Releases: caas-team/py-kube-downscaler
Releases · caas-team/py-kube-downscaler
What's Changed
- fix: disable HPA downscaling by default by @pedroapero in #58
- build(deps): bump urllib3 from 2.2.1 to 2.2.2 by @dependabot in #63
- build(deps): bump certifi from 2024.2.2 to 2024.7.4 by @dependabot in #65
- Updated Main Dependencies by @samuel-esp in #66
- Refactoring Docs by @samuel-esp in #68
- Bump version to 24.7.0 by @Fovty in #67
New Contributors
- @pedroapero made their first contribution in #58
Full Changelog: v24.6.1...v24.7.0
What's Changed
- Fixed KubeDownscaler Ignoring Keda ScaledObjects if the "paused-replicas" annotation is already present by @samuel-esp in #41
- Ensure configMapName Value is Used Consistently Across Templates by @Fovty in #56
- New Feature - Downscaling PodDisruptionBudgets by @samuel-esp in #43
- New Feature - Downscaling DaemonSet by @samuel-esp in #40
- Fix/workflow cobertura report on pr by @Fovty in #60
- bump chart version > 0.2.2 by @Fovty in #62
- New Feature - Downscaling Jobs Using Admission Controller (Kyverno And Gatekeeper) by @samuel-esp in #42
Full Changelog: v24.5.2...v24.6.1
What's Changed
- Feat/pytest-action by @Fovty in #14
- Feat/helmchart taking account about tolerations values into deployment template by @Fovty in #32
- Fix/deployment command by @JTaeuber in #35
- Enhance/use new-pykube by @Fovty in #38
- Updated dependencies and Docker base image to mitigate vulnerabilities by @samuel-esp in #39
- fix: add necessary build tools & dependencies by @Fovty in #45
- permission adjustments & run on PRs by @Fovty in #48
- build(deps): bump requests from 2.31.0 to 2.32.0 by @dependabot in #46
- build(deps-dev): bump black from 22.12.0 to 24.3.0 by @dependabot in #47
- Chore/bump version 24.5.2 by @Fovty in #51
New Contributors
- @samuel-esp made their first contribution in #39
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #46
Full Changelog: v24.5.0...v24.5.2
What's Changed
- Fix/cleanup-readme by @Fovty in #20
- Added extraConfig helm field, so configuration can be better describe… by @Gatschknoedel in #25
- bump appVersion by @Fovty in #30
New Contributors
- @Gatschknoedel made their first contribution in #25
Full Changelog: v24.4.0...v24.5.0
Release notes
This release includes various enhancements to the build processes and updates to GitHub issue templates, alongside important fixes to Helm configurations and CI/CD workflows.
What's Changed
- CI: build on tags only by @Fovty in #5
- update build action by @Fovty in #6
- fix: build on main only by @Fovty in #7
- Update issue templates by @JTaeuber in #8
- Update issue templates by @JTaeuber in #9
- Feat/pull request template by @jonathan-mayer in #10
- Fix existing issues with labels and resources by @JTaeuber in #12
- fix: moved template to .github folder by @JTaeuber in #13
- add helm build wf by @eumel8 in #17
- feat/e2e-test-pipeline by @Fovty in #15
- fix helm rbac by @eumel8 in #22
- Feat/dispatch-event by @Fovty in #23
- Fix/refine-tagging-logic by @Fovty in #21
Full Changelog: 24.03.3...v24.4.0