Identifying differentially spliced genes and transcripts in cancer requires prior identification and annotation of AS events in tumors. To identify and annotate novel AS events (at either the cancer or pan-cancer or single-cell level), it is required to quantify and classify AS events from sequencing reads. JuncBASE (Junction-Based Analysis of Splicing Events) is a tool to quantify and classify AS events using splice junctions reads from RNA-Seq alignments and annotated exon coordinates. Another approach includes detecting and quantifying AS events by mutually exclusive junctions. MESA (Mutually Exclusive Splicing Analysis) computes percent splice in (PSI) values applying a mutually exclusive junction approach. To identify transcripts or novel AS events with differential usage or splicing, it is necessary to perform the correct differential analysis based on sample size and counts distribution. DRIMSeq performs a Dirichlet multinomial distribution approach to identify significant genes and transcripts with differential usage. In addition, it could be implemented to perform differential splicing analysis (DS). The DM-DASE model workflow requires the quantification and classification of AS events using either JuncBASE or MESA, and takes a PSI counts file from either JuncBASE or MESA to performe DS analysis at the global or event-type level.
JuncBASE takes in aligned and trimmed reads in the form of BAM files.
for index in sample1 sample2 sample3 sample4 sample5 sample6 sample7
echo "Processing "${index}".sortedByCoord.out.bam ..."
samtools view -b "${index}".sortedByCoord.out.bam chr1 chr2 chr3 chr4 chr5 chr6 chr7 chr8 chr9 chr10 chr11 chr12 chr13 chr14 chr15 chr16 chr17 chr18 chr19 chr20 chr21 chr22 chrX chrY > /Path_to_Dir/juncbase_trimmed_bams/"${index}".sortedByCoord.trimmed.bam
echo "Processing "${index}".sortedByCoord.out.bam completed..."
python \
-i juncbase_samp2bam.tsv \
--txt_ref UCSC.GRCh38.knownGene_w_gene_symbol_EnsemblChr.gtf \
--out_dir /path/to/cufflinks_denovo/ \
--num_processes 2
python \
-f cufflinks_denovo_IlluminaHBM2.0.txt \
--no_single_exons \
-g UCSC.GRCh38.knownGene_w_gene_symbol_EnsemblChr.gtf \
-o /cuffmerge_out \
-s Homo_sapiens_assembly_GRCh38.fasta \
--tmp_dir /tmp_dir
python \
-g gencode.GRCh38.annotation.chr.basic.gtf \
-d sqlitedb \
--sqlite_db_dir /output_dir \
Build de novo DB
python \
-g gencode.GRCh38.annotation.chr.basic.gtf \
-d sqlitedb \
--sqlite_db_dir /output_dir
python \
-s juncbase_trimmed_bams/sample_test.bam \
-o /juncbase_data/sample_test \
--known_junctions /sqlite_db_dir/
python \
-i juncbase_samp2bam.tsv \
-o /juncbase_trimmed_bams/ \
--preProcess_options "–unique -j .../" \
-p 20
python \
-i /juncbase_trimmed_bams/ \
-g GRCh38.v1.2020_04_01.fa \
--by_chr --majority_rules
python \
-i /juncbase_trimmed_bams/ \
python \
--input_dir /juncbase_trimmed_bams/ \
--num_processes 20 --force
python \
-i /juncbase_trimmed_bams \
-s sample1 --by_chr
python \
-s sample1,sample2,sample3,sample4,sample5,sample6,sample7 \
-i /juncbase_trimmed_bams \
-o /getASEventReadCounts \
--sqlite_db_dir /output_dir/sqlite_db_dir \
--txt_db1 \
--txt_db2 genecode.v33_basic.ann_db1 \
--txt_db3 \
--jcn_seq_len 240 -p 20 --by_chr
STEP 6 Part 1: Create tables of raw and length-normalized read counts of exclusion and inclusion isoforms
python \
-d /getASEventReadCounts/ \
-i /juncbase_trimmed_bams/ \
--jcn_seq_len 240 \
-s sample1,sample2,sample3,sample4,sample5,sample6,sample7 \
--num_processes 30
python \
-d /getASEventReadCounts/ \
-o /juncbase_tables/
Create a virtual env and install MESA
### virtual env
mkdir mesaEnv
python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv
python3 -m virtualenv mesaEnv
source mesaEnv/bin/activate
### installation
git clone
cd mesa/
pip install .
