diff --git a/plugin.xml b/plugin.xml
index 7dca14a..f918a81 100644
--- a/plugin.xml
+++ b/plugin.xml
@@ -8,8 +8,11 @@
CardIOThis plugin allows to add to add CardIO to your application using CardIO Native libraryMIT License, see LICENSE.md for details
@@ -29,34 +32,14 @@
@@ -69,7 +52,8 @@
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- mavenCentral()
-dependencies {
- compile 'io.card:android-sdk:5.5.0'
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deleted file mode 100644
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@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-// CardIO.h
-// Version 5.4.1
-// See the file "LICENSE.md" for the full license governing this code.
-// All-in-one header file for card.io sdk.
-#import "CardIOCreditCardInfo.h"
-#import "CardIODetectionMode.h"
-#import "CardIOView.h"
-#import "CardIOViewDelegate.h"
-#import "CardIOPaymentViewController.h"
-#import "CardIOPaymentViewControllerDelegate.h"
-#import "CardIOUtilities.h"
diff --git a/src/ios/CardIO/CardIO.m b/src/ios/CardIO/CardIO.m
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/src/ios/CardIO/CardIO.m
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@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// This file exists so that CocoaPods will generate a modulemap for CardIO
-// See https://github.com/card-io/card.io-iOS-SDK/issues/115
-// and https://github.com/card-io/card.io-iOS-SDK/pull/126
-// for more details
diff --git a/src/ios/CardIO/CardIOCreditCardInfo.h b/src/ios/CardIO/CardIOCreditCardInfo.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 89de40e..0000000
--- a/src/ios/CardIO/CardIOCreditCardInfo.h
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@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-// CardIOCreditCardInfo.h
-// Version 5.4.1
-// See the file "LICENSE.md" for the full license governing this code.
-/// CardIOCreditCardType Identifies type of card.
-typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, CardIOCreditCardType) {
- /// The card number does not correspond to any recognizable card type.
- CardIOCreditCardTypeUnrecognized = 0,
- /// The card number corresponds to multiple card types (e.g., when only a few digits have been entered).
- CardIOCreditCardTypeAmbiguous = 1,
- /// American Express
- CardIOCreditCardTypeAmex = '3',
- /// Japan Credit Bureau
- CardIOCreditCardTypeJCB = 'J',
- /// VISA
- CardIOCreditCardTypeVisa = '4',
- /// MasterCard
- CardIOCreditCardTypeMastercard = '5',
- /// Discover Card
- CardIOCreditCardTypeDiscover = '6'
-/// Container for the information about a card.
-@interface CardIOCreditCardInfo : NSObject
-/// Card number.
-@property(nonatomic, copy, readwrite) NSString *cardNumber;
-/// Card number with all but the last four digits obfuscated.
-@property(nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSString *redactedCardNumber;
-/// January == 1
-/// @note expiryMonth & expiryYear may be 0, if expiry information was not requested.
-@property(nonatomic, assign, readwrite) NSUInteger expiryMonth;
-/// The full four digit year.
-/// @note expiryMonth & expiryYear may be 0, if expiry information was not requested.
-@property(nonatomic, assign, readwrite) NSUInteger expiryYear;
-/// Security code (aka CSC, CVV, CVV2, etc.)
-/// @note May be nil, if security code was not requested.
-@property(nonatomic, copy, readwrite) NSString *cvv;
-/// Postal code. Format is country dependent.
-/// @note May be nil, if postal code information was not requested.
-@property(nonatomic, copy, readwrite) NSString *postalCode;
-/// Cardholder Name.
-/// @note May be nil, if cardholder name was not requested.
-@property(nonatomic, copy, readwrite) NSString *cardholderName;
-/// Was the card number scanned (as opposed to entered manually)?
-@property(nonatomic, assign, readwrite) BOOL scanned;
-/// The rectified card image; usually 428x270.
-@property(nonatomic, strong, readwrite) UIImage *cardImage;
-/// Derived from cardNumber.
-/// @note CardIOCreditInfo objects returned by either of the delegate methods
-/// userDidProvideCreditCardInfo:inPaymentViewController:
-/// or cardIOView:didScanCard:
-/// will never return a cardType of CardIOCreditCardTypeAmbiguous.
