The face recognition SDK call flow for Android
0 Download SDK Download Android SDK. View API.
1 First initialize FaceDetector2, use "Detect" interface to detect face location in image
1.1 Initialize FaceDetector2
FaceDetector2 faceDetector = new FaceDetector2(faceDetectorModel);
1.2 Use "Detect" interface to detect face location in image
SeetaRect[] faceRects = faceDetector.Detect(image);//make sure in BGR format
Reference: how to get SeetaImageData
public SeetaImageData ConvertToSeetaImageData(String imgPath) {
Bitmap bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(imgPath);
Bitmap bmp_src = bmp.copy(Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, true); // true is RGBA
SeetaImageData imageData = new SeetaImageData(bmp_src.getWidth(), bmp_src.getHeight(), 3); = getPixelsBGR(bmp_src);
return imageData;
public byte[] getPixelsBGR(Bitmap image) {
// calculate how many bytes our image consists of
int bytes = image.getByteCount();
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(bytes); // Create a new buffer
image.copyPixelsToBuffer(buffer); // Move the byte data to the buffer
byte[] temp = buffer.array(); // Get the underlying array containing the data.
byte[] pixels = new byte[(temp.length/4) * 3]; // Allocate for BGR
// Copy pixels into place
for (int i = 0; i < temp.length/4; i++) {
pixels[i * 3] = temp[i * 4 + 2]; //B
pixels[i * 3 + 1] = temp[i * 4 + 1]; //G
pixels[i * 3 + 2] = temp[i * 4 ]; //R
return pixels;
2 Initialize PointDetector2, use "Detect" interface to detect landmarks of target face
2.1 Initialize PointDetector2
PointDetector2 pointDetector = new PointDetector2(pointDetectorModel);
2.2 use "Detect" interface to detect landmarks of target face
SeetaPointF[] landmarks = pointDetector.Detect(image, seetaRects[0]);//if seetaRects not empty,seetaRects[0] is maximum face
3 Initialize FaceRecognizer2,carry out face register,face recognition or face compare
3.1 Initialize FaceRecognizer2
FaceRecognizer2 faceRecognizer = new FaceRecognizer2(faceRecognizerModel);
3.2 Face register
int registedFaceIndex = faceRecognizer.Register(image, landmarks);
3.3 Face recognition
float[] similarity = new similarity[1];//save the most similar face similarity value
int targetIndex = faceRecognizer.Recognize(image, landmarks, similarity);//targetIndex is the index of the most similar face in database
3.4 Current faces' similarities with registered faces in database
float[] crossSimilarities = faceRecognizer.RecognizeEx(image, landmarks);//crossSimilarities's length is the returned value of MaxRegisterIndex()
3.5 Clear registered face database
3.6 Compare two faces
float similarity = faceRecognizer.Compare(image1, landmarks1, image2, landmarks2);