import ""
type ChdbConn
type ChdbConn interface {
//Query executes the given queryStr in the underlying clickhouse connection, and output the result in the given formatStr
Query(queryStr string, formatStr string) (result ChdbResult, err error)
//Ready returns a boolean indicating if the connections is successfully established.
Ready() bool
//Close the connection and free the underlying allocated memory
func NewConnection
func NewConnection(argc int, argv []string) (ChdbConn, error)
Session will keep the state of query. If path is None, it will create a temporary directory and use it as the database path and the temporary directory will be removed when the session is closed. You can also pass in a path to create a database at that path where will keep your data.
You can also use a connection string to pass in the path and other parameters. Examples:
- ":memory:" (for in-memory database)
- "test.db" (for relative path)
- "file:test.db" (same as above)
- "/path/to/test.db" (for absolute path)
- "file:/path/to/test.db" (same as above)
- "file:test.db?param1=value1¶m2=value2" (for relative path with query params)
- "file::memory:?verbose&log-level=test" (for in-memory database with query params)
- "///path/to/test.db?param1=value1¶m2=value2" (for absolute path)
Connection string args handling:
Connection string can contain query params like "file:test.db?param1=value1¶m2=value2"
"param1=value1" will be passed to ClickHouse engine as start up args.
For more details, see `clickhouse local --help --verbose`
Some special args handling:
- "mode=ro" would be "--readonly=1" for clickhouse (read-only mode)
- There can be only one session at a time. If you want to create a new session, you need to close the existing one.
- Creating a new session will close the existing one.
type ChdbResult
type ChdbResult interface {
// Raw bytes result buffer, used for reading the result of clickhouse query
Buf() []byte
// String rapresentation of the the buffer
String() string
// Lenght in bytes of the buffer
Len() int
// Number of seconds elapsed for the query execution
Elapsed() float64
// Amount of rows returned by the query
RowsRead() uint64
// Amount of bytes returned by the query
BytesRead() uint64
// If the query had any error during execution, here you can retrieve the cause.
Error() error
// Free the query result and all the allocated memory
Free() error
func RawQuery
func RawQuery(argc int, argv []string) (result ChdbResult, err error)
RawQuery will execute the given clickouse query without using any session.
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