Rack middleware which will take incoming headers (such as request id) and ensure that they are passed along to outgoing http requests. This can be used to track a request throughout your architecture by ensuring that all networks calls will recieve the same request id as the request originator. An example of such an envrionment would be as follows:
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'rack-request-id-passthrough', require: 'rack/request-id-passthrough'
And then execute:
bundle install
Or install it yourself as:
gem install rack-request-id-passthrough
# config.ru
class MyApp < Sinatra::Base
use Rack::RequestIDPassthrough
# ./config/application.rb
module MyApp
class Application < Rails::Application
# ...
# warning! Make sure that you insert this middleware early so that you can capture all relevant network calls
config.middleware.insert_after Rack::Runtime, Rack::RequestIDPassthrough
Create an initializer file:
# ./config/initializers/rack-request-id-passthrough.rb
RackRequestIDPassthrough.source_headers = %w(HTTP_FUNKY_TOWN HTTP_LESS_IMPORTANT) # List of source headers to look for request ids in
RackRequestIDPassthrough.response_headers = %w(OUTGOING) # Controls the response headers sent back to the browser
RackRequestIDPassthrough.http_headers = %w(OUTGOING_CALL) # Name of http headers that will be appended to all outgoing http calls
# ./config/application.rb
config.middleware.insert_after Rack::RequestIDPassthrough
There are three main configuration options
- source_headers: An array of headers to look for incoming request id values
- outgoing_headers: An array of headers which will be appended to all outgoing http/https requests
- http_headers: An array of http headers that will be appended to all outgoing http calls, if you don't want to append then set this to []
So in the example above ridp would check the HTTP headers FUNKY_TOWN and LESS_IMPORTANT for a value (in that order). If it found one it would add it Thread.current[:request_id_passthrough]
for usage. It would also add an HTTP header called OUTGOING to all http requests going thru net/http that contains the request id.
See here