Releases: checkmarble/marble
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v0.29.0...v0.29.1
Test run, new date operator and case manager efficiency
Right in time for the holidays, it's one of our largest release yet!
Test run
Modifying a scenario or a rule safely is challenging : you'll want to check the impact on detection volumes and efficiency before pushing to production.
With our test run feature, you can know modify an existing scenario, and run the new version in parallel during a set period.
Marble provides you in realtime the difference between both version, both in scenario outcome and rule by rule.
You are now able to check for abnormalities, wrong checks and volume mismatch before releasing a new version of a scenario in production. And you can keep the test run synthesis as an audit proof for the rationale behind every modification.
The test run allows you to compare a scenario version to a live one and define a maximum duration for the run.
Available for SaaS or under self-hosted licencing
Case manager efficiency
With our latest phase of case manager redesign, we're now reducing context switching with :
- Alert prioritization : a default activated toggle displays only the rules generating a hit for the case in each decisions
- Direct to decision display : the decision tab is now set as the default display when opening a case
- Foldable case history : the case timeline is accessible through a button on the right side of the screen and can be folded to save space for investigations
- Trigger object display : the trigger object is now easily accessible at the right of each linked decision
- Pivot accessibility : the pivot value has been moved to the top of each decision trigger object, making it easy to reach and copy in your own back-office.
Those improvements should significantly reduce the number of clicks needed to overview a case and start the investigation.
We've also added the possibility to upload several files at once to a case.
Hour / Day / Month / Year operator
The builder now allows you to get an extract of a timestamp to use within rules. Based on a timestamp, you can extract the hour, the day of the week (1 = monday), the day of the month, the month of the year or the year.
It's now really easy to check if an operation happened in the middle of the night, or to integrate specific checks during weekends.
You'll need to set the timezone of your instance in the new setting / scenario tab.
API timeout delays can now be configured
⚠️ API breaking change
We unfortunately had to make a breaking change to the decisions listing API. The GET /decisions
endpoint no longer returns the count nested object, the start_index and the end_index of the returned items. Instead, the endpoint now returns a has_next_page
boolean field that lets you know if a next pagination page is available. See our documentation page for the up-to-date details.
We absolutely hate to make breaking changes to our public API, but this was one case where the implementation proved fundamentally not scalable, on a feature that we expect was not widely used by API, and where we preferred to make the breaking change now rather than later.
Bugfixes and others
- data model tables, fields, links can now only be created in lower case alphanumeric and "_", and must start with a letter. Backward compatibility is maintained for older fields and tables, but this will avoid errors in the future
- The timeout durations for the API endpoints can now be configured, for self-hosted users of Marble. See the .env.example file for examples (use the
environment variable) - Fix a bug where a "required" field in a table could not be added once there were objects ingested into the table. "Requiredness" is now enforced at ingestion time, not in the table itself.
We're not done for this year, stay tuned !
Scenario home page, null value handling in rules, UI revamp finished
This week
- we added a brand new home page for every scenario. This is now the entry point to find everything related to the scenario's set up: scheduled and manual batch executions, workflows, versions... with links to the relevant documentation. In the long term, this will also make it easier for us to add more features and configuration at the scenario level.
- we added translation support for the arabic language. The app will also automatically adapt its layout (right to left) when used with the arabic locale. As before, the locale can be selected at the top-left (well, top-right in arabic) corner, next to the logout button, by clicking on the "Marble" logo. Please note that some of the translations have been added automatically by Copilot translation, so feel free to point out any corrections to us (for instance by proposing a pull request). Many thanks to @Morghim for the contribution.
- we now allow to gracefully handle NULL values (and empty string) during the rule execution, by using the "is empty"/"is not empty" operators ! See the screenshots below, documentation will be added shortly for this feature here
We also finished a UI revamp that had been in the works for a few weeks. The case manager and scenario page now have a refreshed look, to make some features more easily discoverable (e.g. rule snoozing from the case manager), and also to make place on the screen for future features we want to add.
- Batch executions of a scenario now properly make all decisions with the scenario version defined on the batch, instead of using the currently live version
- Better line breaking on long rule names
- PG_PASSWORD etc environment variables are no longer required if PG_CONNECTION_STRING is passed
- thresholds for decisions are now capped at -10000 / + 10000, and the limit is enforced in the builder
Some illustrations
New scenario home page
Revamped case manager views
Null value handling in rules
This week's release contains more bugfixes and small improvements
We are working on the next big feature, coming soon !
- layout improvements
- better (formatted) display of timestamps in rule executions
- no longer possible to create a field called "id" in the data model which was causing errors (the name is reserved)
- It is now possible to configure a separate database for ingested data (separate from the main db containing organizations, scenarios, decisions, cases...). This is mostly useful for our managed service, but may be helpful for some self-hosted deployments at scale.
