Releases: byuweb/byu-theme-components
2.0.3 - User Info Slot Listener
Add slot listeners to the user info component.
2.0.2 - Fix insecure image loading
Resolves an issue where the logo in the footer was being loaded from an insecure origin, causing a warning when the main page is on a secure origin.
This release better scopes the components' styles so they don't interfere with the page styles.
2.0.0 - BYU Websites Theme
- Change the build process from Webpack to Rollup
- Update component styles to match the new BYU Sites styles and BYU brand standards.
- Remove deprecated features.
- View in this release for more specific changes.
Though this is a major version change, pages should be able to seamlessly transition from a 1.x.x version to a 2.x.x version. Nothing has been changed in the components API, items have only been removed. If you're using those removed features, no errors will occur, you will just have redundant attributes and styles in your code. We do suggest locking your production sites to v1.x.x and testing v2.x.x on your development and stage sites before moving them to production.
1.3.6 - Bug Fixes
Issues Fixed
1.3.5 - Bug Fixes
Issues Fixed
- #379: Documentation for max width only containing the menu
- #382: byu-search placeholder attribute
- #396:
tags following<p>
tags in foter needs padding - #404: Site-footer-wrapper fills 50px blank space when screen is less than 1024 pixels
- #414: Double-wide footer column's line below header still only spans 1 column
- #415 and #430: byu-header z-index
- #418: Skinny more button in Firefox
- #419: Documentation using the wrong fallback fonts
- #422: Double-wide footer column order documentation
- #433: Action button click box
1.3.4 - Bug fixes
v1.3.4 Run build (#417)
1.3.3 - Bug Fixes
1.3.2 - Bug Fixes
Contains fix for #398 .