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Chris Jackson edited this page Dec 27, 2013 · 4 revisions

The rule editor allows editing of rule files. A list of rules is provided in the list on the left, and clicking on any of these rules will load the editor in the right side of the window.

The rule editor provides a nice syntax highlighted editor for editing the openHAB rules.

Rule Editor Screen

The editor provides the following toolbar buttons.

  • Revert the rule file to the original - ie don't save changes
  • Save changes
  • Undo the last changes
  • Redo the last undo
  • Increase the font size
  • Decrease the font size
  • Insert an openHAB rule template. This inserts "Rule...when...then...end" at the current position.
  • Insert an item name. This opens a dialog box with a list of all item names and inserts the selected name at the cursor location.