off by one pixel. With a text size of 12 highlighting behaves correctly.
    klacoste authored and dgrijalva committed Mar 16, 2010
    Copy the full SHA
    b87f9b0 View commit details
  2. Make the Preferences window a panel.

    This enables the standard behaviour of dismissing the panel with the <esc> key.
    klacoste authored and dgrijalva committed Mar 16, 2010
    Copy the full SHA
    64f2745 View commit details

Commits on Mar 21, 2010

  1. Bugfix: fix the contextual menu and drag-n-drop of refs

    When the Subject column is not the first column in the git history table the contextual menu for refs and dragging and dropping refs don't work.
    Offset the mouse click's x value by the x origin of the Subject column.
    In PBRefController look up the column index of the subject column and check that it's the clicked column (don't assume it's the first one).
    brotherbard authored and dgrijalva committed Mar 21, 2010
    Copy the full SHA
    f60f8ad View commit details
  2. Fix for "Remote host closed connection" exception

    EINTR errors are recoverable, just need to read() again.
    Randomly while looking at files in the file browser the contents view will be empty or files will not be shown when clicking a discloser triangle. Seems to happen more when running in XCode than when running by itself.
    brotherbard authored and dgrijalva committed Mar 21, 2010
    Copy the full SHA
    2e549a1 View commit details
  3. Fix file names with spaces not working in the contextual menu

    Files with spaces end up with 4 extra spaces after the name. This stops them from working with the various commands in the contextual menus.
    brotherbard authored and dgrijalva committed Mar 21, 2010
    Copy the full SHA
    1917bca View commit details
  4. Fix drawing ref labels on the next tableview column

    If there are a large number of refs pointing to a commit, then they may be drawn on top of or behind the other columns.
    This will not show any labels that don't fit.
    brotherbard authored and dgrijalva committed Mar 21, 2010
    Copy the full SHA
    5ea536b View commit details

Commits on Mar 30, 2010

  1. Bugfix: Avoid looping while parsing the children of a tree

    Happens very intermittently, readLine keeps returning "\r".
    brotherbard authored and dgrijalva committed Mar 30, 2010
    Copy the full SHA
    6e06e4b View commit details

Commits on May 30, 2010

  1. Merge remote branch 'refs/remotes/dgrijalva/stable' into experimental

    brotherbard committed May 30, 2010
    Copy the full SHA
    98920bf View commit details
  2. Fix hanging and leaks in readLine

    After the last line is read from the fileDescriptor the callee will call
    readLine once last time. If the (uninitialized) buffer just happened to
    contain '\r' then this method would increment bytesReceived, then
    decrement it (because it has '\r' in it), then decrement it agin and
    assign a null byte to the byte before the buffer (stepping on who knows
    what). Then it would return the '\r'. Then, since it received something,
    the callee would call readLine again, malloc would give the same buffer
    it did before (with the '\r') and everything would repeat.
        - initialize the buffer
        - increment bytesReceived only if a byte is actually received
        - don't do any work in the loop if there were no bytes received
        - EINTR is a recoverable error, just reread
        - give the actual reason for an error rather than some random string
        - free the buffer when a newline is found or when there is an error
    brotherbard committed May 30, 2010
    Copy the full SHA
    dcba769 View commit details
  3. Copy the full SHA
    0eb011b View commit details
  4. Copy the full SHA
    cd9d469 View commit details

Commits on May 31, 2010

  1. Copy the full SHA
    694b2ed View commit details

Commits on Jun 27, 2010

  1. Only allow the "Copy Image" menu item for images

    André Berg pointed out that the "Open Image in New Window" and "Download Image" items from the contextual menu for images in the web view does not work and may cause crashes.
    So limit the menu to either just show "Copy Image" or don't have a menu at all.
    brotherbard committed Jun 27, 2010
    Copy the full SHA
    9e8002a View commit details
  2. Set a copy of the "Push" message strings for the alert panel message …

