Intel® DPDK vSwitch provides two main testing utilities: ovs-testsuite and OFTest. Both are described in detail below.
The Open vSwitch testsuite (ovs-testsuite
) is a set of unit tests that form the larger part of OVS' test framework. ovs-testsuite is an OVS-specific collection of unit tests that are designed to test atomic pieces of the code (as with all unit tests). This framework is written in GNU Autotest, with supporting Python scripts and C unit test files.
This section contains instructions on how to configure and test Intel® DPDK vSwitch using ovs-testsuite.
The testsuite requires a minor amount of setup, due to the current design of Intel® DPDK vSwitch. Many of the tests will not run "out of the box", as calls to utilities used by the tests, such as ovs-ofctl
, assume that said utilities are in the PATH
. This assumption is not the case, as Intel® DPDK vSwitch does not "install" and place binaries in the /bin
folder. As a result, the path must be modified, similar to the following:
export PATH=$PATH:$(OVS_DIR)/utilities:$(OVS_DIR)/ovsdb:$(OVS_DIR)/vswitchd
Additionally, DPDK must be built and hugepages must be mounted before running ovs-testsuite. Please see the Installation guide for more information on how to do this.
Tests may be run using the Open vSwitch Makefile, or via the testsuite script generated by autoconf
. Details of both methods follow.
To run all the Open vSwitch unit tests in Intel® DPDK vSwitch, one at a time:
cd openvswitch
make check
To run only Intel® DPDK related unit tests:
cd openvswitch
make check TESTSUITEFLAGS='-k dpdk'
Tests do not have interdependencies, so any subset may be run independently. For example, to run only a subset of tests, test 111 and tests 222 through 333:
make check TESTSUITEFLAGS='111 222-333'
Alternatively, to run tests matching a given keyword:
make check TESTSUITEFLAGS='-k ovsdb'
To list all available tests:
make check TESTSUITEFLAGS=--list
To run an individual test:
make check TESTSUITEFLAGS=<test_number>
For all other options, execute --help
make check TESTSUITEFLAGS=--help
It is also possible to run the tests via the testsuite script generated by autoconf. This method is useful to run tests without rebuilding them (They are built automatically when Intel® DPDK vSwitch is built).
To run all the Open vSwitch unit tests in Intel® DPDK vSwitch, one at a time:
cd openvswitch/tests
To run only Intel® DPDK related unit tests:
./testsuite -k dpdk
To clean logs and results of previous tests:
./testsuite -c [tests]
To list all available tests:
./testsuite TESTSUITEFLAGS=--list
To run an individual test:
./testsuite TESTSUITEFLAGS=<test_number>
For all other options, execute --help
./testsuite --help
OFTest is a test framework meant to exercise a candidate OpenFlow switch — in this case, Intel® DPDK vSwitch. It is especially useful when adding additional functionality to the switch or when modifying existing functionality. General information on the framework, along with the framework itself can be found here:
This section contains instructions on how to configure and test Intel® DPDK vSwitch using OFTest.
Clone the OFTest repo from GitHub:
git clone git://
Checkout the version of OFTest that Intel® DPDK vSwitch has been validated against:
git checkout de0b58a05dd5685828ce3f8f9a1cb43edd2bc782
OFTest requires a number of additional utilities to be installed prior to use, including, but not limited to:
- Python 2.5, or 2.6
- scapy
- tcpdump
privileges on the host
Refer to the “Pre-requisites” section of the Project Floodlight Getting Started Guide here for a full list of prerequisites.
Note: If Python has not been compiled with IPv6 support, Scapy will issue an error. To avoid this error, either:
- Recompile Python, adding support for IPv6 by passing
to the configure step - Pass the
parameter to theoft
executable in OFTest
Compile DPDK, and insert the KNI kernel module:
cd $RTE_SDK # where RTE_SDK has already been defined as path to DPDK directory
make install T=x86_64-ivshmem-linuxapp-gcc
insmod x86_64-ivshmem-linuxapp-gcc/kmod/rte_kni.ko
On the host, remove any configuration associated with a previous run of the switch:
pkill -9 ovs
rm -rf /usr/local/var/run/openvswitch/
rm -rf /usr/local/etc/openvswitch/
mkdir -p /usr/local/var/run/openvswitch/
mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/openvswitch/
rm -f /tmp/conf.db
Initialise the Open vSwitch database server:
./ovsdb/ovsdb-tool create /usr/local/etc/openvswitch/conf.db $OPENVSWITCH_DIR/vswitchd/vswitch.ovsschema
./ovsdb/ovsdb-server --remote=punix:/usr/local/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock --remote=db:Open_vSwitch,manager_options &
Add a bridge to the switch:
./utilities/ovs-vsctl --no-wait add-br br0 -- set Bridge br0 datapath_type=dpdk
Configure the switch to use an OpenFlow controller and disable in-band management:
./utilities/ovs-vsctl set-controller br0 tcp:
./utilities/ovs-vsctl set Bridge br0 other_config:disable-in-band=true
Add four vEth ports to the bridge:
./utilities/ovs-vsctl add-br br0 -- set Bridge br0 datapath_type=dpdk
./utilities/ovs-vsctl add-port br0 myport64 -- set Interface myport64
type=dpdkveth ofport_request=64
./utilities/ovs-vsctl add-port br0 myport65 -- set Interface myport65
type=dpdkveth ofport_request=65
./utilities/ovs-vsctl add-port br0 myport66 -- set Interface myport66
type=dpdkveth ofport_request=66
./utilities/ovs-vsctl add-port br0 myport67 -- set Interface myport67
type=dpdkveth ofport_request=67
Confirm the ports have been successfully added:
./utilities/ovs-vsctl show
Start ovs-dpdk
./datapath/dpdk/ovs-dpdk -c 0x0f -n 4 --socket-mem 2048,2048 -- -p 0x03
Finally, start ovs-vswitchd
./vswitchd/ovs-vswitchd -c 0x10 --proc-type=secondary
Delete the default flows present from the bridge:
./utilities/ovs-ofctl del-flows br0
The vport devices — which, by default, have names corresponding to vEthX — should be brought up. For example:
ifconfig vEth0 up
ifconfig vEth1 up
ifconfig vEth2 up
ifconfig vEth3 up
A full guide on how to execute OFTest can be found at the OFTest site. In this case, OFTest should be configured to use the vEth devices created by ovs-dpdk
. For example:
./oft -i 64@vEth0 -i 65@vEth1 -i 66@vEth2 -i 67@vEth3
You may also wish to disable IPv6 support due to the issues highlighted above. To do this, just add the --disable-ipv6
./oft -i 64@vEth0 -i 65@vEth1 -i 66@vEth2 -i 67@vEth3 --disable-ipv6
Intel® DPDK vSwitch complies with a subset of OpenFlow specification v1.0; by default, OFTest tests switch compatibility against v1.0 of the OpenFlow specification, but this can be specified explicitly using one of the command line options:
./oft --of-version 1.0 [-i interfaces...] [--port=6653]
A current list of the expected results for OFTest can be found in the extras
directory of the source package.
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