AFRAME.INSPECTOR.execute('entitycreate', {
position: '0 0 0',
components: { 'gltf-model': 'model.glb' }
If you need to do something after the entity is created you can pass a callback:
AFRAME.INSPECTOR.execute("entitycreate", {
position: "0 0 0",
components: { "gltf-model": "model.glb" },
}, "Add model", (entity: Entity) => {
const listener = (event) => {
if ( !== entity) return; // we got an event for a child, ignore
// do something with the model
// ...
entity.removeEventListener("model-loaded", listener);
entity.addEventListener("model-loaded", listener);
You can pass parentEl
(the element or the id) to create the entity under a specific parent:
AFRAME.INSPECTOR.execute('entitycreate', {
position: '0 0 0',
components: { 'gltf-model': 'model.glb' },
parentEl: parentEntity
When executed, this emits an entitycreated
event with entity
When undone, this emits an entityremoved
event with entity
Those events are used to update the inspector UI, for now those can only be used internally, Events.on
are not exposed to the inspector interface.
AFRAME.INSPECTOR.execute('componentadd', {
entity: entity,
component: 'material',
value: 'color: red'
When executed, this emits a componentadd
event with {entity, component, value}
When undone, this emits a componentremove
event with {entity, component}
AFRAME.INSPECTOR.execute('componentremove', {
entity: entity,
component: 'material'
When executed, this emits a componentremove
event with {entity, component}
When undone, this emits a componentadd
event with {entity, component, value}
AFRAME.INSPECTOR.execute('entityupdate', {
entity: entity,
component: 'material',
value: 'color: green; opacity: 0.5'
or a single property:
AFRAME.INSPECTOR.execute('entityupdate', {
entity: entity,
component: 'material',
property: 'color',
value: 'green'
When executed or undone, this emits an entityupdate
event with {entity, component, property, value}
AFRAME.INSPECTOR.execute('entityremove', entity);
When executed, this emits an entityremoved
event with entity
When undone, this emits an entitycreated
event with entity
Create two entities in a row:
const commands: CommandsForMulti = [
["entitycreate", {position: "0 0 0", components: {"gltf-model": "model.glb"}],
["entitycreate", {position: "1 0 0", components: {"gltf-model": "model.glb"}],
AFRAME.INSPECTOR.execute("multi", commands)
Create a parent with a child entity, passing the id of the parent with parentEl when creating the child:
const parentEntityId = createUniqueId();
const definition = {
id: parentEntityId,
components: {
position: "0 0 0",
"gltf-model": "parent.glb",
const commands: CommandsForMulti = [];
commands.push(["entitycreate", definition]);
commands.push(["entitycreate", {
parentEl: parentEntityId,
components: {
position: "0 1 0",
"gltf-model": "child.glb"
(entity) => {
// do something with the child entity
const afterCreate = (entity: Entity | null) => {
if (!entity) return; // actually not possible because we ended with entitycreate and not entityremove, but typescript doesn't know that
// update some UI
// ...
AFRAME.INSPECTOR.execute("multi", commands, "Add complex model", afterCreate);
When executed or undone, this doesn't emit anything.
undo action:
redo action:
import type { Entity } from "aframe";
type EntityObject {
id?: string;
class?: string;
element?: string;
mixin?: string;
components: Record<string, string | object>;
children?: EntityObject[];
parentEl?: string | Entity;
interface AframeInspector {
history: { undos: Command[]; redos: Command[] };
undo: () => void;
redo: () => void;
execute: (
cmdName: string,
payload: EntityObject | Entity | CommandsForMulti,
optionalName?: string,
callback?: (entity: Entity | null) => void
) => void | Entity;
selectedEntity: Entity | null;
selectEntity: (entity: Entity | null, emit?: undefined | false) => void;
toggle: () => void;
open: (focusEl?: Entity) => void;
close: () => void;
type ComponentAddCommand = [
entity: Entity;
component: string;
value: string;
type ComponentRemoveCommand = [
entity: Entity;
component: string;
type EntityCreateCommand = ["entitycreate", EntityObject] | ["entitycreate", EntityObject, (el: Entity) => void];
type EntityRemoveCommand = ["entityremove", Entity];
type EntityUpdateCommand = [
entity: Entity;
component: string;
property?: string | undefined;
value: string;
type CommandsForMulti = (
| ComponentAddCommand
| ComponentRemoveCommand
| EntityCreateCommand
| EntityRemoveCommand
| EntityUpdateCommand