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Item Rule Configuration

Chris Jackson edited this page Oct 12, 2013 · 10 revisions

When editing Items, you have a "Rules" tab. This tab lists a number of pre-defined rules as shown below.

Rule List Screen

These rules are defined in a library file in XML format. The rule itself is defined, along with required imports, and variables required within the rules. When you click on the "Add Rule" button, HABmin presents a list of the variables for this rule which you can fill in. These are then replaced within the rule with the openHAB rule file is generated.

The "Delete Rule" button is available if the rule is already configured. Deleting a rule will only remove the rule and will not remove any Items that may have been produced when the rule was created.

Rule Save Screen

When a rule is defined, the rule list is updated to show any linked items.

Rule List Screen

Behind the scenes, HABmin saves all this configuration in a database (XML file if you want to look at it). It then generates the rules from this database. This means that if the rules library is updated, all copies of this rule can be updated easily.

HABmin will automatically generate a new item if required. This is done for any rules that have the special variable %%DerivedItem%%. HABmin will only create the base Item - it will not specify any groups, persistence or other attributes, but it will use the same format and icon as the original item. Currently, the new item is stored in a model file called "habmin.items". This could be changed to (for example) save the item into the same file as the original item.

Once a rule is saved, the variables used in its generation are available for editing in the item Properties tab. So, for example if you have a rule that updates a power item to display a lights power use in watts, and you change the lightbulb from 100W to 60W, all you need to do is change the number in the Item Properties and the rule will be updated.

The following rule template is defined in the library file

        <label>Maximum item value since midnight</label>
        <trigger>Item %%ItemName%% changed or</trigger>
        <trigger>Time cron "0 0 0 * * ?" or</trigger>
        <trigger>System started</trigger>
        <action>postUpdate(%%DerivedItem%%, %%ItemName%%.maximumSince(now.toDateMidnight).state)</action>
            <label>New Item Name</label>
            <description>The name of the new item.</description>

A description of the fields -:

  • name This is the rule name. It MUST be unique as it's used to link everything together within the library
  • label This is the label that the user will see in the HABmin interface
  • itemtype (optional) If specified, this allows HABmin to display only rules that are applicable to particular item types. Multiple item types can be specified here. If not itemtype is specified, the rule will be available to all items.
  • description Provides a slighty longer description of the rule.
  • import Specifies imports that are required by the rule. These are consolidated by all rules and added to the start of the rule file.
  • trigger Specifies the trigger conditions
  • action Specifies the action to perform
  • variable Lists variables that are used in the rule. HABmin will translate these when it writes the rules.

The following rule is created

// This rule file is autogenerated by HABmin.
// Any changes made manually to this file will be overwritten next time HABmin rules are saved.

import org.openhab.core.library.types.*
import org.openhab.core.persistence.*
import org.openhab.model.script.actions.*

rule "Weather_Temperature: Maximum item value since midnight"
  Item Weather_Temperature changed or
  Time cron "0 0 0 * * ?" or
  System started
  postUpdate(Weather_Temperature_MaxToday, Weather_Temperature.maximumSince(now.toDateMidnight).state)