- Fix a bug where a scheduled execution that found no objects on which to create decisions, remained stuck in "processing" status
- You can now pass the "allowssl" parameter for the DB connection (through the
env variable). The default value if not passed is now set toprefered
(though we recommendrequire
in production). - Finally, you can also configure the DB connection by using the
env variable (instead of passingPG_USER
etc separately). This can be useful as it gives you more granular control on the options passed.
UI improvements and bugfixes
This week's release is lightweight, it mostly includes improvements on some UI pages and some bug fixes (which hopefully you had not noticed).
Also contains some performance improvements if you are creating large volumes of decisions.
Stay tuned for more the next big feature in a couple of weeks !
Helm chart is available !
Marble now publishes a helm chart, to help with your cloud deployment.
You can find more information here.
The helm chart can be found at
Nested aggregates
You can now compute aggregates within aggregates, that is to say use aggregate values as filters in another aggregate.
For instance, you could do something like "compute the number of transactions with value higher than the average transaction for that user".
Reworked batch execution mode
We reworked how batch scenario execution works, to make it more reliable.
In particular, any transient errors encountered during a batch execution will now be retried a number of times.
Deployment changes
In particular, running the cron jobs for batch execution, webhooks retry is deprecated and will no longer be supported.
The entrypoint --cron-scheduler
continues to be supported for backwards compatibility, but using the new --worker
entrypoint is recommended.
Bugfixes and improvements
This week's release mostly contains bug fixes and some background work 🪛
Stay tuned for bigger changes next week !
Partial list:
- fix a bug on decision filtering with inbox_id
- fix a bug on french translations on the scenario outcome panel
- fix a bug on the rule name translation when cloning a rule or creating a new rule
Batch exec performance update & batch ingestion by API
This week's release contains the following new features and improvements
- Improvement of the batch execution of scenarios: the computation can now be done on a much larger number of objects without encountering memory errors, and you can view the progress of a batch scenario. More improvements are planned on this soon.
- Batch ingestion by API is now available ! Send your objects by batches of up to 100 (or more if you are self-hosting)
Other improvements and bugfixes
- fixed a bug introduced in the previous release, where scenarios with a trigger condition of the form "constant = constant" no longer properly executed in batch mode
- improvement of the relevance of the liveness check
- removal of the cron job with "--scheduler" entrypoint. Its content has been merged with another cron job. You are invited to remove the corresponding cron job if you are scheduling the jobs yourself (rather than executing the background job "cron-scheduler")
La release de la semaine contient les nouvelles fonctionnalités et améliorations suivantes
- Améliorations sur l'exécution en batch de scénarios: le calcul peut maintenant se faire sur un nombre beaucoup plus grand d'objets sans que le job ne soit en erreur, et vous pouvez observer la progression de l'avancement du job.
- L'ingestion par batch est disponible ! Envoyez vos objets à ingérer dans Marble par batchs de jusqu'à 100 éléments (ou plus en self-hosted).
Autres améliorations et bugfix
- correction d'un bug introduit dans la release précédente, où les scénarios avec une trigger condition de la forme "constante = constante" ne s'exécutaient plus en mode batch
- amélioration du liveness check
- suppression du job cron avec l'entrypoint --scheduler (son contenu a été fusionné avec un autre job cron). Vous êtes invités à supprimer le cron job correspondant (si vous avez vous-mêmes schedulé les cron jobs, plutôt que d'exécuter le job "cron-scheduler" en background)
v0.22 : batch processing & display improvements
This release is the beginning of several major improvements on batch process and frontend UI.
Stay alert, more are coming
- Long field & object names are now displayed properly in the builder
- Language selection is retained after logout
- several dependencies updated for weight and secIT reasons
- Batch processing is now prepared based on trigger conditions, improving speed of execution in most cases.
📖 Translations and 💾 S3, Azure support
In this latest release, french translations arrive for the application !
French will be used by default if it is your browser's default language, otherwise you can select your language by clicking on the "Marble" icon at the top left corner of the app. Please let us know if some translations are misleading or unclear.
Other than this, this weeks release includes some security and performance improvements, and the option to use a document storage backend other than GCP cloud storage for file storing in the case manager and for batch CSV uploads.
It is easy to set up, and you will find an explanation in the .env.example
file on how to set environment variables to select you bucket provider of choice.
⚠️ Warning ⚠️
This release is a breaking release from the point of view of required environment variables, as the following variables have been renamed:
If you were already using a GCS storage backend, you now also need to inject a service account json key: see explanation in the .env.example
file. Automatic credentials discovery will no longer work, because it is not compatible (at least, not convenient to make compatible) with URL signing for the case manager file storage.
and FAKE_S3
environment variables have also been deprecated.