This pattern is applicable to all mongod.exe instances running as standalone instances or as part of a replica set. The goal of this pattern is to explicitly allow traffic to the mongod.exe instance from the application server.
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Open mongod port 27017" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=27017
This rule allows all incoming traffic to port 27017, which allows the application server to connect to the mongod.exe instance.
Change mongo config file:
$ vim /etc/mongod.conf
# /etc/mongod.conf
# Listen to local and LAN interfaces.
bind_ip =,
is the server NOT the client. What this says is that connections addressed to either or
will be able to connect to the mongo server.
Follow the directions and you will have a mongo DB that runs as a service. Then each of your Meteor apps can connect to it.