    …with a small case "p" letter because it will be appended in the middle of a sentence.
    andreberg authored and brotherbard committed Jun 27, 2010
    Copy the full SHA
    e192ce8 View commit details
  3. Copy the full SHA
    a5acfe5 View commit details
  4. Copy the full SHA
    a980fce View commit details
  5. Copy the full SHA
    d5f9c82 View commit details
  6. SCNetworkCheckReachabilityByName will be deprecated anyways, so repla…

    …ce it with the docs example which will work on any OS version from 10.3.
    Modified-by: Nathan Kinsinger <>
    Released the target to stop memory leak.
    andreberg authored and brotherbard committed Jun 27, 2010
    Copy the full SHA
    fffa024 View commit details
  7. Copy the full SHA
    71c0f30 View commit details
  8. Copy the full SHA
    10149fc View commit details
  9. Copy the full SHA
    dac9bd3 View commit details
  10. Populate the revList if empty in -commitForSHA:

    I found that at a few points logic was based on items from revList but
    at that point in the execution the revList was always empty.
    andreberg authored and brotherbard committed Jun 27, 2010
    Copy the full SHA
    427409b View commit details
  11. Put at-sign in front of multi-line continued string.

    Probably doesn't matter since the compiler should concatenate both forms equally.
    andreberg authored and brotherbard committed Jun 27, 2010
    Copy the full SHA
    c073202 View commit details
  12. Add PBStringFromBranchFilterType() function for debugging purposes to…

    … PBGitRepository.
    Add a PBGitXBranchFilterType typedef to the kGitX... branch filters enum.
    andreberg authored and brotherbard committed Jun 27, 2010
    Copy the full SHA
    504b617 View commit details
  13. Copy the full SHA
    a7106ba View commit details
  14. Bug fix: correct visible index scrolling in PBGitHistoryController an…

    …d PBCommitList.
    If the current branch filter is switched to "All" or "Local" the index that's
    calculated as being the targeted index to scroll to visible, is off by the amount
    in Y that the bottom split view separator is off from a multiple of rows.
    -adjustScroll: on PBCommitList is called automatically whenever the list needs
    laying out.
    An ivar keeps track if we come from the -scrollSelectionToTopOfViewFrom: method
    of PBGitHistoryController.
    I'll leave the commented out NSLogs in there in case they're needed for debugging
    again later.
    andreberg authored and brotherbard committed Jun 27, 2010
    Copy the full SHA
    969ff24 View commit details
  15. Follow Commit-msg hook rules: allow it to edit the commit message, be…

    …fore committing.
    Seth Raphael authored and brotherbard committed Jun 27, 2010
    Copy the full SHA
    2ad624f View commit details
  16. Copy the full SHA
    83e7c42 View commit details
  17. Copy the full SHA
    1b3f4ea View commit details

Commits on Jul 4, 2010

  1. Bugfix: don't remove all notifications from the web history controller

    removeObserver: removes the controller from all notifications.
    The PBWebHistoryController's super class registers it for "preferencesChangedWithNotification". This stops the controller from missing that notification and allows it to respond to changes in the preferences.
    brotherbard committed Jul 4, 2010
    Copy the full SHA
    693a23d View commit details
  2. Remove call to finalize

    brotherbard committed Jul 4, 2010
    Copy the full SHA
    e4f6f96 View commit details
  3. Stop a view that was not loaded from being loaded while being removed.

