This is a sample setup of Vagrant that uses puppet to provision a virtual machine running eZ Publish 5.
It's a quick and easy way to check out the a eZ Publish 5 version ( by default the latest community versions of eZ Publish 5 ) without the hassle of setting up a specific environment on your machine or in VM.
On your local machine install:
Assumes that you have a terminal (ssh / console) and optionally git installed.
The following steps will set up a Ubuntu 12.04 LTS based VM for development. The set up process will take some time as there are some large (~400 MB) downloads. This will only happen the first time this process is run.
Gets the server configuration (puppet) and VM configuration (Vagrant).
Using GIT, run the following commands:
git clone [email protected]:brucem/vagrant-puppet-ezpublish.git
cd vagrant-puppet-ezpublish
OR, download zip archive & extract it:
- Download:
- Extract the file to a desired location
- Open your console and make sure you are inside the extracted folder
If you would like to use another eZ Publish version then the one used by default, then you can put an .tar.gz file inside the current folder and customize ezpublish::install instructions in:
There is an example of how this is done in the end of the file.
Starts up the VM and sets up the server. Some steps will take some time as they are downloading & installing packages etc.
vagrant up
Point you browser at
You'll be presented with the eZ Publish configuration wizard. eZ Publish can be installed as per
Outgoing Email
Select "Sendmail/MTA"
Database initialization
Servername: localhost
Username: ezpublish
Password: password
Once installed you have access to do several operations on the running VM instance as presented below.
To ssh into the VM run the following command:
vagrant ssh
eZ Publish can be found in the directory /var/www/
The following command will stop the VM:
vagrant halt
It can be restarted by running:
vagrant up
VM can be reconfigured and re-installed with a different version of eZ Publish in matters of some minutes once already installed. You first need to customize eZ Publish 5 version as described in installation step #2 and then perform the following commands:
vagrant destroy
vagrant up
The following command will remove the VM completly:
vagrant destroy
If you also want to remove the box (the Ubunutu 12.04 image) installed:
vagrant box remove precise32 virtualbox