From 24f5fc723a77bf6d91bda24902e570953a4617d5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: capoaira
Date: Sun, 9 Aug 2020 22:59:17 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Revert "cookie problem" (#2)
This reverts commit ab4edd09ef15e827a2ef1c9845de2731f487b2bc.
send2cgeo.user.js | 234 ++++++----------------------------------------
1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 206 deletions(-)
diff --git a/send2cgeo.user.js b/send2cgeo.user.js
index 38f537b..2dd899a 100644
--- a/send2cgeo.user.js
+++ b/send2cgeo.user.js
@@ -11,15 +11,12 @@
// @include /^https?://www\.geocaching\.com/my/recentlyviewedcaches\./
// @include /^https?://www\.geocaching\.com/(map/|geocache/)/
// @include /^https?://www\.geocaching\.com/plan/lists/
-// @include /^https?://www\.geocaching\.com/account/dashboard/
-// @include /^https?://www\.opencaching\.de/(viewcache|myhome).php/
+// @include /^https?://www\.opencaching\.de/viewcache.php/
// @icon
// @downloadURL
// @updateURL
// @supportURL
// @version 0.51
-// @grant GM_setValue
-// @grant GM_getValue
// ==/UserScript==
// Function that handles the actual sending
@@ -28,29 +25,20 @@ var s2cgScript = document.createElement('script');
s2cgScript.type = 'text/javascript';
s2cgScript.innerHTML = 'window.s2geo = function(GCCode) {'
// show the box and the "please wait" text
- + (isUsePopUpWindow()
- ? " var sendCache ='' + GCCode, 'send' + GCCode, 'width=200,height=100,top=10,left=10,menubar=no,status=no');"
- + ' window.setTimeout('
- + ' function() {'
- + ' sendCache.close();'
- + ' },'
- + ' 3000'
- + ' )'
- : '$("#send2cgeo, #send2cgeo div").fadeIn();'
- // hide iframe for now and wait for page to be loaded
- + '$("#send2cgeo iframe")'
- + ' .hide()'
- + ' .off("load")'
- + ' .attr("src", "" + GCCode)'
- + ' .on("load",'
- + ' function() {'
- // hide "please wait text" and show iframe
- + ' $("#send2cgeo div").hide();'
- // hide box after 3 seconds
- + ' $(this).css("display", "block").parent().delay(3000).fadeOut();'
- + ' }'
- + ' );'
- )
+ + '$("#send2cgeo, #send2cgeo div").fadeIn();'
+ // hide iframe for now and wait for page to be loaded
+ + '$("#send2cgeo iframe")'
+ + ' .hide()'
+ + ' .off("load")'
+ + ' .attr("src", "" + GCCode)'
+ + ' .on("load",'
+ + ' function() {'
+ // hide "please wait text" and show iframe
+ + ' $("#send2cgeo div").hide();'
+ // hide box after 3 seconds
+ + ' $(this).css("display", "block").parent().delay(3000).fadeOut();'
+ + ' }'
+ + ' );'
+ '};';
@@ -159,10 +147,6 @@ var start = function(c) {
-function isUsePopUpWindow() {
- return GM_getValue('usePopUpWindow', false);
function s2cgGCMain() {
// check for premium membership (parts of the page content are different)
function premiumCheck() {
@@ -323,50 +307,21 @@ function s2cgGCMain() {
$('#s2cg-' + GCCode).on('click', function() {
- if (isUsePopUpWindow()) {
- var sendCache ='' + GCCode, 'send' + GCCode, 'width=200,height=100,top=10,left=10,menubar=no,status=no');
- window.setTimeout(
+ // show the box and the "please wait" text
+ $("#send2cgeo, #send2cgeo div").fadeIn();
+ // hide iframe for now and wait for page to be loaded
+ $("#send2cgeo iframe")
+ .hide()
+ .off("load")
+ .attr("src", "" + GCCode)
+ .on("load",
function() {
- sendCache.close();
- },
- 3000
- );
-/* $(sendCache.document).ready(function () {
- function checkForContent(waitCount) {
- if ($(sendCache.document).contents().find('body').html() != '') {
- var body = $(sendCache.document).contents().find('body').html();
- console.log(body);
- } else {
- waitCount++;
- if (waitCount <= 200) {
- setTimeout(
- function() {
- checkForContent(waitCount);
- },
- 50
- );
- }
- }
+ // hide "please wait text" and show iframe
+ $("#send2cgeo div").hide();
+ // hide box after 3 seconds
+ $(this).css("display", "block").parent().delay(3000).fadeOut();
- checkForContent(0);
- });*/
- } else {
- // show the box and the "please wait" text
- $("#send2cgeo, #send2cgeo div").fadeIn();
- // hide iframe for now and wait for page to be loaded
- $("#send2cgeo iframe")
- .hide()
- .off("load")
- .attr("src", "" + GCCode)
- .on("load",
- function() {
- // hide "please wait text" and show iframe
- $("#send2cgeo div").hide();
- // hide box after 3 seconds
- $(this).css("display", "block").parent().delay(3000).fadeOut();
- }
- );
- }
+ );
@@ -387,7 +342,6 @@ function s2cgGCMain() {
+ ''
+ '');
-// This function add the send2cgeo buttons on
// Send to c:geo on browsemap (old map)
if (document.location.href.match(/\.com\/map/)) {
var template = $("#cacheDetailsTemplate").html();
@@ -629,138 +583,6 @@ function s2cgGCMain() {
oc.innerHTML = oc.innerHTML.replace('
', html);
-// This will add settings
- function save_settings() {
- GM_setValue('usePopUpWindow', $('#usePopUpWindow').is(':checked'));
- }
- var settingsHTML = ''
- + '
- + '
If third party cookies are not allowed, the script will not work. This can be avoided by displaying send2cgeo in a popup window.