-@property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) CardIOCreditCardType cardType;
-/// Convenience method which returns a card type string suitable for display (e.g. "Visa", "American Express", "JCB", "MasterCard", or "Discover").
-/// Where appropriate, this string will be translated into the language specified.
-/// @param cardType The card type.
-/// @param languageOrLocale See CardIOPaymentViewController.h for a detailed explanation of languageOrLocale.
-/// @return Card type string suitable for display.
-+ (NSString *)displayStringForCardType:(CardIOCreditCardType)cardType usingLanguageOrLocale:(NSString *)languageOrLocale;
-/// Returns a 36x25 credit card logo, at a resolution appropriate for the device.
-/// @param cardType The card type.
-/// @return 36x25 credit card logo.
-+ (UIImage *)logoForCardType:(CardIOCreditCardType)cardType;
diff --git a/src/ios/CardIO/CardIODetectionMode.h b/src/ios/CardIO/CardIODetectionMode.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0132df8..0000000
--- a/src/ios/CardIO/CardIODetectionMode.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-// CardIODetectionMode.h
-// Version 5.4.1
-// See the file "LICENSE.md" for the full license governing this code.
-#ifndef icc_CardIODetectionMode_h
-#define icc_CardIODetectionMode_h
-typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, CardIODetectionMode) {
- CardIODetectionModeCardImageAndNumber = 0,
- CardIODetectionModeCardImageOnly,
- CardIODetectionModeAutomatic
diff --git a/src/ios/CardIO/CardIOPaymentViewController.h b/src/ios/CardIO/CardIOPaymentViewController.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 092d8f3..0000000
--- a/src/ios/CardIO/CardIOPaymentViewController.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-// CardIOPaymentViewController.h
-// Version 5.4.1
-// See the file "LICENSE.md" for the full license governing this code.
-#import "CardIOPaymentViewControllerDelegate.h"
-#import "CardIODetectionMode.h"
-/// CardIOPaymentViewController is one of two main entry points into the card.io SDK.
-/// @see CardIOView
-@interface CardIOPaymentViewController : UINavigationController
-/// Initializer for scanning.
-/// If scanning is not supported by the user's device, card.io will offer manual entry.
-/// @param aDelegate Your CardIOPaymentViewControllerDelegate (typically a UIViewController).
-/// @return Properly initialized CardIOPaymentViewController.
-- (id)initWithPaymentDelegate:(id)aDelegate;
-/// Initializer for scanning, with extra hooks for controlling whether the camera will
-/// be displayed (useful for testing).
-/// @param aDelegate Your CardIOPaymentViewControllerDelegate (typically a UIViewController).
-/// @param scanningEnabled If scanningEnabled is NO, card.io will offer manual entry,
-/// regardless of whether scanning is supported by the user's device.
-/// @return Properly initialized CardIOPaymentViewController.
-- (id)initWithPaymentDelegate:(id)aDelegate scanningEnabled:(BOOL)scanningEnabled;
-/// The preferred language for all strings appearing in the user interface.
-/// If not set, or if set to nil, defaults to the device's current language setting.
-/// Can be specified as a language code ("en", "fr", "zh-Hans", etc.) or as a locale ("en_AU", "fr_FR", "zh-Hant_HK", etc.).
-/// If card.io does not contain localized strings for a specified locale, then it will fall back to the language. E.g., "es_CO" -> "es".
-/// If card.io does not contain localized strings for a specified language, then it will fall back to American English.
-/// If you specify only a language code, and that code matches the device's currently preferred language,
-/// then card.io will attempt to use the device's current region as well.
-/// E.g., specifying "en" on a device set to "English" and "United Kingdom" will result in "en_GB".
-/// These localizations are currently included:
-/// ar,da,de,en,en_AU,en_GB,es,es_MX,fr,he,is,it,ja,ko,ms,nb,nl,pl,pt,pt_BR,ru,sv,th,tr,zh-Hans,zh-Hant,zh-Hant_TW.