mesa --version
mesa -h
Convert BAMs to BEDs with junctions
mesa bam_to_junc_bed \
-m manifest_bam.tsv \
-o /MESA_HG38/ \
-n 10 -s inferCombine \
-a gencode.v38.annotation.gtf \
-g GRCh38.u2af1_fix.v1.2020_04_01.fa
Quantify MESA events
mesa quant \
-m manifest_bed.tsv \
-o /MESA_U2AF1_HG38/ \
--drim --maxLength 50000 --minLength 50 --minOverhang 5 \
--minUnique 5 --lowCoverageNan --minEntropy 1
Compute global DS/DU analysis from JuncBase counts
conda create -n "temp_rEnv" r-essentials r-base
conda activate temp_rEnv
Rscript .../src/dase/compute_dmDASE_main_model.R \
-i JB_AS_exclusion_inclusion_counts_lenNorm.txt \
-m metadata.tsv \
-g gencode.v38.annotation.gtf \
-a ensembl_annotation.csv \
-r "2021-03-12" \
-f "JB" \
-s FALSE \
-s1 12 \
-s2 6 \
-c TRUE \
-c1 "MT" \
-c2 "WT" \
-c3 "condition1" "condition2" "condition3" \
-t "DU" \
-n 12 \
-b FALSE \
-l "condition" \
-o /PATH_TO_OUTPUT_DIR/global_analysis/
AS event-specific DS/DU analysis from JuncBase counts. Some event types include cassette
, intron_retention
, alternative_acceptor
, alternative_donor
, jcn_only_AD
, jcn_only_AA
, coord_cassette
, mutually_exclusive
, alternative_last_exon
, and alternative_first_exon
Rscript .../src/dase/compute_dmDASE_main_model.R \
-i JB_AS_exclusion_inclusion_counts_lenNorm.txt \
-m metadata.tsv \
-g gencode.v38.annotation.gtf \
-a ensembl_annotation.csv \
-r "2021-03-12" \
-f "JB" \
-s TRUE \
-e "cassette" \
-s1 18 \
-s2 9 \
-c TRUE \
-c1 "MT" \
-c2 "WT" \
-c3 "condition1" "condition2" "condition3" \
-t "DU" \
-n 8 \
-b FALSE \
-l "condition" \
-o /PATH_TO_OUTPUT_DIR/casette_events/
Compute DS/DU analysis from MESA
Rscript .../src/dase/compute_dmDASE_main_model.R \
-i MESA_drimTable.tsv \
-m metadata.tsv \
-g gencode.v38.annotation.gtf \
-a ensembl_annotation.csv \
-r "2021-03-12" \
-f "DS" \
-s FALSE \
-s1 18 \
-s2 9 \
-c TRUE \
-c1 "MT" \
-c2 "WT" \
-c3 "condition1" "condition2" "condition3" \
-t "DU" \
-n 8 \
-b FALSE \
-l "condition" \
Quantify significant AS events
Rscript quantify_sig_as_events_proportions.R \
-i drimseq_gene_diffusage_results_annotated.tsv \
-p 0.1 \
-e global \
-o /juncbase_global/
Plot results for significant genes and transcripts, and global DU/DS analysis. qqplot_main_program.R
takes as input gene or transcript (txs) level DU results with the screened p-adj
values. When runing results from JuncBASE, program provides the option to specify which AS event(s) are analyzing (i.e. "global", "intron_retention", "casette", etc). volcano_program.R
takes as input DM-DASE results with p-adj
and LFC
Gene-level QQ plot
# Global analysis:
Rscript qqplot_main_program.R \
-i drimseq_gene_diffusage_results.tsv \
-o /output/ \
-t 10e-8 \
-l "gene" \
-e "global"
# Event-level analysis:
Rscript qqplot_main_program.R \
-i drimseq_gene_diffusage_results.tsv \
-o /output/ \
-t 10e-8 \
-l "gene" \
-e "global
Transcript-level QQ plot
Rscript qqplot_main_program.R \
-i drimseq_transcript_diffusage_results_annotated.tsv \
-o output/ \
-t 10e-8 \
-l "txs" \
-e "global"
Volcano plots: MT/WT volcano plot
# Global analysis:
Rscript volcano_program.R \
-i drimseq_lfc_padj_results.tsv \
-l "global" \
-c "MT/WT" \
-t "0.01" \
-f "1.5" \
-o /output/
# Event-level analysis:
Rscript volcano_program.R \