    Example: If GitX started in stage view and the window was closed without ever looking at the history view, then [self view] will cause the history view's nib to be loaded which kicks off loading in the rev list. Wastes a lot of CPU cycles for no reason.
    brotherbard committed Jul 4, 2010
    Copy the full SHA
    2c6a16a View commit details
  4. Cache the lane colors

    To reduce the number of objects created and destroyed while scrolling through the history list.
    Also use a more descriptive name.
    brotherbard committed Jul 4, 2010
    Copy the full SHA
    fb5f9a5 View commit details
  5. Fix safari 5 render issue

    pieter authored and brotherbard committed Jul 4, 2010
    Copy the full SHA
    25caa84 View commit details
  6. Bugfix: fix duplicate commits in the history view

        1) stop a threading issue with old commits being added after the commits array was reset
        2) stop using --early-output (shouldn't there be an incremental output option???)
    brotherbard committed Jul 4, 2010
    Copy the full SHA
    1bad051 View commit details
  7. Bugfix: Stop committer names from getting mangled

    If the commit's detail is not UTF8 then PBWebHistoryController's commitDetailsLoaded: method will drop down to Latin1. That can cause character's in the committer's name to not be converted correctly.
    Move parsing the name to PBGitRevList where the correct encoding can be determined.
    brotherbard committed Jul 4, 2010
    Copy the full SHA
    e067390 View commit details
  8. Create wrapper class around git_oid and use it

    This is a convenience class to replace using NSStrings to store and compare SHAs. PBGitSHA has a much faster isEqual: function.
    It is <NSCopying> compliant and implements isEqual: and hash so it can be used as a key in dictionaries.
    brotherbard committed Jul 4, 2010
    Copy the full SHA
    c17215e View commit details
  9. Add a cleanup method to the history list.

    The cleanup method cancels any background threads and removes KV observers when the repository document is closed.
    Also removed KV observers that are no longer needed.
    brotherbard committed Jul 4, 2010
    Copy the full SHA
    a849424 View commit details
  10. Cleanup the views when the repository window closes and stop memory l…