-@property(nonatomic, copy, readwrite) NSString *languageOrLocale;
-/// @see keepStatusBarStyleForCardIO
-@property(nonatomic, assign, readwrite) BOOL keepStatusBarStyle;
-/// @see navigationBarStyleForCardIO
-@property(nonatomic, assign, readwrite) UIBarStyle navigationBarStyle;
-/// @see navigationBarTintColorForCardIO
-@property(nonatomic, retain, readwrite) UIColor *navigationBarTintColor;
-/// Normally, card.io blurs the screen when the app is backgrounded,
-/// to obscure card details in the iOS-saved screenshot.
-/// If your app already does its own blurring upon backgrounding,
-/// you might choose to disable this behavior.
-/// Defaults to NO.
-@property(nonatomic, assign, readwrite) BOOL disableBlurWhenBackgrounding;
-/// Alter the card guide (bracket) color. Opaque colors recommended.
-/// Defaults to nil; if nil, will use card.io green.
-@property(nonatomic, retain, readwrite) UIColor *guideColor;
-/// If YES, don't have the user confirm the scanned card, just return the results immediately.
-/// Defaults to NO.
-@property(nonatomic, assign, readwrite) BOOL suppressScanConfirmation;
-/// If YES, instead of displaying the image of the scanned card,
-/// present the manual entry screen with the scanned card number prefilled.
-/// Defaults to NO.
-@property(nonatomic, assign, readwrite) BOOL suppressScannedCardImage;
-/// After a successful scan, card.io will display an image of the card with
-/// the computed card number superimposed. This property controls how long (in seconds)
-/// that image will be displayed.
-/// Set this to 0.0 to suppress the display entirely.
-/// Defaults to 0.1.
-@property(nonatomic, assign, readwrite) CGFloat scannedImageDuration;
-/// Mask the card number digits as they are manually entered by the user. Defaults to NO.
-@property(nonatomic, assign, readwrite) BOOL maskManualEntryDigits;
-/// Set the scan instruction text. If nil, use the default text. Defaults to nil.
-/// Use newlines as desired to control the wrapping of text onto multiple lines.
-@property(nonatomic, copy, readwrite) NSString *scanInstructions;
-/// Hide the PayPal or card.io logo in the scan view. Defaults to NO.
-@property(nonatomic, assign, readwrite) BOOL hideCardIOLogo;
-/// A custom view that will be overlaid atop the entire scan view. Defaults to nil.
-/// If you set a scanOverlayView, be sure to:
-/// * Consider rotation. Be sure to test on the iPad with rotation both enabled and disabled.
-/// To make rotation synchronization easier, whenever a scanOverlayView is set, and card.io does an
-/// in-place rotation (rotates its UI elements relative to their containers), card.io will generate
-/// rotation notifications; see CardIOScanningOrientationDidChangeNotification
-/// and associated userInfo key documentation below.
-/// As with UIKit, the initial rotation is always UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait.
-/// * Be sure to pass touches through to the superview as appropriate. Note that the entire camera
-/// preview responds to touches (triggers refocusing). Test the light button and the toolbar buttons.
-/// * Minimize animations, redrawing, or any other CPU/GPU/memory intensive activities
-@property(nonatomic, retain, readwrite) UIView *scanOverlayView;
-/// CardIODetectionModeCardImageAndNumber: the scanner must successfully identify the card number.
-/// CardIODetectionModeCardImageOnly: don't scan the card, just detect a credit-card-shaped card.
-/// CardIODetectionModeAutomatic: start as CardIODetectionModeCardImageAndNumber, but fall back to
-/// CardIODetectionModeCardImageOnly if scanning has not succeeded within a reasonable time.
-/// Defaults to CardIODetectionModeCardImageAndNumber.
-/// @note Images returned in CardIODetectionModeCardImageOnly mode may be less focused, to accomodate scanning
-/// cards that are dominantly white (e.g., the backs of drivers licenses), and thus
-/// hard to calculate accurate focus scores for.
-@property(nonatomic, assign, readwrite) CardIODetectionMode detectionMode;
-/// Set to NO if you don't need to collect the card expiration. Defaults to YES.
