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File metadata and controls

128 lines (89 loc) · 3.62 KB


mix.js(src | [src], output);

With a single line of code, Laravel Mix allows you to trigger a number of vital actions.

  • ES2017 + modules compilation
  • Build and compile .vue components (via vue-loader)
  • Hot module replacement
  • Tree-shaking, new in webpack 2 (removes unused library code)
  • Extract vendor libraries (via mix.extract()), for improved long-term caching
  • Automatic versioning (query string hash), via mix.version()


const mix = require('laravel-mix');

// 1. A single src and output path.
mix.js('src/app.js', 'dist/app.js');

// 2. For additional src files that should be
// bundled together:
], 'dist/app.js');

// 3. For multiple entry/output points:
mix.js('src/app.js', 'dist/')
   .js('src/forum.js', 'dist/');

Laravel Example

Consider a typical Laravel install. By default, your JavaScript entry point will be located at ./resources/js/app.js. Let's prepare a webpack.mix.js file to compile that to ./public/js/app.js.

const mix = require('laravel-mix');

mix.js('resources/js/app.js', 'public/js');

Done! Now, all of the bullet items above are available to you, and it required exactly one method call.

To trigger the compilation, run npm run dev from the command line.

Vue Components

Laravel Mix is mildly opinionated, and ships with compilation support for .vue component files. Don't worry: if you don't use Vue, you can ignore this entire section.

Single file components are one of Vue's neatest features. One file to declare the template, script, and styling for a component? Yes, please! Let's try it out.

import Vue from 'vue';
import Notification from './components/Notification.vue';

new Vue({
    el: '#app',
    components: { Notification }

Above, we import Vue (you'll want to first run npm install vue --save-dev), require a Notification Vue component, and then build up our root Vue instance.

    <div class="notification">
        {{ body }}

    export default {
        data() {
            return {
                body: 'I am a notification.'

    .notification {
        background: grey;

If you're familiar with Vue, this should all look very familiar, so we'll move on.

const mix = require('laravel-mix');

mix.js('resources/js/app.js', 'public/js');

And that should do it! Run npm run dev to compile it all down. At this point, simply create an HTML file, import your ./js/app.js bundle, and load the browser. Tada!

React Support

Laravel Mix also ships with basic React support. Simply update your mix.js() call to mix.react(), and then use the exact same set of arguments. Behind the scenes, Mix will pull in and reference any necessary Babel plugins for React.

mix.react('resources/js/app.jsx', 'public/js/app.js');

Of course, you'll still want to install React and ReactDOM through NPM, per usual, but everything else should be taken care of.

Typescript Support

Laravel Mix also ships with basic Typescript support.
Simply update your mix.js() call to mix.ts(), and then use the exact same set of arguments.

mix.ts('resources/assets/js/app.ts', 'public/js/app.js');

Of course, you'll still want to do the necessary tweeks like creating tsconfig.json file and installing DefinitelyTyped, but everything else should be taken care of.