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238 lines (179 loc) · 7.67 KB

File metadata and controls

238 lines (179 loc) · 7.67 KB


Zig bindings for LMDB.

Built and tested with Zig version 0.14.0.

Table of Contents


Add zig-lmdb to build.zig.zon

    .dependencies = .{
        .lmdb = .{
            .url = "",
            // .hash = "...",


An LMDB environment can either have multiple named databases, or a single unnamed database.

To use a single unnamed database, open a transaction and use the txn.get, txn.set, txn.delete, and txn.cursor methods directly.

const lmdb = @import("lmdb");

pub fn main() !void {
    const env = try lmdb.Environment.init("path/to/db", .{});
    defer env.deinit();

    const txn = try lmdb.Transaction.init(env, .{ .mode = .ReadWrite });
    errdefer txn.abort();

    try txn.set("aaa", "foo");
    try txn.set("bbb", "bar");

    try txn.commit();

To use named databases, open the environment with a non-zero max_dbs value. Then open each named database using Transaction.database, which returns a Database struct with db.get/db.set/db.delete/db.cursor methods. You don't have to close databases, but they're only valid during the lifetime of the transaction.

const lmdb = @import("lmdb");

pub fn main() !void {
    const env = try lmdb.Environment.init("path/to/db", .{ .max_dbs = 2 });
    defer env.deinit();

    const txn = try lmdb.Transaction.init(env, .{ .mode = .ReadWrite });
    errdefer txn.abort();

    const widgets = try txn.database("widgets", .{ .create = true });
    try widgets.set("aaa", "foo");

    const gadgets = try txn.database("gadgets", .{ .create = true });
    try gadgets.set("aaa", "bar");

    try txn.commit();



pub const Environment = struct {
    pub const Options = struct {
        map_size: usize = 10 * 1024 * 1024,
        max_dbs: u32 = 0,
        max_readers: u32 = 126,
        read_only: bool = false,
        write_map: bool = false,
        no_tls: bool = false,
        no_lock: bool = false,
        mode: u16 = 0o664,

    pub const Info = struct {
        map_size: usize,
        max_readers: u32,
        num_readers: u32,

    pub fn init(path: [*:0]const u8, options: Options) !Environment
    pub fn deinit(self: Environment) void

    pub fn transaction(self: Environment, options: Transaction.Options) !Transaction

    pub fn sync(self: Environment) !void
    pub fn stat(self: Environment) !Stat
    pub fn info(self: Environment) !Info

    pub fn resize(self: Environment, size: usize) !void // mdb_env_set_mapsize


pub const Transaction = struct {
    pub const Mode = enum { ReadOnly, ReadWrite };

    pub const Options = struct {
        mode: Mode,
        parent: ?Transaction = null,

    pub fn init(env: Environment, options: Options) !Transaction
    pub fn abort(self: Transaction) void
    pub fn commit(self: Transaction) !void

    pub fn get(self: Transaction, key: []const u8) !?[]const u8
    pub fn set(self: Transaction, key: []const u8, value: []const u8) !void
    pub fn delete(self: Transaction, key: []const u8) !void

    pub fn cursor(self: Database) !Cursor
    pub fn database(self: Transaction, name: ?[*:0]const u8, options: Database.Options) !Database


pub const Database = struct {
    pub const Options = struct {
        reverse_key: bool = false,
        integer_key: bool = false,
        create: bool = false,

    pub const Stat = struct {
        psize: u32,
        depth: u32,
        branch_pages: usize,
        leaf_pages: usize,
        overflow_pages: usize,
        entries: usize,

    pub fn open(txn: Transaction, name: ?[*:0]const u8, options: Options) !Database

    pub fn get(self: Database, key: []const u8) !?[]const u8
    pub fn set(self: Database, key: []const u8, value: []const u8) !void
    pub fn delete(self: Database, key: []const u8) !void

    pub fn cursor(self: Database) !Cursor

    pub fn stat(self: Database) !Stat


pub const Cursor = struct {
    pub const Entry = struct { key: []const u8, value: []const u8 };

    pub fn init(db: Database) !Cursor
    pub fn deinit(self: Cursor) void

    pub fn getCurrentEntry(self: Cursor) !Entry
    pub fn getCurrentKey(self: Cursor) ![]const u8
    pub fn getCurrentValue(self: Cursor) ![]const u8

    pub fn setCurrentValue(self: Cursor, value: []const u8) !void
    pub fn deleteCurrentKey(self: Cursor) !void

    pub fn goToNext(self: Cursor) !?[]const u8
    pub fn goToPrevious(self: Cursor) !?[]const u8
    pub fn goToLast(self: Cursor) !?[]const u8
    pub fn goToFirst(self: Cursor) !?[]const u8
    pub fn goToKey(self: Cursor, key: []const u8) !void

    pub fn seek(self: Cursor, key: []const u8) !?[]const u8

⚠️ Always close cursors before committing or aborting the transaction.


zig build bench

1k entries

iterations min (ms) max (ms) avg (ms) std ops / s
get random 1 entry 100 0.0001 0.0069 0.0002 0.0007 4082799
get random 100 entries 100 0.0089 0.0204 0.0118 0.0045 8473664
iterate over all entries 100 0.0175 0.0290 0.0221 0.0023 45156084
set random 1 entry 100 0.0498 0.1814 0.0582 0.0159 17169
set random 100 entries 100 0.0750 0.1275 0.0841 0.0068 1189692
set random 1k entries 10 0.2495 0.2606 0.2557 0.0035 3911596
set random 50k entries 10 8.8281 12.4414 9.8183 1.1449 5092551

50k entries

iterations min (ms) max (ms) avg (ms) std ops / s
get random 1 entry 100 0.0002 0.0072 0.0011 0.0008 914620
get random 100 entries 100 0.0194 0.0562 0.0232 0.0058 4312356
iterate over all entries 100 0.4243 0.7743 0.5451 0.0315 91727484
set random 1 entry 100 0.0446 0.3028 0.0577 0.0263 17342
set random 100 entries 100 0.3673 0.6541 0.4756 0.0776 210273
set random 1k entries 10 0.7499 0.9015 0.8379 0.0474 1193519
set random 50k entries 10 14.2130 14.7817 14.4931 0.1797 3449915

1m entries

iterations min (ms) max (ms) avg (ms) std ops / s
get random 1 entry 100 0.0004 0.0270 0.0025 0.0029 397152
get random 100 entries 100 0.0440 0.1758 0.0668 0.0198 1496224
iterate over all entries 100 9.9925 13.8858 10.6677 0.5131 93741223
set random 1 entry 100 0.0538 0.3763 0.0721 0.0374 13874
set random 100 entries 100 0.6510 2.2153 1.7443 0.1971 57330
set random 1k entries 10 6.9965 11.5011 10.2719 1.6529 97353
set random 50k entries 10 39.9164 42.6653 41.1931 1.0043 1213796