-@property(nonatomic, assign, readwrite) BOOL collectExpiry;
-/// Set to NO if you don't need to collect the CVV from the user. Defaults to YES.
-@property(nonatomic, assign, readwrite) BOOL collectCVV;
-/// Set to YES if you need to collect the billing postal code. Defaults to NO.
-@property(nonatomic, assign, readwrite) BOOL collectPostalCode;
-/// Set to YES if the postal code should only collect numeric input. Defaults to NO. Set this if you know the
-/// expected country's postal code has only numeric postal
-/// codes.
-@property(nonatomic, assign, readwrite) BOOL restrictPostalCodeToNumericOnly;
-/// Set to YES if you need to collect the cardholder name. Defaults to NO.
-@property(nonatomic, assign, readwrite) BOOL collectCardholderName;
-/// Set to NO if you don't want the camera to try to scan the card expiration.
-/// Applies only if collectExpiry is also YES.
-/// Defaults to YES.
-@property(nonatomic, assign, readwrite) BOOL scanExpiry;
-/// Set to YES to show the card.io logo over the camera view instead of the PayPal logo. Defaults to NO.
-@property(nonatomic, assign, readwrite) BOOL useCardIOLogo;
-/// By default, in camera view the card guide and the buttons always rotate to match the device's orientation.
-/// All four orientations are permitted, regardless of any app or viewcontroller constraints.
-/// If you wish, the card guide and buttons can instead obey standard iOS constraints, including
-/// the UISupportedInterfaceOrientations settings in your app's plist.
-/// Set to NO to follow standard iOS constraints. Defaults to YES. (Does not affect the manual entry screen.)
-@property(nonatomic, assign, readwrite) BOOL allowFreelyRotatingCardGuide;
-/// Set to YES to prevent card.io from showing its "Enter Manually" button. Defaults to NO.
-/// @note If [CardIOUtilities canReadCardWithCamera] returns false, then if card.io is presented it will
-/// automatically display its manual entry screen.
-/// Therefore, if you want to prevent users from *ever* seeing card.io's manual entry screen,
-/// you should first check [CardIOUtilities canReadCardWithCamera] before initing the view controller.
-@property(nonatomic, assign, readwrite) BOOL disableManualEntryButtons;
-/// Access to the delegate.
-@property(nonatomic, weak, readwrite) id paymentDelegate;
-/// Name for orientation change notification.
-extern NSString * const CardIOScanningOrientationDidChangeNotification;
-/// userInfo key for orientation change notification, to get the current scanning orientation.
-/// Returned as an NSValue wrapping a UIDeviceOrientation. Sample extraction code:
-/// @code
-/// NSValue *wrappedOrientation = notification.userInfo[CardIOCurrentScanningOrientation];
-/// UIDeviceOrientation scanningOrientation = UIDeviceOrientationPortrait; // set a default value just to be safe
-/// [wrappedOrientation getValue:&scanningOrientation];
-/// // use scanningOrientation...
-/// @endcode
-extern NSString * const CardIOCurrentScanningOrientation;
-/// userInfo key for orientation change notification, to get the duration of the card.io rotation animations.
-/// Returned as an NSNumber wrapping an NSTimeInterval (i.e. a double).
-extern NSString * const CardIOScanningOrientationAnimationDuration;
-/// Methods with names that do not conflict with Apple's private APIs.
-@interface CardIOPaymentViewController (NonConflictingAPINames)
-/// If YES, the status bar's style will be kept as whatever your app has set it to.
-/// If NO, the status bar style will be set to the default style.
-/// Defaults to NO.
-@property(nonatomic, assign, readwrite) BOOL keepStatusBarStyleForCardIO;
-/// The default appearance of the navigation bar is navigationBarStyleForCardIO == UIBarStyleDefault;
-/// tintColor == nil (pre-iOS 7), barTintColor == nil (iOS 7).
-/// Set either or both of these properties if you want to override these defaults.
-/// @see navigationBarTintColorForCardIO
-@property(nonatomic, assign, readwrite) UIBarStyle navigationBarStyleForCardIO;
-/// The default appearance of the navigation bar is navigationBarStyleForCardIO == UIBarStyleDefault;
-/// tintColor == nil (pre-iOS 7), barTintColor == nil (iOS 7).