-i /casette_events/drimseq_lfc_padj_results.tsv \
-l "casette" \
-c "MT/WT" \
-t "0.01" \
-f "1.5" \
-o /casette_events/
# For comparisons:
Rscript volcano_program.R \
-i /condition1/condition1_MT_WT_DS_LFC_padj_results.tsv \
-l "mut_wt_condition1" \
-c "Condition1 MT/WT" \
-t "0.01" \
-f "1.5" \
-o /condition1/
Perform GSEA and/or prerank-GSEA on DM-DASE output tables. If running the prerank analysis, the program requires a table with p-adj
and LFC
values to rank genes based on significance and expression. Some of the latest gene set libraries include MSigDB_Hallmark_2020
, Reactome_2022
, GO_Biological_Process_2021
, GO_Cellular_Component_2021
, and KEGG_2021_Human
python \
-i /global_analysis/drimseq_lfc_padj_results.tsv \
-s "Human" \
-c "global" \
-l GO_Biological_Process_2021 GO_Molecular_Function_2021 GO_Cellular_Component_2021 KEGG_2021_Human Reactome_2022 MSigDB_Hallmark_2020 \
-t 1.5 \
-e 0.5 \
-n 10 \
-o /gsea_global/
# For comparisons:
python \
-i /condition1/condition1_mut_wt_DS_LFC_padj_results.tsv \
-s "Human" \
-c "condition1_MT_WT" \
-l GO_Biological_Process_2021 GO_Molecular_Function_2021 GO_Cellular_Component_2021 KEGG_2021_Human Reactome_2022 MSigDB_Hallmark_2020 \
-t 0 \
-e 0 \
-p 1 \
-n 10 \
-o /gsea_condition1/
Prerank analysis barplot
Rscript gsea_barplot_program.R \
-i /gsea_global/ \
-p "FDR q-val" \
-e "global" \
-s "all" \
-t 0.1 \
-m "prerank" \
-o /gsea_global/prerank_report/
Enrichment analysis barplot
Rscript gsea_barplot_program.R \
-i /gsea_global//GO_Biological_Process_2021.Human.enrichr.reports.txt \
-p "Adjusted P-value" \
-e "global" \
-s "all" \
-t 0.1 \
-m "enrichment" \
-o /gsea_global/prerank_report/
Multiple prerank libraries barplot
Rscript gsea_barplot_program.R \
-i /gsea_output/casette/global_enrichr_analysis/GO_Biological_Process_2021.Human.enrichr.reports.txt \
-i2 /gsea_output/casette/global_enrichr_analysis/GO_Cellular_Component_2021.Human.enrichr.reports.txt \
-i3 /gsea_output/casette/global_enrichr_analysis/GO_Molecular_Function_2021.Human.enrichr.reports.txt \
-i4 /gsea_output/casette/global_enrichr_analysis/MSigDB_Hallmark_2020.Human.enrichr.reports.txt \
-p "Adjusted P-value" \
-e "global" \
-s "all" \
-t 0.05 \
-m "enrichment" \
-g TRUE \
-o /gsea_global/prerank_report/
Heatmap summary
Rscript gsea_heatmap_program.R \
-i .../gsea_global/prerank_report/ \
-i2 .../gsea_condition1/prerank_report/ \
-i3 .../gsea_condition2/prerank_report/ \
-i4 .../gsea_condition3/prerank_report/ \
-c "global" \
-c2 "condition1" \
-c3 "condition2" \
-c4 "condition3" \
-e global \
-s MSigDB_Hallmark_2020 \
-t 1 \
-pw 8.5\
-ph 12 \
-o .../gsea_global/
Genotypes summary heatmap
Rscript gsea_heatmap_program.R \
-i .../gsea_condition1/positive_prerank_report/ \
-i2 .../gsea_condition1/negative_prerank_report/ \
-i3 .../gsea_condition2/positive_prerank_report/ \
-i4 .../gsea_condition2/negative_prerank_report/ \
-i5 .../gsea_condition3/positive_prerank_report/ \
-i6 .../gsea_condition3/negative_prerank_report/ \
-c "Condition1_pos" \
-c2 "Condition1_neg" \
-c3 "Condition2_pos" \
-c4 "Condition2_neg" \
-c5 "Condition3_pos" \
-c6 "Condition4_neg" \
-e "global" \
-s MSigDB_Hallmark_2020 \
-t 1 \
-pw 11 \
-ph 14 \
-o .../gsea_global/