- + '
- + ' '
- + '
- + '
- + '
- + '
- var settingsCSS = '#send2cgeo_settings {'
- + ' position: fixed;'
- + ' background: rgba(31, 31, 31, .7);'
- + ' top: 0;'
- + ' left: 0;'
- + ' width: 100%;'
- + ' height: 100%;'
- + ' z-index: 1111;'
- + ' color: #fff;'
- + '}'
- + '#s2cg_settings_content {'
- + ' position: absolute;'
- + ' top: 50%;'
- + ' left: 50%;'
- + ' -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);'
- + ' -ms-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);'
- + ' transform: translate(-50%, -50%);'
- + ' background: rgba(31, 31, 31, 1);'
- + ' padding: 1em;'
- + ' border-radius: 1em;'
- + '}'
- + '#s2cg_settings_content p, .toggle label, #send2cgeo_settings_submit {'
- + ' font-size: ' + (document.location.href.match(/\.de\/myhome\.php/) ? '1.5' : '1') + 'em !important;'
- + '}'
- + '#send2cgeo_settings_submit {'
- + ' margin-top: 1em;'
- + ' color: rgba(31, 31, 31, 1);'
- + ' border-radius: 5px;'
- + ' cursor: pointer;'
- + ' padding: 0 8px;'
- + '}'
- + '.toggle {'
- + ' padding-left: 1em;'
- + '}'
- + '.toggle label {'
- + ' position: relative;'
- + ' display: inline-block;'
- + ' text-transform: none;'
- + '}'
- + '.toggle input {'
- + ' display: none;'
- + '}'
- + '.toggle .slider {'
- + ' position: absolute;'
- + ' cursor: pointer;'
- + ' margin-left: .5em;'
- + ' width: 2em;'
- + ' height: 1em;'
- + ' background: #c32e04; /* red */'
- + ' transition: all .3s ease-in-out;'
- + ' border-radius: 1em;'
- + '}'
- + '.toggle .slider:before {'
- + ' position: absolute;'
- + ' content: "";'
- + ' height: .6em;'
- + ' width: .6em;'
- + ' left: .2em;'
- + ' bottom: .2em;'
- + ' background: white;'
- + ' border-radius: 50%;'
- + ' transition: all .3s ease-in-out;'
- + '}'
- + '.toggle input:checked + .slider {'
- + ' background: #5a9900; /* green */'
- + '}'
- + '.toggle input:checked + .slider:before {'
- + ' -webkit-transform: translateX(1em);'
- + ' -ms-transform: translateX(1em);'
- + ' transform: translateX(1em);'
- + '}';
- if (document.location.href.match(/\.com\/account\/dashboard/)) {
- $('head').append('');
- $('body').append(settingsHTML);
- $('.bio-meta').append('Send2cgeo Settings');
- $('#send2cgeo_settings_submit').on('click', function() {
- save_settings();
- $('#send2cgeo_settings').css('display', 'none');
- });
- $('#s2cg_openSettings').on('click', function() {
- $('#send2cgeo_settings').css('display', 'unset');
- });
- }
- if (document.location.href.match(/\.de\/myhome\.php/)) {
- $('head').append('');
- $('body').append(settingsHTML);
- $('.content2-pagetitle').after(''
- + '
- + '
- + ' Send2cgeo Settings'
- + '
- + '
- $('#send2cgeo_settings_submit').on('click', function() {
- save_settings();
- $('#send2cgeo_settings').css('display', 'none');
- });
- $('#s2cg_openSettings').on('click', function() {
- $('#send2cgeo_settings').css('display', 'unset');
- });
- }