-/// Set either or both of these properties if you want to override these defaults.
-/// @see navigationBarStyleForCardIO
-@property(nonatomic, retain, readwrite) UIColor *navigationBarTintColorForCardIO;
diff --git a/src/ios/CardIO/CardIOPaymentViewControllerDelegate.h b/src/ios/CardIO/CardIOPaymentViewControllerDelegate.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 45785a6..0000000
--- a/src/ios/CardIO/CardIOPaymentViewControllerDelegate.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-// CardIOPaymentViewControllerDelegate.h
-// Version 5.4.1
-// See the file "LICENSE.md" for the full license governing this code.
-@class CardIOPaymentViewController;
-@class CardIOCreditCardInfo;
-/// The receiver will be notified when the CardIOPaymentViewController flow completes, due to either success or user-cancellation.
-/// Exactly one of these delegate methods will be called.
-/// Each of them MUST dismiss the CardIOPaymentViewController.
-@protocol CardIOPaymentViewControllerDelegate
-/// This method will be called if the user cancels the scan. You MUST dismiss paymentViewController.
-/// @param paymentViewController The active CardIOPaymentViewController.
-- (void)userDidCancelPaymentViewController:(CardIOPaymentViewController *)paymentViewController;
-/// This method will be called when there is a successful scan (or manual entry). You MUST dismiss paymentViewController.
-/// @param cardInfo The results of the scan.
-/// @param paymentViewController The active CardIOPaymentViewController.
-- (void)userDidProvideCreditCardInfo:(CardIOCreditCardInfo *)cardInfo inPaymentViewController:(CardIOPaymentViewController *)paymentViewController;
diff --git a/src/ios/CardIO/CardIOUtilities.h b/src/ios/CardIO/CardIOUtilities.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f52a48d..0000000
--- a/src/ios/CardIO/CardIOUtilities.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-// CardIOUtilities.h
-// Version 5.4.1
-// See the file "LICENSE.md" for the full license governing this code.
-@interface CardIOUtilities : NSObject
-/// Please send the output of this method with any technical support requests.
-/// @return Human-readable version of this library.
-+ (NSString *)libraryVersion;
-/// Determine whether this device supports camera-based card scanning, considering
-/// factors such as hardware support and OS version.
-/// card.io automatically provides manual entry of cards as a fallback,
-/// so it is not typically necessary for your app to check this.
-/// @return YES iff the user's device supports camera-based card scanning.
-+ (BOOL)canReadCardWithCamera;
-/// The preload method prepares card.io to launch faster. Calling preload is optional but suggested.
-/// On an iPhone 5S, for example, preloading makes card.io launch ~400ms faster.
-/// The best time to call preload is when displaying a view from which card.io might be launched;
-/// e.g., inside your view controller's viewWillAppear: method.
-/// preload works in the background; the call to preload returns immediately.
-+ (void)preload;
-/// Returns a doubly Gaussian-blurred screenshot, intended for screenshots when backgrounding.
-/// @return Blurred screenshot.
-+ (UIImageView *)blurredScreenImageView;
-/// Methods with names that do not conflict with Apple's private APIs.
-@interface CardIOUtilities (NonConflictingAPINames)
-/// Please send the output of this method with any technical support requests.
-/// @return Human-readable version of this library.
-+ (NSString *)cardIOLibraryVersion;
-/// The preload method prepares card.io to launch faster. Calling preload is optional but suggested.
-/// On an iPhone 5S, for example, preloading makes card.io launch ~400ms faster.
-/// The best time to call preload is when displaying a view from which card.io might be launched;
-/// e.g., inside your view controller's viewWillAppear: method.
-/// preload works in the background; the call to preload returns immediately.
-+ (void)preloadCardIO;
diff --git a/src/ios/CardIO/CardIOView.h b/src/ios/CardIO/CardIOView.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 242c5d3..0000000
--- a/src/ios/CardIO/CardIOView.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-// CardIOView.h
-// Version 5.4.1
-// See the file "LICENSE.md" for the full license governing this code.