        - make sure to remove themselves from KV and notification center observers
        - add the PBWebHistoryController to PBHistoryController so it can be told to close
        - replaced the -removeView methods with -closeView (-removeView was not being used)
        - clear any obj-c objects set in web scripting objects
    This last item seems to be the reason that the web controllers and the current commit did not get collected which then held the repository document from being collected as well.
    brotherbard committed Jul 4, 2010
    Copy the full SHA
    53d92fb View commit details
Showing with 33,624 additions and 1,418 deletions.
  1. +2 −5 .gitignore
  2. +3 −5 ApplicationController.h
  3. +53 −13 ApplicationController.m
  4. +3 −3 DBPrefsWindowController.m
  5. +12 −0 Documentation/ReleaseNotes/v0.7.1.txt
  6. +1,364 −43 English.lproj/MainMenu.xib
  7. +64 −12 English.lproj/PBAddRemoteSheet.xib
  8. +69 −11 English.lproj/PBCloneRepositoryPanel.xib
  9. +82 −15 English.lproj/PBCreateBranchSheet.xib
  10. +80 −13 English.lproj/PBCreateTagSheet.xib
  11. +87 −11 English.lproj/PBRemoteProgressSheet.xib
  12. +290 −61 English.lproj/Preferences.xib
  13. +35 −0 GLFileView.h
  14. +324 −0 GLFileView.m
  15. +89 −0 GitX.h
  16. +207 −0 GitX.sdef
  17. +347 −21 GitX.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
  18. +16 −0 GitXRelativeDateFormatter.h
  19. +93 −0 GitXRelativeDateFormatter.m
  20. +18 −0 GitXScriptingConstants.h
  21. +17 −0 GitXTextFieldCell.h
  22. +37 −0 GitXTextFieldCell.m
  23. BIN Images/Branch.acorn
  24. BIN Images/Branch.png
  25. BIN Images/RemoteBranch.acorn
  26. BIN Images/RemoteBranch.png
  27. BIN Images/Tag.acorn
  28. BIN Images/Tag.png
  29. BIN Images/rewindImage.pdf
  30. +7 −1 Info.plist
  31. BIN MGScopeBar/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings
  32. +3,278 −0 MGScopeBar/English.lproj/MainMenu.xib
  33. +28 −0 MGScopeBar/Info.plist
  34. +21 −0 MGScopeBar/MGRecessedPopUpButtonCell.h
  35. +54 −0 MGScopeBar/MGRecessedPopUpButtonCell.m
  36. +51 −0 MGScopeBar/MGScopeBar.h
  37. +1,049 −0 MGScopeBar/MGScopeBar.m
  38. +46 −0 MGScopeBar/MGScopeBarDelegateProtocol.h
  39. +7 −0 MGScopeBar/MGScopeBar_Prefix.pch
  40. +75 −0 MGScopeBar/ReadMe.txt
  41. +104 −0 MGScopeBar/Source Code License.rtf
  42. +9 −0 MGScopeBar/TODO
  43. +18 −0 NSApplication+GitXScripting.h
  44. +49 −0 NSApplication+GitXScripting.m
  45. +25 −21 NSFileHandleExt.m
  46. +3 −0 PBCloneRepositoryPanel.h
  47. +17 −0 PBCloneRepositoryPanel.m
  48. +25 −0 PBCommitHookFailedSheet.h
  49. +38 −0 PBCommitHookFailedSheet.m
  50. +1,288 −0 PBCommitHookFailedSheet.xib
  51. +3 −0 PBCommitList.h
  52. +103 −1 PBCommitList.m
  53. +3 −4 PBCommitMessageView.m
  54. +10 −0 PBCreateBranchSheet.m
  55. +6 −1 PBDiffWindowController.m
  56. +13 −13 PBEasyPipe.m
  57. +1 −1 PBGitBinary.m
  58. +12 −13 PBGitCommit.h
  59. +31 −41 PBGitCommit.m
  60. +3 −0 PBGitCommitController.h
  61. +107 −3 PBGitCommitController.m
  62. +315 −9 PBGitCommitView.xib
  63. +8 −2 PBGitDefaults.h
  64. +50 −11 PBGitDefaults.m
  65. +24 −13
  66. +21 −4 PBGitHistoryController.h
  67. +195 −60 PBGitHistoryController.m
  68. +6 −1 PBGitHistoryGrapher.h
  69. +26 −7 PBGitHistoryGrapher.m
  70. +4 −5 PBGitHistoryList.h
  71. +39 −44 PBGitHistoryList.m
  72. +1,548 −584 PBGitHistoryView.xib
  73. +2 −1 PBGitIndex.h
  74. +133 −53 PBGitIndex.m
  75. +2 −2 PBGitLane.h
  76. +37 −13 PBGitRepository.h
  77. +202 −43 PBGitRepository.m
  78. +1 −0 PBGitRevList.h
  79. +32 −42
  80. +1 −0 PBGitRevSpecifier.h
  81. +34 −14 PBGitRevisionCell.m
  82. +28 −0 PBGitSHA.h
  83. +139 −0 PBGitSHA.m
  84. +5 −0 PBGitSidebarController.h
  85. +22 −3 PBGitSidebarController.m
  86. +3 −0 PBGitTree.h
  87. +44 −5 PBGitTree.m
  88. +5 −1 PBGitWindowController.h
  89. +26 −8 PBGitWindowController.m
  90. +33 −0 PBGitXMessageSheet.h
  91. +122 −0 PBGitXMessageSheet.m
  92. +1,222 −0 PBGitXMessageSheet.xib
  93. +1 −1 PBGraphCellInfo.h
  94. +6 −0 PBGraphCellInfo.m
  95. +66 −0 PBHistorySearchController.h
  96. +544 −0 PBHistorySearchController.m
  97. +1 −0 PBPrefsWindowController.h
  98. +7 −0 PBPrefsWindowController.m
  99. +4 −0 PBRefContextDelegate.h
  100. +1 −0 PBRefController.h
  101. +53 −10 PBRefController.m
  102. +9 −5 PBRefMenuItem.m
  103. +2 −3 PBRemoteProgressSheet.h
  104. +23 −7 PBRemoteProgressSheet.m
  105. +1 −0 PBRepositoryDocumentController.h
  106. +11 −10 PBRepositoryDocumentController.m
  107. +1 −1 PBSourceViewItem.m
  108. +12 −1 PBViewController.h
  109. +14 −8 PBViewController.m
  110. +9 −0 PBWebChangesController.m
  111. +14 −4 PBWebController.m
  112. +8 −0 PBWebDiffController.m
  113. +5 −1 PBWebHistoryController.h
  114. +28 −9 PBWebHistoryController.m
