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Merge pull request #11 from celenium-io/dev
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xdeq authored Jan 15, 2024
2 parents 5f80bb9 + 99218ce commit 30d1561
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Showing 34 changed files with 2,691 additions and 1,385 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions assets/icons.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,6 +57,11 @@
"hand": "M10 6.5C10 4.64084 10.7805 2.96399 12.0318 1.77926C11.3105 1.2875 10.4388 1 9.5 1C7.01472 1 5 3.01472 5 5.5C5 7.98528 7.01472 10 9.5 10C9.98439 10 10.4509 9.92346 10.8881 9.78183C10.3236 8.81861 10 7.69709 10 6.5ZM12 6.5C12 4.01472 14.0147 2 16.5 2C18.9853 2 21 4.01472 21 6.5C21 8.98528 18.9853 11 16.5 11C14.0147 11 12 8.98528 12 6.5ZM17.7089 15.8933C17.7089 16.6846 17.1855 17.3538 16.464 17.5775L16.9279 17.556C17.4349 17.556 17.9279 17.3966 18.333 17.1004L21.1619 15.0366C21.8679 14.5217 22.8561 14.5901 23.4802 15.1972C24.1734 15.8715 24.1734 16.9638 23.4802 17.6369L21.053 19.9981C20.3996 20.6336 19.5659 21.0676 18.6597 21.2441L15.229 21.9116C14.5487 22.0437 13.8473 22.0278 13.1741 21.8637L10.0712 21.1097C9.70002 21.0186 9.31948 20.973 8.9366 20.973C8.5301 20.973 8.32685 20.973 8.16378 20.9148C7.88133 20.814 7.65906 20.5917 7.55822 20.3093C7.5 20.1462 7.5 19.9429 7.5 19.5365V16.1073C7.5 15.8215 7.5 15.6786 7.5367 15.5469C7.56921 15.4302 7.62265 15.3204 7.69441 15.2228C7.77541 15.1127 7.88788 15.0245 8.11281 14.8482L9.2984 13.9186C9.2984 13.9186 11.2632 13 12.3486 13C12.7982 13 13.2455 13.0547 13.6822 13.163L16.3659 13.8301C17.1551 14.0258 17.7089 14.7313 17.7089 15.5405V15.8933ZM3.5 13H3.47354H3.46833C3.26011 13 3.05742 13 2.88478 13.0118C2.69441 13.0248 2.46868 13.0553 2.23464 13.1522C1.74458 13.3552 1.35523 13.7446 1.15224 14.2346C1.0553 14.4687 1.02483 14.6944 1.01184 14.8848C0.999964 15.0588 0.999983 15.2634 1 15.4734V15.4735V15.5V20.5265V20.5266C0.999983 20.7366 0.999964 20.9411 1.01184 21.1152C1.02483 21.3056 1.0553 21.5313 1.15224 21.7654C1.35523 22.2554 1.74458 22.6448 2.23464 22.8477C2.46868 22.9447 2.6944 22.9752 2.88478 22.9882C3.05886 23 3.26348 23 3.47352 23H3.52648C3.73653 23 3.94115 23 4.11523 22.9882C4.3056 22.9752 4.53133 22.9447 4.76537 22.8477C5.25543 22.6448 5.64477 22.2554 5.84776 21.7654C5.94471 21.5313 5.97518 21.3056 5.98817 21.1152C6.00005 20.9411 6.00003 20.7365 6.00001 20.5265V20.5265L6 15.5L6.00001 15.4735V15.4735C6.00003 15.2635 6.00005 15.0588 5.98817 14.8848C5.97518 14.6944 5.94471 14.4687 5.84776 14.2346C5.64477 13.7446 5.25543 13.3552 4.76537 13.1522C4.53133 13.0553 4.3056 13.0248 4.11523 13.0118C3.94259 13 3.73991 13 3.5317 13H3.52648H3.5Z",
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"arrow-left": "M12.7071 5.70711C13.0976 5.31658 13.0976 4.68342 12.7071 4.29289C12.3166 3.90237 11.6834 3.90237 11.2929 4.29289L4.29289 11.2929C3.90237 11.6834 3.90237 12.3166 4.29289 12.7071L11.2929 19.7071C11.6834 20.0976 12.3166 20.0976 12.7071 19.7071C13.0976 19.3166 13.0976 18.6834 12.7071 18.2929L7.41421 13H19C19.5523 13 20 12.5523 20 12C20 11.4477 19.5523 11 19 11H7.41421L12.7071 5.70711Z",
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"arrow-circle-right-down": "M4.22183 4.22183C-0.0739431 8.51759 -0.0739431 15.4824 4.22183 19.7782C8.51759 24.0739 15.4824 24.0739 19.7782 19.7782C24.0739 15.4824 24.0739 8.51759 19.7782 4.22183C15.4824 -0.0739431 8.51759 -0.0739431 4.22183 4.22183ZM8.46447 8.46447C8.85499 8.07394 9.48816 8.07394 9.87868 8.46447L13.8284 12.4142V9.17157C13.8284 8.61929 14.2761 8.17157 14.8284 8.17157C15.3807 8.17157 15.8284 8.61929 15.8284 9.17157V14.8284C15.8284 15.3807 15.3807 15.8284 14.8284 15.8284H9.17157C8.61929 15.8284 8.17157 15.3807 8.17157 14.8284C8.17157 14.2761 8.61929 13.8284 9.17157 13.8284H12.4142L8.46447 9.87868C8.07394 9.48816 8.07394 8.85499 8.46447 8.46447Z",
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion components/CopyButton.vue
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions components/TheHeader.vue
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Expand Down
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