-#import "CardIOViewDelegate.h"
-#import "CardIODetectionMode.h"
-/// CardIOView is one of two main entry points into the card.io SDK.
-/// @see CardIOPaymentViewController
-@interface CardIOView : UIView
-#pragma mark - Properties you MUST set
-/// Typically, your view controller will set itself as this delegate.
-@property(nonatomic, weak, readwrite) id delegate;
-#pragma mark - Properties you MAY set
-/// The preferred language for all strings appearing in the user interface.
-/// If not set, or if set to nil, defaults to the device's current language setting.
-/// Can be specified as a language code ("en", "fr", "zh-Hans", etc.) or as a locale ("en_AU", "fr_FR", "zh-Hant_HK", etc.).
-/// If card.io does not contain localized strings for a specified locale, then it will fall back to the language. E.g., "es_CO" -> "es".
-/// If card.io does not contain localized strings for a specified language, then it will fall back to American English.
-/// If you specify only a language code, and that code matches the device's currently preferred language,
-/// then card.io will attempt to use the device's current region as well.
-/// E.g., specifying "en" on a device set to "English" and "United Kingdom" will result in "en_GB".
-/// These localizations are currently included:
-/// ar,da,de,en,en_AU,en_GB,es,es_MX,fr,he,is,it,ja,ko,ms,nb,nl,pl,pt,pt_BR,ru,sv,th,tr,zh-Hans,zh-Hant,zh-Hant_TW.
-@property(nonatomic, copy, readwrite) NSString *languageOrLocale;
-/// Alter the card guide (bracket) color. Opaque colors recommended.
-/// Defaults to nil; if nil, will use card.io green.
-@property(nonatomic, retain, readwrite) UIColor *guideColor;
-/// Set to YES to show the card.io logo over the camera instead of the PayPal logo. Defaults to NO.
-@property(nonatomic, assign, readwrite) BOOL useCardIOLogo;
-/// Hide the PayPal or card.io logo in the scan view. Defaults to NO.
-@property(nonatomic, assign, readwrite) BOOL hideCardIOLogo;
-/// By default, in camera view the card guide and the buttons always rotate to match the device's orientation.
-/// All four orientations are permitted, regardless of any app or viewcontroller constraints.
-/// If you wish, the card guide and buttons can instead obey standard iOS constraints, including
-/// the UISupportedInterfaceOrientations settings in your app's plist.
-/// Set to NO to follow standard iOS constraints. Defaults to YES. (Does not affect the manual entry screen.)
-@property(nonatomic, assign, readwrite) BOOL allowFreelyRotatingCardGuide;
-/// Set the scan instruction text. If nil, use the default text. Defaults to nil.
-/// Use newlines as desired to control the wrapping of text onto multiple lines.
-@property(nonatomic, copy, readwrite) NSString *scanInstructions;
-/// A custom view that will be overlaid atop the entire scan view. Defaults to nil.
-/// If you set a scanOverlayView, be sure to:
-/// * Consider rotation. Be sure to test on the iPad with rotation both enabled and disabled.
-/// To make rotation synchronization easier, whenever a scanOverlayView is set, and card.io does an
-/// in-place rotation (rotates its UI elements relative to their containers), card.io will generate
-/// rotation notifications; see CardIOScanningOrientationDidChangeNotification
-/// and associated userInfo key documentation below.
-/// As with UIKit, the initial rotation is always UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait.
-/// * Be sure to pass touches through to the superview as appropriate. Note that the entire camera
-/// preview responds to touches (triggers refocusing). Test the light button and the toolbar buttons.
-/// * Minimize animations, redrawing, or any other CPU/GPU/memory intensive activities
-@property(nonatomic, retain, readwrite) UIView *scanOverlayView;
-/// Set to NO if you don't want the camera to try to scan the card expiration.
-/// Defaults to YES.
-@property(nonatomic, assign, readwrite) BOOL scanExpiry;
-/// CardIODetectionModeCardImageAndNumber: the scanner must successfully identify the card number.
-/// CardIODetectionModeCardImageOnly: don't scan the card, just detect a credit-card-shaped card.