  115. +2 −2 Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Headers/SUAppcastItem.h
  116. +10 −1 Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Headers/SUUpdater.h
  117. +2 −2 Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Info.plist
  118. BIN Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Resources/de.lproj/Sparkle.strings
  119. +3 −3 Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Resources/en.lproj/SUUpdateAlert.nib/info.nib
  120. BIN Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Resources/en.lproj/SUUpdateAlert.nib/keyedobjects.nib
  121. BIN Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Resources/en.lproj/Sparkle.strings
  122. BIN Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Resources/es.lproj/Sparkle.strings
  123. BIN Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Resources/fr.lproj/Sparkle.strings
  124. BIN Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Resources/it.lproj/Sparkle.strings
  125. +2 −4 Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Resources/nl.lproj/SUUpdateAlert.nib/info.nib
  126. BIN Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Resources/nl.lproj/SUUpdateAlert.nib/keyedobjects.nib
  127. +1 −1 Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Resources/nl.lproj/SUUpdatePermissionPrompt.nib/info.nib
  128. BIN Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Resources/nl.lproj/SUUpdatePermissionPrompt.nib/keyedobjects.nib
  129. BIN Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Resources/nl.lproj/Sparkle.strings
  130. BIN Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Resources/relaunch
  131. BIN Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Resources/ru.lproj/Sparkle.strings
  132. BIN Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Resources/sv.lproj/Sparkle.strings
  133. BIN Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/Sparkle
  134. +20 −0 UpdateKey.pem
  135. +52 −0
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  137. +175 −0 gitx_askpasswd_main.m
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  211. +1 −0 html/lib/syntaxhighlighter/tests/.rvmrc
  212. +204 −0 html/lib/syntaxhighlighter/tests/brushes/sass.html
  213. +136 −0 html/lib/syntaxhighlighter/tests/brushes_tests.html
  214. +42 −0 html/lib/syntaxhighlighter/tests/cases/001_basic.html
  215. +50 −0 html/lib/syntaxhighlighter/tests/cases/002_brushes.html
  216. +42 −0 html/lib/syntaxhighlighter/tests/cases/003_script_tag.html
  217. +43 −0 html/lib/syntaxhighlighter/tests/cases/004_url_parsing.html
  218. +33 −0 html/lib/syntaxhighlighter/tests/cases/005_no_gutter.html
  219. +39 −0 html/lib/syntaxhighlighter/tests/cases/006_pad_line_numbers.html
  220. +60 −0 html/lib/syntaxhighlighter/tests/cases/007_collapse.html
  221. +44 −0 html/lib/syntaxhighlighter/tests/cases/007_collapse_interaction.html
  222. +29 −0 html/lib/syntaxhighlighter/tests/cases/008_first_line.html
  223. +32 −0 html/lib/syntaxhighlighter/tests/cases/009_class_name.html
  224. +70 −0 html/lib/syntaxhighlighter/tests/cases/010_highlight.html
  225. +98 −0 html/lib/syntaxhighlighter/tests/cases/011_smart_tabs.html
  226. +35 −0 html/lib/syntaxhighlighter/tests/cases/012_server_side.html
  227. +34 −0 html/lib/syntaxhighlighter/tests/cases/013_html_script.html
  228. +70 −0 html/lib/syntaxhighlighter/tests/cases/014_legacy.html
  229. +52 −0 html/lib/syntaxhighlighter/tests/commonjs_tests.js
  230. +6,240 −0 html/lib/syntaxhighlighter/tests/js/jquery-1.4.2.js
  231. +135 −0 html/lib/syntaxhighlighter/tests/js/qunit.css
  232. +1,069 −0 html/lib/syntaxhighlighter/tests/js/qunit.js
  233. +242 −0 html/lib/syntaxhighlighter/tests/syntaxhighlighter_tests.html
  234. +134 −0 html/lib/syntaxhighlighter/tests/theme_tests.html
  235. +11 −0 html/lib/syntaxhighlighter/tests/webrick.rb
  236. +2 −0 html/lib/syntaxhighlighter/tests/
  237. +60 −0 html/views/blame/blame.css
  238. +9 −0 html/views/blame/blame.js
  239. +14 −0 html/views/blame/index.html
  240. +4 −2 html/views/commit/commit.js
  241. +1 −1 html/views/commit/index.html
  242. +16 −0 html/views/fileview/fileview.js
  243. +14 −0 html/views/fileview/index.html
  244. +48 −0 html/views/fileview/index_test.html
  245. +21 −8 html/views/history/history.css
  246. +23 −17 html/views/history/history.js
  247. +4 −2 html/views/history/index.html
  248. +8 −0 html/views/log/format.html
  249. +19 −0 html/views/log/index.html
  250. +12 −0 html/views/log/log.css
  251. +10 −0 html/views/log/log.js
  252. +200 −0 html/views/log/test.html
7 changes: 2 additions & 5 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
8 changes: 3 additions & 5 deletions ApplicationController.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import "PBGitRepository.h"

