- Install node.js (version > 10.16) - https://nodejs.org/en/
- Install npm (version > 5.6) - https://www.npmjs.com/
- React - https://reactjs.org/
- \mock-backend - This contains a mock API back end for profile designer. It uses a package called JSON-server (https://www.npmjs.com/package/json-server).
- \mock-backend\data - Most of the data used by the site is stored in this file. There is some additional lookup static data stored within the REACT code base.
- \frontend - This contains the REACT front end for profile designer.
- Clone the repo from GIT.
Build/Run the mock-api (Using a node.js prompt):
- cd \mock-backend
- npm intstall
- npm run startdev - this will run the mock api locally.
- Verify the site is running in a browser: http://localhost:3001
Note: npm run start - this can be used to run the mock api in a deployed setting
Build/Run the front end (Using a node.js prompt):
- cd \frontend
- npm intstall
- npm run start
- Verify the site is running in a browser: http://localhost:3000
Notes: In order to use the site, the mock backend API must be running. Login: For phase I, the login process was intentionally simple. User data is stored in the db.json file and the login only checks that submitted password matches user name. Use cesmii/cesmii to login.