-/// CardIODetectionModeAutomatic: start as CardIODetectionModeCardImageAndNumber, but fall back to
-/// CardIODetectionModeCardImageOnly if scanning has not succeeded within a reasonable time.
-/// Defaults to CardIODetectionModeCardImageAndNumber.
-/// @note Images returned in CardIODetectionModeCardImageOnly mode may be less focused, to accomodate scanning
-/// cards that are dominantly white (e.g., the backs of drivers licenses), and thus
-/// hard to calculate accurate focus scores for.
-@property(nonatomic, assign, readwrite) CardIODetectionMode detectionMode;
-/// After a successful scan, the CardIOView will briefly display an image of the card with
-/// the computed card number superimposed. This property controls how long (in seconds)
-/// that image will be displayed.
-/// Set this to 0.0 to suppress the display entirely.
-/// Defaults to 1.0.
-@property(nonatomic, assign, readwrite) CGFloat scannedImageDuration;
-/// Name for orientation change notification.
-extern NSString * const CardIOScanningOrientationDidChangeNotification;
-/// userInfo key for orientation change notification, to get the current scanning orientation.
-/// Returned as an NSValue wrapping a UIDeviceOrientation. Sample extraction code:
-/// @code
-/// NSValue *wrappedOrientation = notification.userInfo[CardIOCurrentScanningOrientation];
-/// UIDeviceOrientation scanningOrientation = UIDeviceOrientationPortrait; // set a default value just to be safe
-/// [wrappedOrientation getValue:&scanningOrientation];
-/// // use scanningOrientation...
-/// @endcode
-extern NSString * const CardIOCurrentScanningOrientation;
-/// userInfo key for orientation change notification, to get the duration of the card.io rotation animations.
-/// Returned as an NSNumber wrapping an NSTimeInterval (i.e. a double).
-extern NSString * const CardIOScanningOrientationAnimationDuration;
-#pragma mark - Property you MAY get
-/// The actual camera preview area within the CardIOView. Location is relative to the CardIOView's origin.
-/// You might want to use this, for example, when adjusting your view controller's view layout.
-@property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) CGRect cameraPreviewFrame;
diff --git a/src/ios/CardIO/CardIOViewDelegate.h b/src/ios/CardIO/CardIOViewDelegate.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c30ade5..0000000
--- a/src/ios/CardIO/CardIOViewDelegate.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-// CardIOViewDelegate.h
-// Version 5.4.1
-// See the file "LICENSE.md" for the full license governing this code.
-@class CardIOCreditCardInfo;
-@class CardIOView;
-/// The receiver will be notified when the CardIOView completes it work.
-@protocol CardIOViewDelegate
-/// This method will be called when the CardIOView completes its work.
-/// It is up to you to hide or remove the CardIOView.
-/// At a minimum, you should give the user an opportunity to confirm that the card information was captured correctly.
-/// @param cardIOView The active CardIOView.
-/// @param cardInfo The results of the scan.
-/// @note cardInfo will be nil if exiting due to a problem (e.g., no available camera).
-- (void)cardIOView:(CardIOView *)cardIOView didScanCard:(CardIOCreditCardInfo *)cardInfo;
diff --git a/src/ios/CardIO/libCardIO.a b/src/ios/CardIO/libCardIO.a
deleted file mode 100644
index fa28860..0000000
Binary files a/src/ios/CardIO/libCardIO.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/src/ios/CardIO/libopencv_core.a b/src/ios/CardIO/libopencv_core.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 75c861f..0000000
Binary files a/src/ios/CardIO/libopencv_core.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/src/ios/CardIO/libopencv_imgproc.a b/src/ios/CardIO/libopencv_imgproc.a
deleted file mode 100644
index bca147e..0000000
Binary files a/src/ios/CardIO/libopencv_imgproc.a and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/src/ios/CardIOCordovaPlugin.h b/src/ios/CardIOCordovaPlugin.h
index 6529623..d316def 100755
--- a/src/ios/CardIOCordovaPlugin.h
+++ b/src/ios/CardIOCordovaPlugin.h
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-#import "CardIO.h"
+#import "CardIO/CardIO.h"
@interface CardIOCordovaPlugin : CDVPlugin