@class PBCLIProxy;
@class PBCloneRepositoryPanel;

@interface ApplicationController : NSObject
@@ -20,10 +19,8 @@
NSManagedObjectModel *managedObjectModel;
NSManagedObjectContext *managedObjectContext;

PBCLIProxy *cliProxy;
PBCloneRepositoryPanel *cloneRepositoryPanel;
@property (retain) PBCLIProxy* cliProxy;

- (NSPersistentStoreCoordinator *)persistentStoreCoordinator;
- (NSManagedObjectModel *)managedObjectModel;
@@ -35,7 +32,8 @@
- (IBAction)installCliTool:(id)sender;

- (IBAction)saveAction:sender;
- (IBAction) showHelp:(id) sender;
- (IBAction)showHelp:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)reportAProblem:(id)sender;

- (IBAction) showCloneRepository:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)showCloneRepository:(id)sender;
66 changes: 53 additions & 13 deletions ApplicationController.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -10,30 +10,28 @@
#import "PBGitRevisionCell.h"
#import "PBGitWindowController.h"
#import "PBRepositoryDocumentController.h"
#import "PBCLIProxy.h"
#import "PBServicesController.h"
#import "PBGitXProtocol.h"
#import "PBPrefsWindowController.h"
#import "PBNSURLPathUserDefaultsTransfomer.h"
#import "PBGitDefaults.h"
#import "PBCloneRepositoryPanel.h"
#import "Sparkle/SUUpdater.h"

@implementation ApplicationController
@synthesize cliProxy;

- (ApplicationController*)init
[NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];

if(self = [super init]) {
if(![[NSBundle bundleWithPath:@"/System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Frameworks/QuickLookUI.framework"] load])
if(![[NSBundle bundleWithPath:@"/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/QuickLookUI.framework"] load])
NSLog(@"Could not load QuickLook");
if(!(self = [super init]))
return nil;

self.cliProxy = [PBCLIProxy new];
if(![[NSBundle bundleWithPath:@"/System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Frameworks/QuickLookUI.framework"] load])
if(![[NSBundle bundleWithPath:@"/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/QuickLookUI.framework"] load])
NSLog(@"Could not load QuickLook");

