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Terraform AWS Humio Logger

Infrastructure to watch a CloudWatch log groups and forward their logs to a Humio log repository.


Before including this module in your project, you should create a new humio log repository and generate an ingest token to pass into this module. Read the Ingest Tokens documentation for more information.

The ACS Info Terraform Module provides the Humio dev and prd endpoints for convenience. It is recommended that you only use the prd endpoint (even for deployments of dev resources) because it is a stable endpoint.


module "acs" {
  source            = ""
  vpc_vpn_to_campus = true

module "humio_logger" {
  source                                 = ""
  app_name                               = "humio-logger-ci-dev"
  humio_protocol                         = "HTTP"
  # Only the http protocol is supported for the ACS-provided Humio Endpoints (as of May 26, 2022)
  humio_host                             = "${module.acs.humio_prd_endpoint}:8080" # Default is port 80
  humio_ingest_token                     = var.humio_dev_token # Must provide this for each humio log repo
  humio_lambda_role_permissions_boundary = module.acs.role_permissions_boundary.arn
  vpc_id                                 =
  subnet_ids                             = module.acs.private_subnet_ids


  • Terraform version 0.14 or greater
  • AWS provider version 4.15 or greater
  • BYU-ACS version 3.5.0 or greater


Name Type Description Default
app_name string The application name to include in the name of resources created.
humio_protocol string The transport protocol used for delivering log/metric events to Humio. HTTPS is default and recommended. HTTPS
humio_host string The host to ship Humio log/metric events to.
humio_ingest_token (sensitive) string The value of the ingest token for the repository from your Humio account to ship log/metric events to. ""
humio_lambda_log_retention number Number of days to retain CloudWatch logs from the Humio Lambda functions. 1
humio_lambda_role_permissions_boundary string The ARN of the role permissions boundary to attach to the Humio Lambda role. ""
logs_subscriptions list(string) Subscribes the log ingester lambda to each log group listed. []
metric_conf string A stringified metric configuration to pass into the CloudWatch GetMetricData command. This configuration will be uploaded to the s3 bucket. An example configuration is located in the examples/static directory of this repository. ""
metric_statistics_conf string A stringified list of metric statistics configurations that will each be passed into the CloudWatch GetMetricStatistics command. This configuration will be uploaded to the s3 bucket. An example configuration is located in the examples/static directory of this repository. ""
log_level string The log level for the Humio lambdas. INFO
s3_bucket string The name of the S3 bucket where your lambda ingester code is located. If none is specified, a bucket will be created with the name <app_name>-humio-logger ""
vpc_id string Use a VPC for the lambda ingester functions. Pass in a VPC ID to deploy the ingester lambdas in the VPC. ""
security_group_ids list(string) A list of security group ids for the VPC configuration regarding the ingester lambda functions. Only required if VPC is enabled. []
subnet_ids list(string) A list of subnet ids used by the VPC configuration that the ingester lambda functions will be deployed into. Only required if VPC is enabled. []


In addition to all non-sensitive arguments above, the following attributes are exported:


Push changes to the main branch and create a new release of the humio logger following the semantic versioning specification.