This folder contains the company's client project. To begin development, you must have Node.js and the Yarn package manager installed.
You also need a valid .env
file. The easiest way to get one is by copying the settings.env
file and rename the copy to .env
. The default setup should be good to go.
# start in watch mode
yarn dev
# lint
yarn lint
# autofix lint errors
yarn lint:fix
# test
yarn test
# build production
yarn build
# start in production mode
yarn start
To start 2 instances follow these steps:
# start dev db for instance 1
# start dev db for instance 2
# run pre-configured instance 1 in dev mode
yarn dev:1
# run pre-configured instance 2 in dev mode IN ANOTHER TERMINAL
yarn dev:2
To build the docker image, run:
You can find the API documentation under the /api-docs