/* Value Transformers */
NSValueTransformer *transformer = [[PBNSURLPathUserDefaultsTransfomer alloc] init];
@@ -65,6 +63,13 @@ - (void)registerServices

- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification*)notification
[[SUUpdater sharedUpdater] setSendsSystemProfile:YES];
[[SUUpdater sharedUpdater] setDelegate:self];

// Make sure Git's SSH password requests get forwarded to our little UI tool:
setenv( "SSH_ASKPASS", [[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource: @"gitx_askpasswd" ofType: @""] UTF8String], 1 );
setenv( "DISPLAY", "localhost:0", 1 );

[self registerServices];

BOOL hasOpenedDocuments = NO;
@@ -192,11 +197,6 @@ - (IBAction)installCliTool:(id)sender;
former cannot be found), the system's temporary directory.

- (IBAction) showHelp:(id) sender
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]];

- (NSString *)applicationSupportFolder {

NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSApplicationSupportDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
@@ -376,4 +376,44 @@ - (void) dealloc {
[managedObjectModel release], managedObjectModel = nil;
[super dealloc];

#pragma mark Sparkle delegate methods

- (NSArray *)feedParametersForUpdater:(SUUpdater *)updater sendingSystemProfile:(BOOL)sendingProfile
NSArray *keys = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"key", @"displayKey", @"value", @"displayValue", nil];
NSMutableArray *feedParameters = [NSMutableArray array];

// only add parameters if the profile is being sent this time
if (sendingProfile) {
NSString *CFBundleGitVersion = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] valueForKey:@"CFBundleGitVersion"];
if (CFBundleGitVersion)
[feedParameters addObject:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"CFBundleGitVersion", @"Full Version", CFBundleGitVersion, CFBundleGitVersion, nil]

NSString *gitVersion = [PBGitBinary version];
if (gitVersion)
[feedParameters addObject:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"gitVersion", @"git Version", gitVersion, gitVersion, nil]

return feedParameters;

#pragma mark Help menu

- (IBAction)showHelp:(id)sender
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]];

- (IBAction)reportAProblem:(id)sender
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]];

6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions DBPrefsWindowController.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -74,13 +74,13 @@ - (void)windowDidLoad
// Create a new window to display the preference views.
// If the developer attached a window to this controller
// in Interface Builder, it gets replaced with this one.
NSWindow *window = [[[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:NSMakeRect(0,0,1000,1000)
NSPanel *panel = [[[NSPanel alloc] initWithContentRect:NSMakeRect(0,0,1000,1000)
styleMask:(NSTitledWindowMask |
NSClosableWindowMask |
defer:YES] autorelease];
[self setWindow:window];
[self setWindow:panel];
contentSubview = [[[NSView alloc] initWithFrame:[[[self window] contentView] frame]] autorelease];
[contentSubview setAutoresizingMask:(NSViewMinYMargin | NSViewWidthSizable)];
[[[self window] contentView] addSubview:contentSubview];
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ - (void)animationDidEnd:(NSAnimation *)animation
NSEnumerator *subviewsEnum = [[contentSubview subviews] reverseObjectEnumerator];

// This is our visible view. Just get past it.
subview = [subviewsEnum nextObject];
[subviewsEnum nextObject];

// Remove everything else. There should be just one, but
// if the user does a lot of fast clicking, we might have
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions Documentation/ReleaseNotes/v0.7.1.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@

This is a maintenance release. The following bugs have been fixed:

* The Tree View now tries to be smart about displaying binaries (Johannes)
* GitX now correctly tries to require git v1.6.0 or higher (Pieter)
* Amending commits if the author name has UTF-8 multi-byte characters now correctly works (Pieter)
* GitX no longer stalls for large periods when refreshing in the commit view (Johannes, Pieter)
* The history view tries to be less crashy when loading commits

In addition, the Sparkle framework has been updated so that future updates will be signed