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cawlr 𓅨


Chromatin accesibility with long reads (cawlr) is a tool for detecting accessible regions of chromatin on single molecules. The tool works with nanopore data via nanopolish or modification data from third-party tools in BAM files.

cawlr is flexible and can work with data that uses various modifications for chromatin accessibility detection. Outputs of all cawlr modules are in Apache Arrow format can be manipulated via any programming language that has an Apache Arrow library. Furthermore, cawlr includes various scripts for plotting and evaluating the results.

Table of Contents

Quick Start

Nanopore R9.4 data

cawlr pipeline train-ctrls -g genome.fa --pos-fast5 pos-fast5s/ --pos-reads pos.fastq --neg-fast5 neg-fast5s/ --neg-reads neg.fastq --output-dir training-output -m "2:GC"
cawlr pipeline preprocess-sample -g genome.fa --reads sample.fastq --fast5 sample-fast5s --summary /path/to/sequencing_summary.txt -o preprocessed/
cawlr pipeline analyze-region -l "chrI:1000-2000" -b sample.bam

Modification BAM input

# Assume you have BAM files with modification calls with the A+Y tag
# pos.bam = positive control
# neg.bam = negative control
# sample.bam = sample, in vivo treated
$ cawlr model-scores -t "A+a" -i pos.bam -o pos.model-scores.pickle
$ cawlr model-scores -t "A+a" -i neg.bam -o neg.model-scores.pickle
# Visualize scoring distribution
$ -i pos.model-scores.pickle neg.model-scores.pickle -o scoring_dist.png
$ samtools view -b sample.bam "chrI:1000-2000" >region.bam
# region.bed output can be visualize in the Genome Browser
$ cawlr sma -t "A+a" -i region.bam --pos-ctrl-scores pos.model-scores.pickle --neg-ctrl-scores neg.model-scores.pickle -o region.bed
# Visualize clusters
$ -i region.bed -s 1000 -e 2000 -p 0.8 -n 3 --suptitle "My Region"


Installing rust via rustup

It is recommended to install the Rust compiler is through

Installing system dependencies

Ensure you have these installed on your system before installing.

  • make
  • openblas
  • perl
  • gcc
  • gfortran

Installing cawlr

Docker (recommended)

docker pull brookslab/cawlr:latest

Latest from git

git clone
cd cawlr-rs
cargo install --path .

Nanopore data preparation

In order to prepare data for cawlr you need to install the following tools. These are provided in the docker image and the versions of the tools that cawlr is tested with are listed in parentheses.

Example command of running nanopolish to set up inputs

$ nanopolish index -d path/to/fast5 reads.fasta
$ minimap2 -ax map-ont --sam-hit-only --secondary=no genome.fasta reads.fasta | \
    samtools sort -o aln.sorted.bam -T reads.tmp
$ samtools index aln.sorted.bam
$ nanopolish eventalign --reads reads.fasta \
    --bam aln.sorted.bam \
    --genome genome.fasta \
    --scale-events --samples \
    --print-read-names >eventalign.txt

For training the models, its good practice to avoid using multiple alignments for the same read. To avoid this, you can filter the bam files with the command below before running nanopolish. The command filters with the -f 20 to filter out reads with a MAPQ below 20, and -F 0x900 removes supplementary and secondary reads as well.

# After minimap2 command
$ samtools view -b -q 20 -F 0x900 aln.sorted.bam >filtered.aln.sorted.bam

Once completed you can confirm that alignments have been filtered correctly with:

samtools flagstats filtered.aln.sorted.bam


Docker vs native

Pipelines will perform mapping and signal alignment so they must have access to binaries for samtools, minimap2 and nanopolish. In the docker container, these binaries are already installed and in the PATH. If running the pipelines not within the docker container, these binaries need to be either located in the PATH or pass the paths to the pipeline tools using --samtools-path, --minimap2-path, and --nanopolish-path.

cawlr pipeline train-ctrls


  • --genome
    • Path to genome fasta file
  • --pos-fast5
    • Directory of basecalled fast5 files for positive control
  • --pos-reads
    • Directory or single file containing basecalled reads
  • --pos-summary
    • Patht to sequencing_summary.txt file from guppy output. Not required but will significantly speed up indexing.
  • --neg-fast5
    • Directory of basecalled fast5 files for negative control
  • --neg-reads
    • Directory or single file containing basecalled reads
  • --neg-summary
    • Patht to sequencing_summary.txt file from guppy output. Not required but will significantly speed up indexing.
  • --motifs
    • List of motifs of modified based to filter on
    • Format is {1-based index}:{context}, separated by commas
      • Example for GpC and CpG positions: "2:GC,1:CG"

cawlr pipeline preprocess-sample

cawlr pipeline analyze-region

cawlr with BAM files with modification data

The cawlr tool is able to work with BAM files that contain modification data through the MM and ML tags. This is useful if you are using third-party tools such as megalodon or Pac-Bio based tools.


File names in example representing requirements is shown in parentheses

  • BAM files for positive/negative control (pos.bam/neg.bam)
  • BAM file for sample of interest (sample.bam)
  • Tag for the modification (C+m for cytosine methylation)
    • Currently cawlr only supports the modification calls on a single strand
    • For more information on the proper format, you can use samtools view to look for the specific tag or look at the SAMtags specification
$ cawlr model-scores -i pos.bam -t "C+m" -o pos-model-scores.pickle
$ cawlr model-scores -i neg.bam -t "C+m" -o neg-model-scores.pickle
$ cawlr sma \
  -i sample.bam \
  -t "C+m" \
  --pos-ctrl-scores pos-model-scores.pickle \
  --neg-ctrl-scores neg-model-scores.pickle \
  -o sample.bed

Plotting Scripts

Plotting scripts are located in the scripts/ directory. In the docker container, these scripts are in the $PATH and can be ran from the command line directly.

Plot scoring distribution

Plot distribution of scores (ie probabilities of modification). This script takes as input python pickle files generated by cawlr model-scores. Useful for quickly checking visually how well the models will perform nucleosome calling.


$ -h
usage: [-h] [-i INPUT [INPUT ...]] [-o OUTPUT] [-t TITLE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT [INPUT ...], --input INPUT [INPUT ...]
                        Score files to plot distribution
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output filename
  -t TITLE, --title TITLE
                        Title of the output figure

Example Scoring Distribution Command

In this example, assume you have two pickle files from cawlr model-scores from positive and negative controls, pos-model-scores.pickle and neg-model-scores.pickle respectively. -i pos-model-scores.pickle neg-model-scores.pickle -o scoring_dist.png -t "My Custom Title"

Example Scoring Distribution plot

In this plot, the X-axis represents score (ie probabilities) from 0 to 1 of how likely a given position was modified. The Y-axis represents the distribution of the density for the scores. Ideally the negative control (where there should be no modification present) distribution has more density closer to zero, while the positive control (where there should be as much modification as expected) is closer to one.

Example Scoring Distribution Plot

Clustering single molecule reads

This will perform K-Means clustering on the nucleosome calls and plot each cluster separately. The input is a bed file that comes from cawlr sma. You can filter based on what percent of a read covers a given locus and choose the number of clusters.

NOTE: The bed file should from a subset of the bam that you are planning on visualizing. For example, if using a BAM file input, the BAM file should be subset with samtools view example.bam chrA:1000-2000 as an example if you plan to visualize chromosome A, position 1000 to 2000.


$ -h
usage: [-h] -i INPUT -s START -e END [-p PCT] [-n N_CLUSTERS] [--suptitle SUPTITLE]
                         [--highlight [HIGHLIGHT ...]]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        Input bed file, usually from cawlr sma
  -s START, --start START
                        Start of region
  -e END, --end END     End of region
  -p PCT, --pct PCT     Perecent of the region that should be covered for a read to be valid
  -n N_CLUSTERS, --n-clusters N_CLUSTERS
                        Number of clusters
  --suptitle SUPTITLE   Figure title
  --highlight [HIGHLIGHT ...]
                        Highlight particular regions, usually gene bodies, etc., format is usually {start}-{end}:{strand}

Example Clustering Command -i region.bed -s 1000 -e 2000 -p 0.8 -n 3 --suptitle "My Region"

Example Clustering plot

In this plot, each subplot represents a cluster from the K-means clustering. Each row in the subplot is a read that overlap with the locus. For each read, purple represents an open accessible DNA, yellow represents a inferred nucleosome position. Blue represents the read did not overlap that part of the locus. The Y-axis shows the number of reads in each cluster. The X-axis represents the genomic coordinates for the given locus.

Clustering Example Plot


Parts of the code have been adapted from NP-SMLR package